• How to grow a rose from a cut flower? With this method you don't even need a gardener. How to grow a rose from a cut flower: planting and caring for the plant How to grow a rose from a cut flower at home


    How often it happens that for some celebration we are given a beautiful bouquet of roses, and after admiring the beauty of the incomparable flowers for a little while, we mercilessly throw them into the trash. But from the stems it is quite possible to grow a beautiful bush of the variety you like in your dacha or garden plot.

    For rooting, it is better to choose varieties of flowers that have been acclimatized here. Some roses (for example, Dutch), grown in greenhouse conditions in other countries, take root much worse. At the same time, it often happens that the grown hybrid plant has slightly different colors from the “mother”.

    How to grow a rose from a bouquet in the easiest way?

    – the process is long, but interesting. To cultivate full-fledged bushes, it takes 2-3 years. In order to obtain viable planting material, you do not need to root the cuttings immediately after receiving the bouquet. You need to wait a little until the buds fade slightly.

    The growing process consists of several stages:

    1. Using a sharp knife, cut off the flower, buds (if any) and leaves (the lower ones completely, the upper ones halfway) from the rose stem. We cut it into cuttings, each of which should be 15-20 cm long. They should have 3-4 intact buds (2 internodes).
    2. We make an oblique cut under the lowest bud, and make the upper cut 1 cm above the bud. We moisten the sections with water and then treat them with dry potassium permanganate.
    3. We prepare a bright raspberry solution of potassium permanganate, in which we soak the prepared cuttings for a day.
    4. We bury the disinfected planting material into a nutritious wood-humus substrate deeper and with a slight slope, leaving 2-3 buds above its surface. The root system of a new plant most often forms on the lower cut of the cutting.

    How to plant a rose from a bouquet correctly?

    To ensure good water and air permeability of the substrate, pour a mixture of river sand and peat onto its surface. To speed up the process of root formation, you can use special preparations such as Heteroauxin or Kornevin, available in any flower shop. We dilute the root growth stimulator in accordance with the instructions supplied with it.

    Creating a greenhouse effect

    To ensure that rose cuttings do not dry out and develop well, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them. For this purpose, we cover each cutting with a cut plastic bottle or glass jar, burying it slightly into the ground. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. When leaves appear on the cuttings, they can be periodically sprayed with soft water. The optimal temperature for rooting roses is 25°C.

    How faster?

    The plant obtained from the cutting will eventually sprout branches and the first buds may develop on it. To speed up the development of the root system, carefully remove the buds. When the first roots appear, we no longer spray, and often ventilate the plants. As a rule, rooting of roses occurs in about 1 month.

    A couple of months after the cuttings have rooted, we begin to transplant the roses into plastic or ceramic pots.

    For them we prepare a nutrient substrate consisting of a mixture of humus, river sand and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:3.

    Until autumn, such plants can be outdoors. Before frost sets in, we bring them into a cool room for wintering. The air temperature in it should be about 5°C.

    In the spring, we plant the overwintered cuttings in a permanent place in open ground. To prepare holes for planting, we dig the soil onto the bayonet of a shovel. Before planting, we add organic fertilizers to accelerate the further growth of young roses. When the first flowers appear, we remove them, as they deplete the plant.

    Using the above described method of rooting cuttings, you can get young rose bushes in 70-75% of cases.

    Growing roses from a bouquet using cuttings - video

    How to grow a rose from a bouquet cutting - video 2

    How to plant and grow a rose from a bouquet using cut sections of the stem? The method is based on general techniques for cutting plants. Considering that normally only every third of the planted cuttings takes root, it is advisable to collect as many of them from the bouquet as possible.

    Not all varieties of roses are equally easy to take cuttings. Polyantha varieties take root better than others, which means that when planting from a bouquet you should expect good results from them. It is known that Dutch hybrid tea roses from bouquets purchased in a store do not take root at all. The reason is not in their varietal properties; with normal propagation by cuttings, they still produce offspring, although the survival rate is low. You should not try to plant imported flowers because they are treated with special chemicals for better preservation.

