• What is the value of fish for human nutrition. What is useful fish, properties and contraindications. How many fish to eat


    Fish contains many nutrients that most people lack.

    These include high quality protein, iodine, and various vitamins and minerals.

    Fatty types are sometimes considered the healthiest. This is because oily fish such as salmon, trout, sardines, tuna, herring, and mackerel are higher in fat-soluble nutrients.

    These include vitamin D, a fat-soluble nutrient that many people lack.

    Oily fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are critical for optimal body and brain function and have been strongly linked to a reduced risk of many diseases.

    To meet your omega-3 needs, it is recommended that you eat oily fish at least once or twice a week. If you are a vegetarian, opt for omega-3 microalgae supplements.


    Fish is rich in many important nutrients, including high quality protein, iodine, and various vitamins and minerals. Fatty varieties also contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

    2. May Reduce the Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes

    Heart attacks and strokes are the two most common causes of premature death in the world.

    Fish is considered one of the most heart-healthy foods you can eat.

    Not surprisingly, many large observational studies show that people who eat fish regularly have a lower risk of heart attacks, strokes, and death from cardiovascular disease.

    One study included more than 40,000 US men. Those who regularly ate one or more servings of fish per week had a 15% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

    Researchers believe fatty fish are even more beneficial for heart health due to their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.


    Eating at least one serving of fish per week reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

    3. Contain Nutrients Critical to Development

    Many observational studies show that people who eat more fish have more low level mental decline.

    Research also shows that people who eat fish every week have more gray matter - your brain's main functional tissue - in the parts of the brain that regulate emotions and memory.


    Fish consumption has been linked to mental decline in the elderly. People who regularly eat fish also have more gray matter in the brain centers that control memory and emotions.

    5. May Help Prevent and Treat Depression


    Oily fish is an excellent source of vitamin D, an important nutrient that over 40% of people may be deficient in.

    7. May Reduce the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases

    Autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, occur when your immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissues.

    Several studies have linked omega-3 or fish oil intake to a reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes in children, as well as a form of autoimmune diabetes in adults.

    Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in fish and fish oils can help.

    Some experts believe that fish consumption may also reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, but the current evidence is weak at best.


    Eating fish has been linked to a reduced risk of type 1 diabetes and several other autoimmune diseases.

    8. May Help Prevent Asthma in Children

    Asthma is a common disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways.

    Over the past few decades, rates of this disease have increased dramatically.

    Studies show that regular fish consumption is associated with a 24% reduction in the risk of asthma in children, but no significant effect was found in adults.


    Some studies show that children who eat more fish have a lower risk of developing asthma.

    9. May protect your eyesight in old age

    Age-related macular degeneration (MAD) is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness, which most often affects the elderly.

    Some evidence suggests that fish and omega-3 fatty acids may protect against this disease.

    In one study, regular fish consumption was associated with a 42% reduction in the risk of macular degeneration in women.

    Another study found that eating oily fish once a week was associated with a 53% reduction in the risk of neovascular (“wet”) macular degeneration.


    People who eat more fish have a much lower risk of developing macular degeneration, the main cause of visual impairment and blindness.

    10. Fish can improve sleep quality

    Sleep disorders have become incredibly common throughout the world.

    Increased exposure to blue light may play a role, but some researchers believe vitamin D deficiency may also be involved.

    In a 6-month study, 95 middle-aged men ate salmon 3 times a week. This resulted in better sleep and improved their functionality during the day.

    The researchers speculated that this was due to the vitamin D content.


    Preliminary evidence indicates that eating oily fish like salmon may improve your sleep.

    Fish is delicious and easy to cook

    The fish tastes good and is easy to cook.

    For this reason, it is relatively easy to include in your diet. Eating fish once or twice a week is considered sufficient to reap the health benefits.

    Whenever possible, favor wild-caught fish over farm-raised fish. Wild fish tend to be higher in omega-3s and are less likely to be contaminated with harmful bacteria and antibiotics.

    You can bake fish, fry, stew and steam. It pairs well with a variety of vegetables and grains.


    You can cook fish in several ways. If possible, choose wild-caught varieties rather than farm-raised ones.


    • The fish is excellent source high quality protein. Fatty types also contain omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the heart.
    • What's more, eating it can provide a variety of health benefits, including protecting your eyesight and improving mental health in old age.
    • What's more, fish is easy to prepare, so you can add it to your diet today.

    Hi friends! In this article we will talk about which fish is the most useful for humans.

    I was asked yesterday if I now eat something else besides ""?☺

    I talk about them too often and write everywhere.

