• Samsung wave gt s8500 firmware. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 smartphone firmware. Samsung GT-S8500 Wave firmware video


    Platform announcement bada was November 10, 2009. First device running the new operating system Samsung S8500, was presented to the general public on February 14, 2010 in Barcelona. Then the exhibition Mobile World Congress 2010 was held, and the day before it was presented the first “badafone”. The phone went on sale in May 2010. The version of the then very fresh operating system was 1.0. Soon, Samsung releases the first updates, the purpose of which was to eliminate the deficiencies found. Because didn’t bring anything global update, then the version was modestly called bada 1.0.2 . In autumn 2010, an updated bada installed on the receiver of the first wave - Samsung S8530 Wave II. The system index becomes 1.2. The growth of the index is associated with the emergence of new functions and the correction of a large number of shortcomings (). On February 15, 2011, Samsung showed bada 2.0 . This action took place at Mobile World Congress 2011. In the summer, new models from the Wave line were presented, which were running an updated operating system. Rumors, speculation, bits of information, everything came together and the dream lived that older waves would receive an update to bada 2.0 . So in the end it happened. Representatives of the company officially assured that the update would be and everyone began to wait stubbornly ...


    As soon as Samsung wave went on sale, its distinguishing feature was its excellent technical characteristics. A powerful processor, a metal body and the main novelty - a screen made using technology Super AMOLED. The problem was only in a very crude operating system, under which the device worked. However, the company quickly took up the elimination of shortcomings, because everything looked quite attractive - the system is new, but promising, it is developing quickly, it may well grow into a serious competitor Android. However, the start was good, but the further development is not very good. Everything was complicated by the fact that Europe received updates earlier than Russia or Ukraine. Of course, this state of affairs did not suit anyone, and therefore people went to the trick. The official firmware for the Baltics included quite normal Russian, which was no different from the Russian in the official firmware for Russia or Ukraine (this turned out later). Then a way was found when in the registry key of the program Kies the parameter was replaced and the phone could be updated to the Baltic firmware and use new functions. Everything seemed to be legal. Since that moment, a lot of time has passed and now there is a similar situation - Baltic firmware bada 2.0 yes, there is a Russian language in it, while there is no official firmware for Russia or Ukraine. So if you are the owner Samsung S8500 and live in Russia or Ukraine and want to see on your phone bada 2.0 then read below...


    To install on your phone Samsung S8500 new version of the operating system bada 2.0 you will need:

    1. Phone;
    2. Cable included;
    3. Computer;
    4. Firmware with bada 2.0 .

    So the firmware from bada 2.0 for Samsung S8500, Baltic, with the Russian language inside, you take here - link. It's free and without registration.

    If you follow the instructions, then everything will go well. And you will get a normally working device under control bada 2.0 . And yes, this is the official firmware. And yes, there is a Russian language. And yes, I flashed this particular firmware for myself and it works fine.

    Why do I need to flash with a multiloader, and not wait for the official release? I answer. It's already unbearable to wait, and others even flashed badly working betas for themselves and nothing. When the official version will be released is unknown. Considering how Kies works, it does not mean that you will be able to smoothly update the firmware even after the official release. You can always flash your phone to an earlier firmware version. You can always flash your phone to the official firmware for Russia or Ukraine. You can already use the functions of the new system.

    In other words, there are more pros than cons. The main thing is to do everything thoughtfully and point by point. Download the firmware. Open the instructions. You study carefully. Charge your phone fully. You take out a SIM card and a memory card from it and start sewing. It is desirable that the computer with which you will be flashing the phone has a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) or sewing with a laptop, there will be enough batteries even if the lights are turned off on the whole planet. You can do without it, but then do not complain that you once decided and then in the process cut the light.

    What is the difference between the Baltic firmware and the official firmware for Russia or Ukraine is difficult to say. Most likely the differences will be minimal. We can say for sure that there are no Russian and Ukrainian cities in the Baltic firmware. This complicates the ability to do preconfiguration (). But at the same time everything works fine. Calls, SMS and more. The phone will be normally detected in Kies and applications can be installed. By the way, applications can be installed both old (which you had on bada 1.2) and new ones, which will significantly expand the functionality of your phone.


    If you have read up to this point, you probably realized that there is nothing complicated or scary in the phone's firmware. You can now get a taste of the new operating system without waiting for Samsung to release official updates through Kies. And they promised updates before the end of the first quarter of 2012. And the last month of the first quarter is already underway. So draw your own conclusions. And besides, if you don’t like it, go back, it’s not a problem. The main thing is to be careful.

    P.S. If someone dared and successfully flashed the phone, describe your impressions. If you have any questions, you can ask them on the link - ask a question.

