• Plasticineography in kindergarten on the theme: Summer. Junior group. Master class with step by step photos. Summary of modeling classes. Plasticineography “Summer Forest Abstract of summer modeling classes


    Plasticine painting "Rainbow mood"

    Age: 5 years old

    Head: Mineeva Valentina Mikhailovna, educator of the MBDOU CRR, children's school No. 6 "Fairy Tale", Vladimir Region, ZATO, Raduzhny.

    This work is designed for children from 3 years.

    We thought for a long time, wondered:

    What can surprise you?

    Finally figured out

    Our town "stick"!

    We are very happy

    Rainbow city for you:

    Here you can see the rainbow

    And the road is all beauty!

    From plasticine, you can sculpt not only voluminous figures, but also create beautiful creations on the plane. This technique has its own name - drawing with plasticine. This is a very entertaining activity for children. With them you can draw in the simplest technique - reverse application on glass.

    Equipment: wax plasticine (12 colors), a photo frame 20 by 30, a sketch of the work, a black marker (alcohol), modeling mat.

    Working process:

    It is necessary to remove the glass from the frame and put the finished sketch under it, and get ready to trace the drawing with a black marker on the glass.

    Circle and remove the pattern from under the glass.

    In the same position, transfer the drawing to the oilcloth. You need to start sculpting on the side where you painted (if the marker is on water based, will be erased when touching the glass, so an alcohol marker is taken). Remembering all the colors of the rainbow, you can start sculpting and drawing it (from the upper arc). By pinching off, the plasticine is applied to the glass without going beyond the next arc.

    "Nippers" are superimposed on the glass, touching each other so that there are no gaps.

    Having finished the rainbow and the sky (top of the picture), you can proceed to more detailed work. In order for the glass not to “roll” on the oilcloth (we have hot-melt glue), you can put another piece of cardboard.

    To make leaves and petals, you need to roll up either small balls or small sausages and apply them on the glass with light pressure.

    Intermediate result of the picture.

    For the earth, they decided to mix white and black, stuck it on. The picture is ready!

    The outer side (on which it was not sculpted) is inserted into the frame, and the working side is closed with cardboard).

    That's such a wonderful picture

    Beauty, well, just a miracle!

    And the girls are well done -


    In this work, perseverance is developed (many children came up and were interested in our occupation, but seeing painstaking work, they found another occupation for themselves), fine motor skills develop, thinking and imagination develop, tastes of beauty and aesthetics are formed. The girls liked this type of work, they enthusiastically told their parents about their painting. We hung the picture "Rainbow Mood" in the group.

    Summary of GCD in the second junior group on the topic "Hello, summer!"
    Theme: Hello Summer!
    - to form in children an interest in modeling from plasticine
    - contribute to the development of the general and fine motor skills hands;
    - to promote the development of imagination and creativity in children.
    - expand and consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons;
    - continue to develop skills in working with plasticine (rolling sausages, twisting sausages into a circle and creating a composition from the resulting parts);
    - reinforce children's knowledge of primary colors.
    - foster respect for wildlife;
    - to cultivate accuracy and respect for their work.
    Preliminary work: observing seasonal changes in nature while walking, reading and memorizing poems about summer, talking with children about the signs of summer, looking at illustrations on the topic.
    Materials and equipment: blue cardboard, half of A4 format, plasticine, board, napkins, summer illustration, plasticine butterfly, plasticine picture - sample.
    Lesson progress:
    Organizing time.
    Educator: Guys, it has become quite warm outside, spring will end soon and the long-awaited summer will come. Look at this picture. What season do you think is depicted in this picture?