    Rules for preparing cuttings

    Obviously, the fresher the stems taken for propagation, the more likely the success of the cuttings. However, some gardeners have had good results using the stems after the petals begin to fall. A cutting cut from a flower stem for rooting must bear two buds, but in order to have more planting material, cuttings with one bud are sometimes used. Suitable stems are selected from the bouquet: not too lignified, but not quite young and flexible, not the thickest and not very thin, and cuttings from them are cut from 7 to 15 cm long. They can be longer, but this will not affect the result will have an impact, and the material will be wasted. The lower leaves are removed, and a few leaf blades are left on the upper ones.

    All excess must be carefully cut off immediately below the lower bud and at a distance of about 1 cm from the upper one. The upper cut is straight, it can be treated with a disinfectant, for example, brilliant green, or sealed with wax or its synthetic resemblance from a candle for the same purpose. The lower part is cut obliquely at an angle of 45° and treated with a special product produced to stimulate root formation, such as Heteroauskin, Kornerost. These drugs contain phytohormones that enhance metabolism and cause an influx of necessary substances to the treated area. They are used in the form of a solution or powder according to the attached instructions.

    Planting cuttings in the ground and caring for them

    To successfully plant prepared cuttings, the main thing is to select the soil, provide the necessary microclimate and water correctly. One of the differences when rooting from a bouquet is due to the fact that it can be carried out not only in summer, but also in winter, although with less survival rate. In this case, future bushes, naturally, must be kept in a warm room, in boxes or flowerpots.

    The soil should be loose, contain enough air and retain moisture well. A slightly alkaline soil reaction is allowed, but neutral is best. Acidic soil is not suitable for roses. Pure coarse sand works well, but it is advisable to enrich it with nutrients by mixing it with garden soil, peat, and sawdust. Special soil for roses can be purchased at the store, especially if the future bushes are intended not for a flower bed, but for a flowerpot. You can root cuttings in boxes, providing a drainage layer under the soil.

    Cuttings planted in the soil must be covered to create a mini-greenhouse for them with a certain microclimate - a temperature of 20 - 26 ° C and a humidity of 85 - 90%. In order not to deprive the cuttings of sunlight (after all, it’s not for nothing that we left them two green leaves for photosynthesis), use glass jars or cut-off plastic bottles, or set up a greenhouse under a film. The bottle can be cut off at the bottom and placed with the neck up so that you can water through it. If there is no shelter, water is poured from outside, trying to maintain consistently moderate soil moisture. Accumulating moisture on the inner surface of the bottle indicates that watering is not required yet. Air humidity is provided by daily spraying.

    It should be borne in mind that even with ideal care, the survival rate of cuttings cannot be one hundred percent; in the best case, 8 cuttings out of a dozen planted take root. Some cuttings, without forming roots, develop at the expense of nutritional reserves. At first, they appear to be quite prosperous, but then they suddenly stop developing and die. This is the natural order of things, depending on the varietal characteristics; you should not be upset and expect more.

    With the start of shoot growth from the upper bud, about a month after planting, the plant begins to be hardened, accustoming it to the open air. The greenhouse is opened slightly for a few minutes every day, increasing the duration of the procedure every day.

    With proper care of the cuttings, in 2 months or a little earlier they will form roots. Buds may appear, but in the first, and even in the second, year this is harmful to the development of the plant, they need to be removed. In the third year after planting, the rose bush you grew from a bouquet is ready for full flowering.

    How to grow a rose from a cutting - today there are many methods of propagation, let's focus on the simplest ones. So that even novice gardeners can grow roses from cuttings.

    Propagating roses from cuttings guarantees another magnificent flower in your garden. You can also grow a rose from a bouquet using a vegetative method, just as you sometimes want to get yourself a beauty given as a holiday gift.

    How to grow roses from cuttings at home

    This is a fairly simple method, which consists of cutting cuttings with three buds and then rooting them. But how to properly carry out cuttings? And is it possible to root them in water? Let's understand the issue.
    For cuttings, it is better to use the middle or top of an often strong, healthy woody shoot that is just beginning or has already finished flowering. From it, using a special garden pruner, you need to cut shoots from 10 to 15 centimeters long, each of which should have three buds. They need to be cut so that the lower cut (made at an angle of 45*) is directly under the bud, and the upper (straight) cut is above the bud. The technology for growing roses involves partial removal of leaves (this is necessary to reduce evaporation). The bottom leaf is completely removed, and the top ones are shortened by 1/3.