    No matter how unsuccessful the decision may be called by many of Samsung's attempt to release its own operating system for BadaOS smartphones, devices from the manufacturer's arsenal running under its control are characterized by high technical characteristics. Among such successful devices is the Samsung Wave GT-S8500. Hardware smartphone GT-S8500 is quite relevant today. It is enough to update or replace the system software of the gadget, and then it becomes possible to use many modern applications. How to flash the model will be discussed below.

    Manipulations on the firmware will require you to have the proper level of care and accuracy, as well as strict adherence to the instructions. In doing so, do not forget:

    All software reinstallation operations are performed by the owner of the smartphone at your own peril and risk! Responsibility for the results of the actions taken lies solely with the user who produces them, but not with the Site Administration!

    Before you start flashing the Samsung Wave GT-S8500, you need to do some preparation. To carry out the manipulations, you will need a PC or laptop, ideally running Windows 7, as well as a micro-USB cable to pair the device. In addition, to install Android, you need a Micro-SD card equal to or greater than 4GB and a card reader.


    To ensure the interaction of the smartphone and the flash driver, drivers installed in the system will be required. The easiest way to add the necessary components to the OS for the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 firmware is to install the software for managing and maintaining the manufacturer's smartphones -.

    Just download and then install Kies following the instructions of the installer, and the drivers will be added to the system automatically. You can download the program installer from the link:

    Just in case, separately download the driver package with the auto-installer from the link:


    All instructions below assume that you have completely cleared the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 memory before installing the software. Before you start installing the OS, copy important data to a safe place. In this matter, as in the case of drivers, Samsung Kies will provide invaluable assistance.


    To date, it is possible to install two operating systems on the Samsung Wave GT-S8500. This is BadaOS and more versatile and also functional Android. Official firmware methods, unfortunately, do not work, due to the cessation of updates by the manufacturer,

    but there are tools available that allow you to install one of the systems quite easily. It is recommended to go step by step, following the instructions for installing the software, starting with the first method.

    Method 1: Firmware BadaOS 2.0.1

    Samsung Wave GT-S8500 should officially run BadaOS. To restore the device in case of loss of performance, update the software, and prepare the smartphone for further installation of modified OS, follow the steps below, which involve using the MultiLoader application as a manipulation tool.

    1. Download the package with BadaOS from the link below and unpack the archive with files into a separate directory.
    2. Unpack the file with the flash driver and open MultiLoader_V5.67 by double-clicking on the application icon in the resulting directory.
    3. In the Multiloader window, check the checkboxes boot change, as well as Full Download. In addition, make sure that in the field for choosing a hardware platform, the item is selected. LSI.
    4. click Boot and in the opened window "Browse folders" mark the folder "BOOTFILES_EVTSF" located in the directory containing the firmware.
    5. The next step is to add files with software data to the flasher. To do this, you need to press in turn the buttons for adding individual components and indicate to the program the location of the corresponding files in the Explorer window.

      Everything is filled in according to the table:

      After selecting a component, click "Open".

    6. fields "Tune", "ETC", PFS remain unfilled. Before starting to load files into the device's memory, the MultiLoader should look like this:
    7. Put your Samsung GT-S8500 into the system software installation mode. This is done by pressing three hardware buttons on the switched off smartphone at the same time: "Volume Down", "Unlock", "Inclusion".
    8. The keys must be held until the screen displays: download mode.
    9. Additionally: If you have a “bricked” smartphone that cannot be switched to software download mode due to low battery, you need to remove and replace the battery, and then connect the charger while holding the key on the device "Hook off". The battery icon will appear on the screen and the Wave GT-S8500 will start charging.

    10. Connect Wave GT-S8500 to computer USB port. The smartphone will be detected by the system, as evidenced by the appearance of the COM port designation in the lower part of the Multiloader window and the display of the mark Ready in the field nearby.

      When this does not happen and the device is not detected, click the button Port Search.

    11. Everything is ready to start flashing BadaOS. Click Download.
    12. Wait for the files to be written to the device's memory. The log field in the left part of the MultiLoader window, as well as a filling progress indicator for transferring files, allows you to monitor the progress of the process.
    13. You will have to wait about 10 minutes, after which the device will automatically reboot into Bada 2.0.1.

    Method 2: Bada+Android

    In the event that the functionality of the Bada OS is not enough to perform modern tasks, you can take the opportunity to install the Android operating system in the Wave GT-S8500. Enthusiasts ported Android for the smartphone in question and created a solution that allows you to use the device in dual boot mode. Android boots from a memory card, but Bada 2.0 remains untouched by the system and starts when necessary.

    Step 1: Prepare the memory card

    Before moving on to installing Android, prepare a memory card using the application's capabilities. This tool will create the partitions necessary for the system to work.

  • When you have finished defining the parameters, press the button Apply at the top of the MiniTool Partition Wizard window,

    and then Yes in the request window.