    Children: Summer.
    Educator: Right! This picture shows summer. How did you get it?
    Children: The picture shows: the sun, green grass, butterflies fly, flowers bloom, berries are ripe.
    Educator: Well done guys, you are very attentive. But while we were talking, someone flew into our group. Guess who?
    The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up
    I didn't want to sleep anymore.
    Moved, stirred
    He flew up and flew away.
    Children: Butterfly.
    Teacher: You guessed right. A butterfly came to visit us. She really liked our picture. There are so many flowers on it, the sun shines so brightly, butterflies fly. She even wanted to get into this picture, but she cannot, because this picture is drawn, and our butterfly is made of plasticine. Guys, let's help the butterfly and make our own summer pictures from plasticine for it, and then the butterfly will be able to fly into your pictures. Do you agree?
    Children: Yes, we agree!
    Educator: But before we get to work, let's play a little.
    Physical education:
    In the morning the butterfly woke up
    Stretched, smiled.
    Once - washed with dew,
    Two - gracefully circled.
    Three - bent down and sat down.
    Four - flew.
    Stopped by the river
    Circled over the water.
    Children perform movements according to the text.
    Educator: Here we have a little rest, and now we can get to work. I want to show you how you can mold a flower, a sun, or a butterfly.
    The teacher shows a pre-prepared sample of the picture. We pinch off a piece of plasticine, the color from which we will sculpt. Then we roll out the sausage, then twist the sausage into a circle. We roll out a few more sausages, glue a circle on the cardboard, and around it a few sausages (rays) - it turned out the sun. In the same way, you can mold a flower (we twist the sausage into a circle, make a stalk from another sausage). Having glued several green sausages at the bottom of the cardboard, we will get grass. In order to get a butterfly, we need to mold a sausage, four circles and make a head for a butterfly. Now you can get started on your own.
    Children sculpt, the teacher helps those children who have difficulties.
    Final part:
    At the end, the children review their work.
    Educator: Guys, what did we sculpt today?
    Children: pictures of summer, grass, sun, flowers, butterflies.
    Educator: That's right, you worked hard, you got beautiful pictures. Now the butterfly will be able to stay with us and fly from picture to picture and admire your work.

    Attached files

    Lesson summary
    Modeling (plasticineography)
    Theme: “Spring landscape”

    (Senior group)

    Topic:“Spring landscape” (educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development” in integration with the educational area “Speech development”.

    Target: creation of a spring landscape in the technique of plasticineography.


    Educational: to teach how to make a background from plasticine on a plastic or cardboard base and a composition from plasticine on a flat basis using waste material.

    Developing: to develop an aesthetic perception of the natural world; develop a sense of composition, the ability to harmoniously place an image on the surface of the base.

    Educational: to cultivate love for creativity, goodwill, responsiveness, purposefulness; to form a positive emotional mood, interest and self-confidence.

    Preliminary work: reading works about spring, memorizing poems, observing spring phenomena on a walk, looking at illustrations about spring and talking about their content, talking with children on the topic “Landscape” - one of the types of painting; didactic games.

    Materials for the teacher: A sample of a spring landscape; white cardboard; plasticine; stacks; pumpkin seeds; napkins; flannelograph; musical recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Spring".

    Materials for children: white cardboard; plasticine; stacks; pumpkin seeds; napkins;

    Lesson progress

    Part of the lesson:

    Introductory part:

    Educator:- The guys in our group received a letter from the artist today. The artist received an order to depict a landscape.

    - But the artist has a problem: he has run out of paints and pencils, and he does not know what to do.

    Look at the tables, do we have paints or pencils?

    — And we don't. How can we help an artist?

    - Oh, guys, I know a very interesting technique called plasticineography (drawing with plasticine).

    - Guys, do we have plasticine?

    Children:- There is

    Educator: Can we help the artist?

    Children:- yes we can

    Educator:- In order to find out what kind of landscape the artist needs to draw, we need to guess the riddle:

    The blizzard subsided, the winds fell silent,

    The spruce needles are a little shiny.

    And Santa Claus sits in a sleigh,

    It's time for him to say goodbye to us.

    To replace him, majestically

    There is only one beauty.

    You know a lot about her

    The beauty is called...

    Children: - Spring

    Educator: Of course guys, it's spring.

    What are the signs of spring?

    Children:“Everything comes to life, the snow is melting, the sun is shining, birds are flying in, grass is starting to grow and the first flowers are appearing.

    Educator:- Well done boys. I suggest you go to the tables and help the artist complete the order.

    Main part:

    Educator:- Guys, there is a sheet in front of you, place it horizontally.

    - We start creating a spring landscape from the background of the work. Guys, how are we going to draw a landscape? We will draw with plasticine, like with crayons.

    We need to cover the upper part of the sheet with blue plasticine - the sky, and the lower part in two layers: the first layer is brown, and the second is green - the earth

    Educator:- We take a piece of blue plasticine and draw straight lines from right to left. And so we paint over the entire upper part.

    - Then we take a piece of green plasticine and draw straight lines from right to left.

    And so we paint over the entire lower part. Look closely at the sample.