    Planting roses from cuttings

    Sufficient amount of light, air temperature +23-25*C, moderate watering and spraying. Prepared shoots can be rooted in two ways:

    How to plant a rose from a bouquet

    Often looking at a beautiful bouquet standing in a vase, you want to grow the same flowers. This desire is quite simple to realize: you need to take a healthy and strong stem, cut cuttings from it and grow rose bushes. For the idea to be a success, the flowers need to be prepared: the water in the vase should be changed every day, and at night the flowers should be immersed in a bucket of clean water up to the very heads. Cuttings should be done when the flower begins to shed its petals.

    Cuttings are cut according to general rules, but unlike brothers from the bush, each of them should have two (or even one) buds. This will increase the amount of planting material and improve survival rate. It is better to root shoots from a bouquet in the soil according to the general rules, but they must be stuck into the substrate strictly vertically, deepening to the bud. With proper care, they will take root in about a month and begin to produce young shoots (if buds appear, they must be pinched - the young plant should not waste energy on flowering). It should be noted that cuttings from local plants take root best.

    If the plants took root in the garden bed, then by winter it is better to dig up the first-year cuttings and transplant them into pots for wintering, which need to be put away in the house or in a dry cellar. And in the second year they can already winter in the soil, provided that a reliable shelter is installed.

    To grow a healthy plant that is not afraid of pests and diseases, they need to be properly cared for and, of course, fertilized. Young plants can be fed when new shoots reach a height of 15 centimeters. For feeding, it is better to use complex fertilizer (15 grams per 10 liters of water), infusion of mullein and herbs. Fertilizing with nitrogen should be stopped in mid-summer, but fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium can be applied until autumn.

    How to grow a rose from a bouquet, video

    Growing roses in potatoes

    In this way you can grow both a rose from the garden and from a given bouquet. You just need to prepare the cuttings according to all the rules. It is best to plant in pots with soil, because it is dangerous to leave them in the garden during the winter, unless you have a heated greenhouse or greenhouse, then you can place the cuttings there.

    If you grow cuttings in potatoes in a greenhouse, then you need to prepare a shallow, 15 centimeters row so that all the cuttings you prepared can fit. For this method, it is advisable to use cuttings of the current year, cut at the beginning of flowering.

    Now we prepare medium-sized young potatoes, remove all the eyes with the tip of a knife and insert the lower end of the cutting into the middle. We place the potatoes in a row, at the bottom of which a layer of sand is previously poured. The distance between the cuttings is 10-15 cm. We cover the greenhouse; if the cuttings are in pots or in the garden, then we cover them with glass jars.

    The first watering, immediately after planting, is carried out with water with the addition of potassium permanganate, light pink. Then, once every five days we prepare water for irrigation, add a spoonful of sugar per liter of water and pour this water over it.

    Gradually we begin to remove the jars or open the greenhouse so that the cuttings get used to external conditions. They can be kept under cover for no more than two weeks.

    In this method, the potatoes create nutrition and moisture for the roots and the cuttings grow faster. Therefore, this method is increasingly used to propagate roses.

    How to grow roses from cuttings in the fall

    Autumn planting of rose cuttings is necessary in order to keep the cuttings alive and fresh all winter, but to prevent rooting. So that when spring arrives, they are ready for planting and rooting in their permanent growing location.

    Most often, it is in the fall that the opportunity arises to get a cutting of some beautiful rose. Then this method is the most suitable. You need to choose a place in the garden where the most snow blows in winter. In that place we dig the prepared cuttings into the ground completely. Sprinkle a layer of dry peat on top; you can supplement the cover with spruce branches or dry leaves. This way the cuttings will be safe all winter, and in the spring they can be rooted and planted.