  • After completing the manipulations with the program,

    get a memory card prepared for Android installation.

  • Step 2: Install Android

    Before moving on to installing Android, it is highly recommended to flash BadaOS on the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 by following all the steps of Method #1 above.

    The efficiency of the method is guaranteed only if the device has BadaOS 2.0 installed!

    1. Download from the link below and unpack the archive containing all the necessary components. You will also need the MultiLoader_V5.67 flasher.
    2. Copy to a memory card prepared using the MiniTool Partition Wizard, an image file boot.img and patch WI-FI+BT Wave 1.zip from the unpacked archive (Android_S8500 directory), as well as the folder clockworkmod. After the files are transferred, install the card in your smartphone.
    3. Flashing a partition "FOTA" via MultiLoader_V5.67 by following the steps of Method #1 of the S8500 firmware above in the article. Use the file to write FBOOT_S8500_b2x_SD.fota from the archive with Android installation files.
    4. Go to Recovery. To do this, simultaneously press the buttons on the switched off Samsung Wave GT-S8500 "Volume Up" And "Put the phone down".
    5. Hold the buttons until the Philz Touch 6 Recovery recovery environment loads.
    6. After entering the recovery, you clear the memory from the data contained in it. To do this, select item (1), then the cleaning function for installing new firmware (2), and then confirm that you are ready to start the procedure by tapping on the item marked in the screenshot (3).
    7. Waiting for the inscription to appear "Now flash a new ROM".
    8. Return to the main screen of the recovery and go to the item "Backup & Restore", then choose "Misc Nandroid Settings" and uncheck the checkbox "MD5 checksum";
    9. Re-enter "Backup & Restore" and run "Restore from /storage/sdcard0", then tap on the name of the package with the firmware "2015-01-". To start the process of writing information to sections of the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 memory card, press Yes Restore.
    10. The Android installation process will begin, wait for it to complete, as indicated by the inscription "Restore complete!" in the lines of the log.
    11. Go to point "Install Zip" the main screen of the recovery, choose "Choose zip from /storage/sdcard0".

    12. Return to the main screen of the recovery environment and tap on Reboot System Now.
    13. The first launch in Android can take up to 10 minutes, but as a result you get a relatively fresh solution - Android KitKat!
    14. To launch BadaOS 2.0, you need to press on the switched off phone "Make a call" + "end call" simultaneously. Android will start by default, i.e. on click "Inclusion".

    Method 3: Android 4.4.4

    If you decide to completely abandon Bada on the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 in favor of Android, you can flash the latter to the internal memory of the device.

    The example below uses the Android KitKat port, specially modified by enthusiasts for the device in question. You can download the archive containing everything you need from the link:

    1. Install Bada 2.0 by following the steps of Method #1 of the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 firmware above in the article.
    2. Download and unpack the archive with the necessary files for installing Android KitKat using the link above. Also unpack the archive BOOTFILES_S8500XXKL5.zip. The result should be the following:
    3. Launch the flash driver and write three components from the unpacked archive to the device:

    4. Add files similar to the steps of the Bada installation instructions, then connect the phone, put into system software download mode, to the USB port and press Download.
    5. The result of the previous step will be to reboot the device into .
    6. Follow the path: "Advanced"Terminal CommandSelect.
    7. Return to the main TWRP screen by pressing the button three times Back, choose an item Reboot, then Recovery and flip the switch Swipe to Reboot to the right.
    8. After Recovery restarts, connect your smartphone to the PC and press the buttons: Mount, "Enable MTP".

      This will allow the device to be defined in the computer as a removable drive.

    9. Open File Explorer and copy the package omni-4.4.4-20170219-wave-HOMEMADE.zip to the internal memory of the device or a memory card.
    10. Tap on the button "Disable MTP" and return to the main screen of the recovery using the button Back.
    11. Next click Install and specify the path to the package with the firmware.

      After sliding the switch Swipe to Confirm Flash to the right, the process of writing Android to the device's memory will begin.

    12. Waiting for a message "Successful" and reboot Samsung Wave GT-S8500 into a new OS by clicking the button Reboot System.
    13. After a long initialization of the installed firmware, the smartphone will boot into a modified Android version 4.4.4.

      Quite a stable solution that brings, let's say openly, a lot of new features to an obsolete device!

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the three methods of flashing the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 described above really allow you to “refresh” the smartphone in software terms. The results of executing the instructions are even a little surprising in the good sense of the word. The device, despite its advanced age, after flashing it performs modern tasks very worthily, so you should not be afraid of experiments!

    File size: 349 MB

    Release Date: December 2010
    Genre: Firmware and related software
    Developer: Samsung
    Platform: BADA 1.0.2
    CSC version: S8500XEJL2\CSC_S8500CISJK1
    Languages: English, German, Estonian, Kazakh, Vegerian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Ukrainian.