    Then, with a finger, it is necessary to smooth out the formed lumps of plasticine, to even out the background.

    Children:- Smooth the plasticine until an even background is formed

    Educator:- In order to find out what objects will be in our landscape, the artist has prepared riddles for you. Ready to guess? So here's 1 riddle:

    white sheep

    They don't sit on the stove.

    And sail from afar


    Children: - Ready

    - Clouds

    Educator:- Well done guys, we will perform the clouds in the form of a snail

    - We take a piece of plasticine, put it on the board and roll out a long sausage.

    “Look carefully how I will do it.

    - And now we twist the sausage with a snail. Like this.

    - Well done boys. We place the cloud in the sky and flatten it with the index and middle fingers. Here we have a cloud.

    Ready to guess the next object?

    Listen carefully to the riddle:

    Not high, not low

    Not far, not close.

    Floats in the sky Shar-

    Hot like a fire.

    Children: yes ready

    - It's the sun

    Educator: Of course it's sunshine.

    - What color will we draw the sun? (yellow)

    - Take a piece of plasticine and roll it between the palms in a circular motion.

    - Let's make a ball.

    - Then we apply it to the cardboard and press it with our fingers so that such a cake is obtained.

    - Guys, what is missing from our sun? (Luchikov)

    - At the end of the sun index finger we lead small rays.

    - And in order for our sun to be beautiful, we will make incisions with a stack at each ray.

    - Look carefully.

    - And now the sun invites you to play a little. Do you want to play with the sun?

    Psychogymnastics “Sunny Bunny”

    Sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further across the face. Gently stroke him with your palms: on the forehead, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, gently stroke, so as not to frighten away, neck, tummy, arms, legs, he climbed into the collar - stroke him there. He is not a mischievous, he loves and caresses you, and you stroke and make friends with him. Take it in the palm of your hand, stroke it, let it go into the forest.

    I have the following riddle for you:

    high and green

    She will be beveled

    Sheep, goats and cows

    There is always her ready.

    Children: - Grass

    Educator:-Our landscape lacks young green grass.

    - What color do we need plasticine to depict grass? (in green)

    - That's right guys. We take a piece of green plasticine and pinch off 4 pieces the size of a pea. Roll out small sausages. It will be weed

    - We place 2 blades of grass in the foreground (closer to us). And the rest in the background (closer to the horizon). Now spread each sausage with your thumb up.

    - In the foreground, the grass is tall, and in the distance is small. We draw blades of grass with a stack. Look carefully at the sample.

    Educator: - Well, what is spring without the first spring flowers.

    - And to guess what flowers we will draw, a riddle will help us:

    With a soft white head

    Straight from under the snowdrifts

    comes into being,

    Little flower!

    Children: - Snowdrop

    Educator:- Well done boys. When spring comes, snowdrops break through the grass and reach for the sun.

    - Since the snowdrops have just begun to break through the grass, we can see small snowdrop buds with you

    - We will make a bud from 3 pumpkin seeds.

    - We take the first seed and place it in the grass. And so we place snowdrops in each blade of grass.

    “We have such a beautiful landscape. Guys who did it, sign your work on the back.

    Final part

    Educator:- Guys, take the work and go out on the carpet.

    - Tell me, what did we do today?

    What time of year is the landscape?

    - What methods were used?

    - Did you complete the task?

    - Well done boys. You got good work, neat and most importantly beautiful.

    - Now I suggest you organize an exhibition, for this, come to the locker room, and I will fix your work on the stand.

    — Thank you for your help and responsiveness. You are not only kind and sympathetic, but also very accurate. Please show how you know how to put everything in its place (everyone put in order their workplace)

    Title: Abstract of a modeling lesson in senior group"Spring landscape"
    Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, modeling, Senior group

    Position: educator
    Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten "Cinderella"
    Location: Volgodonsk city, Rostov region

    Modeling the seasons from plasticine is a great idea for children's creativity. Thus, it will be possible not only to learn distinctive features winter, spring, summer and autumn, but also help the child effortlessly distinguish colors and shapes. Playing with plasticine is always useful. Even simple processing of soft mass in the hands already contributes to the development of finger dexterity. And the creation of products of a certain theme, all the more contributes to the development of the mental abilities of the baby.