    How to care for planted cuttings

    Caring for cuttings is simple, but it is important to follow all the steps in order to get a beautiful, strong plant:

    1. Watering should be regular, but not excessive; if the soil is too wet, the roots will quickly rot.
    2. Spraying the leaves allows you to create the moisture necessary for better rooting.
    3. Compliance with the temperature regime is probably most important; at temperatures above 30 degrees, there is a chance that the planting material will simply “cook”. In addition, if the greenhouse is not constantly ventilated, then pathogens will immediately begin to manifest themselves in a warm and damp environment.
    4. Fertilizing is necessary at the growth stage, when the cuttings grow more than 20 cm; a complete complex fertilizer for flowers, such as Kemira, is perfect for this.

    How to grow a rose from a cutting? Not that difficult. The main thing is perseverance, quality care and adherence to technology.
    Watch how to cut roses correctly, a very useful video.

    Having received a gorgeous bouquet of flowers as a gift, we put them in a vase and hope that they will last longer. After all, I want to admire their beauty every day.

    Many particularly skilled flower growers, having received a bouquet of roses, try to grow them into a full-fledged living shrub. From this article you will learn how this can be done.
    It is worth noting that the process of growing a rose from a cutting is quite lengthy and very complex. It will take two or three years before a full-fledged rose bush grows. The process is quite complex and a positive outcome of the growing process is possible only with careful adherence to certain rules.

    In order to grow a bush from a beautiful rose, you don’t need to spoil a gorgeous bouquet. Flowers should delight you almost until they completely fade.

    When the flowers have almost faded, we cut off the leaves, buds and the flower itself from the cut branch, leaving a small cutting, about 15 cm in size. We cut the cuttings so that at least three buds remain on them, that is, there should be two internodes on each cutting. It is necessary to cut the cuttings with a sharp knife.

    A lower oblique cut is made under the kidney itself, and an upper cut is made 0.5 -1.0 cm above the kidney. It is important to maintain the dimensions, because if you leave the cutting longer, the shoot may dry out, since the cutting may not have enough water, because even without leaves, the cutting consumes water. In addition, water is also consumed due to evaporation from the surface. How to grow a rose from a cut flower photo: The cuts need to be moistened with water, then cauterized with dry potassium permanganate. Then dilute a strong solution of potassium permanganate and soak the cuttings for a day.

    We plant the prepared cuttings in the ground, leaving 2-3 buds on the surface. The nutrient mixture is a wood-humus mixture. For better water permeability and air access, a mixture of peat and sand, preferably river sand, is laid on top. The cuttings are planted deeper, because the root system of a young plant is usually formed at the cut.

    To speed up root formation, you can treat with a growth stimulator, this could be the drug Kornevin or Heteroauxin, which are freely sold in stores selling or delivering flowers. The growth stimulator is diluted according to the instructions. Now we create a greenhouse effect; to do this, we cover the seedling with glass or plastic dishes. The soil should be kept moist, and the leaves of the cuttings should be sprayed periodically.

    For proper and rapid growth of the rose root system from a cut flower, as a rule, the first buds are removed. After the first roots appear, spraying is stopped and the seedlings are ventilated as often as possible. In about a month, the cuttings should root and it will be possible to do the first feeding.

    You can transplant the seedlings into pots after one and a half or two months. In this case, the pot is filled with a mixture of sand, humus and turf soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 3. The first winter in the life of a young plant is a rather difficult period. In October, the pot with the plant is brought into a room with a low temperature, approximately 3-5°C. In spring, the strengthened cuttings are already planted in open ground. The soil for planting is dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel and organic fertilizers are added.

    So, we have already received a young plant from the branch. But in the first year of life, it needs to be given attention, since it has not yet become stronger. For example, it is necessary to pick off flowers so as not to deplete the plant. With this technique, cuttings take root by 75-80%.

    We hope that your efforts will be crowned with success, and the roses will delight you with their blooming appearance.

    It often happens that having received a beautiful bouquet of roses as a gift, you want to extend its life not in a vase, but by growing a full-fledged bush. Particularly skilled gardeners can carry out the entire process of growing a bush from a cut flower without even thinking about it. What should beauty lovers do in such cases? In fact, it is worth noting that at least two years will pass before a full-fledged bush begins to show off under the windows at the dacha or in the house. Therefore, when starting to grow a rose from a cut flower, you need to be patient.