    No, I'm NOT a fan of sweets at all (from the word at all), but I just wanted to learn how to cook the right sweets.

    And, of course, they are not at all the basis of my diet.

    Our family is very fond of fish, and we eat it MUCH more often than meat.

    I decided to write this article about her, and a trip to Karelia inspired me to do this.

    There we visited a farm where trout are bred.

    And despite the fact that the fish looked beautiful and fresh, I did not want to buy it at all.

    After all, the information that the most useful fish is wild fish, the one that was born and raised in the natural environment, has long and densely settled in my head.

    Let's talk in more detail about which fish is the most useful, and which is not worth eating.

    From this article you will learn:

    About the fact that fish is useful, we are told from childhood.

    This product is truly unique.

    See for yourself, I will briefly list the main advantages of fish, how fish is useful:

    • Fish contains ESSENTIAL fatty acids

    I think that many people know that our body needs a constant supply of two essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - alpha-linolenic acid (OMEGA 3) and linoleic acid (OMEGA 6).

    These acids are not synthesized by our body, so we must get them from food.

    But, there are also two more OMEGA 3 fatty acids that are also vital to our body:

    • eicosapentoenoic acid (EPA)
    • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

    These acids are not interchangeable, they are very necessary for our body and are found mainly in fish!

    This is one of the main factors indicating why eating fish is so beneficial.

    The amount of OMEGA 6 to OMEGA 3 in our body should be approximately equal!

    But, in fact, in practice, we consume much more OMEGA 6 due to the fact that they are more common in foods than OMEGA 3.

    This creates an unhealthy imbalance in the body, which manifests itself in a variety of diseases (arthritis, depression, baldness, atherosclerosis, dementia, etc.)

    Based on this, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that you eat two to three fish dishes a week.

    • Fish is the source complete protein, which is quite easily absorbed in our body.
    • And fish is the richest source of vitamins and microelements, it is vitamin A, D, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, which are necessary for our body.

    Salmon has the most optimal balance of OMEGA 3 to OMEGA 6.

    The amount of EPA and DHA in this fish is perfect!

    The daily dose of Omega-3 fatty acids is 85 milligrams.

    This dose is found in just 100.0 salmon!

    Wild fish and farm fish - which one to choose?

    Today, all fish (including seafood) can be divided into two types: "artificial" or aquaculture (grown in artificial reservoirs on special feeds) and wild fish (grown in natural conditions)

    Here the opinion of nutritionists is unequivocal, you need to choose the fish that has grown in its natural habitat, that is, in rivers, seas and oceans.

    Captive-raised fish and seafood are fed food supplemented with hormones, growth promoters, antibiotics, dyes and preservatives.

    Today there are no strict requirements for the feed for this fish, that is, the dosage, quality, safety of these feeds are not regulated in any way.

    For example, artificially fed salmon contains 10 times more poisonous substances such as diphenyl and dioxin than wild salmon. These poisons accumulate in our body and suppress the immune system, affect the liver, kidneys, nervous system and, most importantly, have a mutagenic effect.

    Canthaxanthin dye is added to the food for "artificial" trout, which is very harmful to our eyesight.

    And another very important factor, in aquaculture fish, Omega 3 fatty acids are almost completely absent.

    What kind of fish can be grown artificially?

    So, the main list of fish that can be grown in aquaculture includes:

    • Salmon (salmon, salmon) - 90% of all salmon and trout on the shelves of our aquaculture stores
    • Dorada (fish are bred in rooms with special light and fed with special feed to make the meat white and tender)
    • Sea bass - Wild sea bass is listed in the Red Book. Everything that is sold in stores is farm fish.
    • Pangasuis and telapia are trash fish found in the dirtiest rivers in the world. But they also manage to grow this fish artificially, treating it with male sex hormones; such fish grows faster.
    • Sturgeons - most sturgeons are also listed in the Red Book, their fishing in the wild is prohibited. Everything we see on store shelves is mostly aquaculture fish.
    • Carp, crucian carp, haddock and carp can also be grown on fish farms.
    • Unfortunately, this also includes most seafood (mussels, oysters, shrimps, scallops, octopuses, lobsters, lobsters)

    What fish is wild?