    In order to create summer from plasticine, you need to remember what we can see outside the window at this wonderful time of the year. Naturally, immediately before your eyes appear: the bright sun, blue sky, green trees, flowering meadows and insects that circle above them. This is exactly what needs to be reproduced from plasticine in order to get a real warm summer.

    1. To create a plasticine pattern, prepare a cardboard canvas. Also take blue and green pencils, they will help create a background.

    2. Gently, without too much pressure on the pencil, apply green strokes, creating a sketch of mounds overgrown with grass. And make the upper part of the drawing blue, while trying to increase the pressure on the pencil, moving towards the top.

    3. Take care of the sun and clouds right away. Blind white cakes, a long yellow thread.

    4. Stick the clouds on the blue sky, and form a bright sun from the flagella.

    5. Knead the green plasticine in your hands and create juicy greens. To do this, stick a lot of small blades of grass.

    6. Start attaching blades of grass to the bottom of the picture, placing them close to each other.

    7. Finish creating the grass strip at the base of the drawing. This will add depth to our summer landscape.

    8. Make a tree trunk out of brown flagella.

    9. Attach small dots to the clearing - dandelions.

    10. Continuing to green the landscape, stick the leaves on the tree in a thick layer.

    11. And finally, show all your imagination. Glue more flowers onto the drawing, add butterflies fluttering over fragrant flowers, and birds that have risen into the sky.

    The final look of the craft.

    Plasticine fantasy on the theme "Summer" is ready. We hope your child will feel like a real artist while creating such a colorful picture.

    Summary of modeling classes in the senior age group.

    Theme: "Summer in a forest clearing."

    Target: To teach children to reflect in their work impressions of summer, forest vegetation and inhabitants.


      Continue learning to write short stories.

      To consolidate the ability to pinch off the right amount of plasticine to sculpt a figure.

      Developmonologue speech.Develop children's imagination, the ability to come up with the content of their work. Develop creative activity.

      Cultivate an interest in modeling. Cultivate aesthetic perception.

    Course progress.

    Educator: guess the riddle.

    The sun bakes

    linden blossoms,

    Rye is ripening

    When does it happen?


    Close your eyes and listen to these beautiful sounds (the voices of birds in the forest in the summer are included) Guess where we are?

    Answers: in the forest.

    Slideshow "Summer in the forest".

    Now answer my questions, I hope you were attentive.


      What season is it now?

      How many months does summer last?

      Name the summer months.

      What features of June do you remember?

      What's special in July?

      How is August different from June and July?

      Is it fun in the forest in summer?

      Name the forest dwellers.

      What plants do you remember?

      What animals live in the forest?

      What animals have you met in real life: in the zoo or in the wild?

      What did you like most about the forest?

      How to preserve the beauty of the forest, name the rules of behavior in the forest.

    Game "What is summer like?":

    Answers: hot, warm, sultry, rainy, wonderful, cheerful, productive, long, short, long-awaited.

    Round dance game: "Summer."

    Children stand in a circle. With the beginning of the reading of the poem, they move in a jump in one direction, and Leto gallops in an opposite direction inside the circle.

    across the lawn,


    warmed by the sun,

    Behind the flowery moth

    Summer has passed.

    Bathed in the rivercircle stops

    Lie down on the sandsummer performs jumps in place

    Tannedsummer runs out of circle

    flew byand sit down for someone

    And disappeared into the distance.of those playing

    With the end of the text, the children are looking for where Summer hid. Whoever finds him behind his back goes to the middle. This is the new Summer.

    productive activity.

    Educator: Guys, let's split up and create our own forest clearing in groups. Let's remember what should be in the forest in the clearing.(Grass, trees, path, stump, flowers, strawberries, mushrooms, bunnies, hedgehogs, birds.)

    First, all together we will cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200byour glade with green plasticine, as if with grass. Then everyone chooses for himself what he will make and do the work. And in conclusion, we will fix all the items in our green meadow. But first, let's do a hand massage.

    Warm-up with a massage ball: finger movement corresponds to words .

    We took a massage ball and rolled it in our palms.

    It is prickly, like a hedgehog, it touches two palms.

    Up and down, and to the right, to the left, we roll the ball skillfully.

    To stretch our fingers, we will squeeze it.

    We knead each finger, then squeeze it into a fist.

    We do the work.

    We expose the resulting clearing, consider and evaluate what we have succeeded in, and what we still need to learn.

    Leave the work to show parents.

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