    It is a complete set of firmware (not only FLEX). The latest full firmware for Wave.
    ATTENTION! Re-flashing the device removes it from warranty service!
    Before updating, sync all data using Samsung KIES, because all phone memory will be formatted.
    Before flashing, remove the SIM card and USB flash drive.
    After connecting the phone, you may need to install the driver from semseyite (archived)
    If the phone is determined by itself, then it is not necessary.
    The firmware process itself:
    Run the programmer MultiLoader V5.64.exe
    In the program window, check the boxes next to LSI, Boot Change, Full Download. We write the paths to the files in points:
    - Amms
    - rsrc1
    - rsrc2
    -Factory FS
    - CSC
    - SHP APP
    We turn off the device. After turning off, hold down 3 buttons at the same time:
    volume down, power off and lock button.
    Download Mode will appear on the screen. We connect the phone with a cable to the computer. If the phone is detected in the flasher, the port number to which the phone is connected and the inscription Ready will appear below. Otherwise, click Port Search.
    When the phone is determined, click Download. The stitching takes 15-20 minutes.
    After flashing, the phone will automatically reboot.
    Post installation:
    After the first start, without returning the SIM card and memory card, you will need to prepare the phone for work.
    First, update the camera, enter the code on the keyboard:
    Press "6" item Video, then "3" Camera Firmware, then "2" Phone to CAM FW Write.
    We do not touch the phone until the update process is completed, it will take about 4 minutes.
    And finally, preconfiguration. Open the keyboard and type the code:
    Select Pre-configuration. A window will appear asking for the Operator code. Click on it and enter:
    We confirm the input. We get into the preconfiguration menu. Select SER and click "install".
    The preconfiguration process starts, at the end the phone will reboot and you can start restoring to return
    everything that you have saved - contacts, pictures, etc.
    We go to normal mode and the firmware is completed.
    Attention. If for some reason you need to exit the Download Mode on your phone before flashing, disconnect the battery.
    Even if during the update you received an error at one of the stages - DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR PHONE IN ANY EVENT!!!
    If you still get an error - just remove the cable from the phone without pressing anything on it,
    you can restart your computer. After the reboot, reload the Multiloader and start the firmware procedure from the beginning.

    On this page, we will not describe the pros and cons of this Android device, we really look forward to your feedback about the device. Here you will find and be able to download custom original firmware, the official version of MIUI v4 firmware, MIUI v5 android from our website, and you can also view video instructions for installing the firmware for Samsung GT-S8500 Wave and leave a review.

    To download the firmware for the phone Samsung GT-S8500 Wave with Android 7.0 Nougat (Nougat), Android 6.0 Marshmallow (aka Android M or Marshmallow) or Android 5.0 Lollipop (Lollipop), you need to read the page in full and find the link. There are also firmware Android KitKat 4.4.x (Kitkat) and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (Jelly Bean), as well as older versions, but we do not recommend downloading them, due to the fact that this is outdated software. The fifth version of Android has stepped far ahead of its predecessors, not to mention versions 6 and 7, worked out to the smallest detail. Below you will find an overview of the latest versions of Android and you can compare them.

    Do not forget to write a full review about this model in the comments. By doing this, you can help other users make a decision about buying a device.

    Firmware available: available.

    Download firmware

    When adding a review to our site through the comment system, do not forget to indicate your real email address if you need advice and you were unable to install the firmware according to our instructions. Instructions for firmware are on the download page. Our help in the form of consultations is free of charge and therefore there may be delays in our answers, as there are many people who want to. Firmware download for Samsung GT-S8500 Wave can be done both through a torrent with instructions in Russian, and directly without depositfiles and other bloodsuckers.

    Installation instructions

    • Click on the download link, choosing the firmware you need
    1. Download Android M firmware - we checked you, honestly M is Marshmallow, follow the second link
    • Download the file with firmware and application
    • Run application file
    • Select the required firmware version
    • Follow the instructions from the file archive

    Samsung GT-S8500 Wave firmware video

    Device price

    The price in local currency depends on the dollar exchange rate.

    useful links

    Rooting Samsung GT-S8500 Wave

    If you want to get root rights, I recommend that you use the program Rootkhp for computer is one of the new programs with a large database of supported Android smartphones and tablets. The program works only under Windows, for systems of the Linux and Mac OS families it is recommended to use emulators.

    You can download the program for free from the official website Rootkhp.pro which is easily found through Google.

    How to unlock pattern

    Removing a forgotten pattern, regardless of its complexity, has ceased to be a global problem even for a simple user who is not familiar with the security mechanisms of the Android operating system and its loopholes. Not so long ago, we came across a program to unlock the pattern key Gaigunlock (Gaigunlosk). Step-by-step instructions in Russian and a description of the program are published at the link above.

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