    So, wild fish that has grown in natural conditions, which means it is more healthy and tasty, is:

    • Far Eastern salmon (pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, lenok trout, char, whitefish, etc.) is the main fishery of this fish in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Kuriles. This is the most useful red meat and red caviar. This fish feeds on phytoplankton and krill, it is rich in the strongest antioxidant and Omega 3.
    • Cod is a healthy dietary fish, especially cod liver, from which fish oil is produced.
    • Pollock - pollock is the closest relative of cod and the most accessible wild fish, which has a lot of useful properties. Pollock protein is absorbed by the human body almost completely, and in terms of the amount of iodine, equal to pollock simply cannot be found.
    • Saury - this fish cannot be grown in captivity. This wild fish is a real storehouse of vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids.
    • Herring is a common herring, in fact, it is the most valuable source of selenium, omega 3 and complete protein.
    • Mackerel - this beloved oily fish, also never grew in captivity, and has all the advantages of wild fish.
    • Flounder - I was amazed, but it is flounder that contains more omega 3 than salmon, this fish is recommended to be consumed in postoperative period for a quick recovery.
    • Also wild fish include: hake, blue whiting, navaga, greenling, capelin, sardines.
    • The best fish among river fish are recognized as pike and perch.
    • They didn’t artificially learn how to breed squid from seafood, but you can find imported fillets of it on sale. It is better not to use such a fillet because of its chemical processing, it is best to buy Russian-made Pacific unpeeled squids.

    How to choose the right fish?

    This plate will tell you how to choose the right fish.

    Read carefully and remember!

    Don't buy fish fillets.

    Very often, the bones are dissolved in it with a special chemical solution, and in order for the fillet to have a beautiful presentation, it is filled with water, salt, polyphosphates, dyes, ammonia and a bunch of other chemicals.

    How to cook fish properly?

    It is worth paying attention to such facts:

    Well, the most harmful way of cooking fish is smoking, especially hot. It not only kills everything useful in fish, but is also a source of carcinogens that cause cancer.

    Well, that's all, friends!

    What kind of fish do you buy most often? What is the healthiest fish for you?

    Alena was with you, be healthy and eat right!


    Along with meat, fish has always occupied a leading place among the favorite dishes of the world's population. For peoples living near water bodies, the main industry is fishing, and the main food is fish dishes, which are not only tasty, but also very healthy. However, not everyone knows that in addition to benefits, such food can also harm the body.

    Which is better - river or sea fish? The benefits and harms of using this product - what are they? What dishes can be prepared from fish? We will try to answer these and other questions in the article.


    It is believed that the protein found in fish is much better absorbed than the proteins found in foods such as eggs or meat. An important component in the composition of fish, so necessary for the human body to build proteins, is amino acids. The composition of the fish contains vitamins PP, H, D, A, B vitamins, a small amount of vitamin C. Trace elements that make up the fish: phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, potassium, bromine, fluorine, copper, calcium . Since fish contains a large amount of iodine, it is used in the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases. Its fat contains a large amount of omega acids, so oily fish is especially valued.

    Benefit and harm

    Fish meat and caviar are popular among obese people. A high protein content contributes to weight loss, so fish is an excellent product included in the menu of many diets. However, it should be remembered that dishes containing low-fat varieties are suitable as a dietary component, these are: bream, hake, perch, pollock, saffron cod, pike.

    The benefits of fish are as follows:

    • the metabolism of fats is normalized;
    • getting better appearance skin, teeth, hair and nails;
    • cartilage and bone tissue are strengthened;
    • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
    • reduced risk of disease diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, heart;
    • the immune system is strengthened;
    • improves brain function and overall well-being;
    • aging slows down;
    • depression goes away.

    Today, environmental pollution has a detrimental effect on the quality of water in reservoirs, and toxic substances emitted by factories destroy useful properties, and the benefits of fish are called into question. The cleanest varieties, in which the content of toxic substances is the lowest: salmon, sea bass, tuna, trout, scallop, sardine, halibut, herring, cod, catfish.

    How to identify low-quality and unsuitable for eating fish?

    1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the gills and eyes. The gills should be red, the eyes should be clear, red. If the fish is spoiled, the gills turn brown and gray.

    2. Mucus on the skin and scales should not have an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint.

    3. When pressing on the body of the fish, there should not be a dent.

    4. The pulp should not be loose.

    5. If the belly is yellow, this indicates that the fish is rotten.

    6. The presence of uneven ice growths indicates that the fish has been frozen more than once.

    There are cases when the seller, under the guise of one type of fish, is trying to sell a completely different one, so buyers need to know distinctive features some varieties.

    In order not to fall for the bait of deceptive sellers of fish products, it is best to cook fish dishes at home.

    River fish

    River fish and dishes from these varieties are very popular. River species of fish include: river trout, silver carp, bream, pike perch, carp, grass carp, pike, crucian carp, catfish, sabrefish, asp.