    Steps that must be strictly followed when growing roses

    1. Waiting until the flowers in the bouquet have almost completely withered is great because you don’t need to spoil the flower arrangement if you want to do gardening.
    2. After wilting, you need to use a sharp knife to get rid of the leaves, buds and the flower itself, thus forming a cutting. There should be two or three buds left on each cutting.
    3. An oblique cut should be made 1 cm above the bud. It is very important to strictly observe the specified distance, since if the cutting is longer, it may dry out due to lack of moisture. Even if the plant does not have leaves, the plant still needs water, which evaporates from the surface. After moistening the cut with water, you need to treat it with dry potassium permanganate, and then make a strong solution of permanganate and soak the cuttings in it for a day.
    4. When planting a cutting, pay attention: two or three buds should remain on the surface. It is best to use a wood-humus mixture as a fertilizer, and sprinkle a mixture of peat and sand on top. River sand is best suited, and cuttings should be planted as deep into the ground as possible.
    5. To accelerate root formation, treatment with growth stimulants is carried out. Such preparations are freely sold in flower shops.
    6. Next, you need a greenhouse effect, which can be achieved using a glass or plastic vessel placed on top. The soil must be constantly moist. The cuttings, in turn, need to be sprayed frequently.
    7. The root system will develop correctly and quickly if the first buds produced by the plant are constantly removed.
    8. After the first roots appear, spraying can be stopped and the seedling itself can be ventilated. After a month, you can carry out 1 feeding.
    9. After 1.5–2 months, the seedling can be moved into a pot. To do this you need to make a mixture. Mix sand, humus and turf soil in a ratio of 1x1x3 and fill the container with it. It must be remembered that the first winter for a young plant is a lot of stress and a very difficult moment. In this regard, in mid-autumn, a pot of roses must be brought indoors. The temperature in which will be quite low - about 3-5 degrees.
    10. After a successful winter, the cuttings will be strong and ready to be planted in the ground without shelter. When preparing the land for planting, it needs to be dug up and the nutrition improved with organic fertilizers.
    11. In the first year of a flower’s full life, open soil must be treated with care. First of all, this applies to flowers that, no matter how much you want to leave them, still need to be removed. Everything is done in order not to draw strength from the still young bush.

    If you follow all the rules and advice in the correct order and with special scrupulousness, after the first year its root system will be almost completely strengthened. As a result of the efforts and time spent, a strengthened, lush rose will certainly delight you with its luxurious blooming appearance.

    If you already have a rose bush under the window, but you want to grow another one, then you can use this method.

    In the summer, when the plant is in the midst of its wildness and produces young and strong shoots, you need to cut off one of them using pruners at a slight angle. Ideally, the chosen shoot should be like an ordinary pencil, because it is these seedlings that will withstand all the stresses necessary for full growth. Also, cut branches should be straight. Next, you need to cut them into cuttings approximately 23 cm in length. Having removed all the leaves from the lower half, you can begin planting.

    In open ground, in a bright, sunny area, you need to dig a trench and fill it with sand. We deepen the prepared cutting into the ground two-thirds and cover it with black soil on top. So far the process is unremarkable and the only thing left to do is to trample the soil around the future rose bush and take care of sufficient watering for complete and strong rooting. But, there is a little secret that makes this method unique. It is hidden in ordinary potatoes. Before planting the cutting in the ground, it must be stuck into the potato. The root crop will take care to constantly maintain a moist environment for the seedling. Thanks to her, at the end of August the cuttings will be completely ready for transplanting. Potatoes become the key to ultimately obtaining excellent quality planting material. Of course, all the sprouts need to be removed from the potatoes.

    You don't have to be a professional gardener to grow a rose from a cut flower. Decorate your own yard with fragrant roses that will be grown on your own - what could be more pleasant? A little patience, attention, care - and a blooming, healthy rose bush will reward you with gorgeous flowers and a good mood.

    Video: how to grow a rose from a cut flower

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