    This product contains many useful and nutritious substances. The use of river fish will strengthen blood vessels and help to cope with skin diseases. Due to its low calorie content, it is ideal for cooking diet meals River fish. The benefits and harms of the product should be known to everyone.

    So, you need to know that there are a lot of small bones in river fish, it should be used with caution, especially for children. Due to its short shelf life, it is recommended to buy still alive.

    red fish

    Sea fish is considered a noble food. It is divided into red and white. White fish include: salmon, white salmon, flounder, haddock, pollock, hake. Red - fish of the sturgeon family: pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, salmon, sterlet, beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon.

    A favorite dish of many is sea fish. Its benefits are undeniable. Red varieties are considered especially rich in valuable substances for the human body. Among their beneficial properties, the presence of omega-3 fats stands out. This is the so-called healthy cholesterol, eating which not only strengthens blood vessels, the immune and endocrine systems, but also prevents bone and cartilage diseases - osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis - and even cancer. Omega-3 increases the body's resistance to ionizing radiation, so people who eat red fish can safely sunbathe in the sun without risking a burn or sunstroke. The benefit of red fish is that eating it helps to maintain vision, and the look becomes clearer. Omega-3 fats speed up brain activity, improve attention and memory. Selenium, as well as vitamins A, D have the effect of natural antidepressants and protect the nervous system. Useful substances of red fish help to maintain the work of the heart muscle, stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

    Smoked fish

    Smoking has become a popular way of preparing not only fish, but also cheese, meat, etc. Many people like smoked fish. The benefit of this processing method is that it allows you to extend the shelf life of products. Smoke for smoking not only gives them a smell, but also preserves them qualitatively and protects them from harmful bacteria. When smoked, the fish is not enriched with harmful fats, and the beneficial properties are quite well preserved. Cold smoking is more gentle, because when heated, some of the substances needed by the body disappear.

    Along with the positive properties of smoking, there are also negative ones. So, the smoke used to process fish can contain substances that cause cancer, which is why this problem prompted technologists to invent liquid smoke. It is not as harmful to the body as usual. It should be said that products that have undergone liquid smoking are inferior in taste to those processed in a hot way.


    This is one of the most favorite products that decorates any table - both lunch and festive. The benefit of fish is that herring has a low calorie content and contains many useful substances: vitamins B, E, A, D, trace elements (iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium), polyunsaturated acids (Omega-3). The use of this product has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, lowers cholesterol in the blood. However, herring should not be abused, especially very salty, because salt retains water in the body and disrupts the functioning of all organs: pressure rises, heartbeat accelerates, kidneys and blood vessels suffer, and edema appears.

    Fish recipes: stewed trout

    Braising is a cooking method that preserves nutrients, and it is also suitable for diabetics and those who want to lose weight. excess weight, so the benefits of fish cooked in this way are undeniable.


    • wash and clean 2 pcs. trout, get rid of the entrails, rub lightly with salt;
    • Peel 2 onions and 2 carrots, cut into cubes or slices;
    • greens - parsley and celery - chop, but not too finely;
    • put vegetables in a shallow saucepan, add salt and 15 pcs. black peppercorns, put fish on top, pour white wine and olive oil;
    • cook under a closed lid over low heat for about 40 minutes, then put the fish on a dish;
    • fish sauce remaining in the pan, strain, add 40 g butter, egg white and mix quickly;
    • Pour sauce over fish and serve.


    Any river fish is suitable for fish soup, but now that the benefits of red fish are known, when preparing traditional fish dishes, white is increasingly being replaced with it.


    • it is necessary to throw 200 g of already pre-cleaned fish and an onion head into 2 liters of boiling and salted water;
    • while the fish is cooking, peel 2 potatoes and half a carrot, cut;
    • put the finished fish on a plate and cover;
    • throw potatoes and carrots into boiling fish broth, cook until half cooked, add 80 g of millet;
    • 5 minutes before readiness, throw bay leaves, 2-3 peas of allspice and ground on the tip of a knife into the pan;
    • when the ear is cooked, add chopped greens (onion, parsley, dill).

    homemade herring

    • To pickle herring at home, you first need to make a marinade: add 2 tsp to water (2 cups). salt, 1 tsp. sugar, 5 peas of allspice and hot peppers, 1 bay leaf, 5 pcs. clove seeds. Bring to a boil, cool.
    • After that 2 pcs. fresh herring, wash, clean, get rid of the insides, cut out the gills, cut off the fins, tails.
    • Cut the herring into pieces, put in a jar or deep, but not wide dishes, pour the marinade.
    • Put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 days.

    Fish is considered one of the most valuable food products. It is recommended to eat it weekly, at least twice. It is best to steam or boil. However, recently there has been a lot of information about the dangers of fish. Even deaths have been recorded after its use. So what is more in aquatic life: health benefits or life hazards?


    There are a lot of useful substances in the composition of fish. There are also vitamins A, E, and minerals. In particular, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron. Depending on the type, some elements are more, others are less.

    Fish meat contains easily digestible protein, amino acids, Omega. After analyzing the composition, we can say about the benefits of fish:

    • Fish meat contains high quality protein. It is well absorbed and saturates the body with essential amino acids.
    • With regular use of fish, blood clotting normalizes, the level of bad cholesterol decreases. The product reduces the risk of vascular liming, blockage of capillaries.
    • In the course of research, it was found that fish dishes normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, favorably affect the overall hormonal background.
    • Fish is famous for its high content of phosphorus, which is necessary for muscles, tissues and bones. Vascular walls remain strong and elastic for a long time.
    • Some varieties are very beneficial for the brain. Salmon, salmon activate mental abilities, increase efficiency.
    • There are types of fish that prevent myopia, relieve eye fatigue. For example, pollock.
    • Regular consumption of meat from marine life helps to strengthen nervous system, sleep normalization.
    • Those who prefer fish are not obese. It normalizes fat metabolism. Many of its types contain a minimum amount of calories.
    • Who often has a fish on the table, he can boast of strong nails, chic hair and elastic skin.

    Thus, the benefits of fish are multifaceted. Its importance is also great for the health of the cardiovascular system, and for bone strength, visual acuity, and for immunity, and for the brain, and for beauty. The product contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which are necessary for the full functioning of the body. The beneficial effects of fish meat are felt by almost all systems of our body.


    Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. Only those fish that have grown in natural reservoirs that are not polluted by industrial waste are useful. Moreover, its growth was not stimulated by the omnipresent hands of man.

    Fish can be harmful and even life-threatening because they absorb all the poisons in the water!

    • In the meat of the same tuna or salmon salts of heavy metals were often found. In particular, lead, cadmium, arsenic and even strontium. These substances are hazardous to human health.
    • The older the fish, the more poisonous elements it contains. And on the packaging in the store, the age of the seafood is not written.
    • Rare fish farms can boast of the quality of their products. Biochemical additives are used to build mass. Often, sick individuals are also sold.

    What can result in eating sick fish?

    • Heavy metal salts harm the kidneys, adrenal glands and ovaries.
    • Heavily infected individuals can provoke oncology and infertility in men.
    • Old fish often spoil the composition of the blood, disrupt metabolism and hormonal levels.
    • Irritation of the stomach, dysbacteriosis and diarrhea are the “lightest” consequences of a spoiled fish dish.

    Worst of all, it is almost impossible to recognize a sick fish in a frozen product. But you can try.

    • Always look at expiration dates.
    • Pay attention to the abdomen: it should be light. Yellow indicates "antiquity".
    • It is better to buy a cleaned fish. Most harmful substances accumulates in the intestines. And in the process of storage, poisons pass into meat.


    Different types of fish have different calories. Consider the most popular.

    Type of fish Kcal per hundred grams of the product
    Beluga 131
    Pink salmon 147
    Flounder 88
    carp 87
    Carp 96
    Pike 82
    Hake 86
    Smelt 91
    ice fish 75
    Bream 105
    Lamprey 166
    Pollock 72
    Blue whiting 82
    capelin 157
    Navaga 73
    Notothenia 156
    Tuna 97
    Cod 75
    sea ​​bass 103
    river perch 82
    Lobster 98
    Sturgeon 164
    Zander 84
    Sterlet 88
    Horse mackerel 114
    Mackerel 191
    saury 205
    Herring 248
    Halibut 103
    Salmon 219
    Saber 110


    It is contraindicated for all people to eat sick and old fish. It is advisable to give up fish dishes during pregnancy. Poisoned individuals can cause physical and mental impairment in the unborn child. To treat yourself to a safe fish, send your husband fishing in ecologically clean areas.

    Children cannot be completely deprived of fish. It is necessary for strengthening immunity, bone strength and mental development. The first fish feeding - from 8-9 months. Suitable low-fat varieties with delicate white pulp. Best of all, young ones who have not had time to grow to an impressive size. Naturally, only fresh. You can opt for ice fish, young cod, notothenia, hake, sea bass, blue whiting.

    It is necessary to introduce fish into the diet of children a little bit: an allergy may appear.

    The nutritional value

    Fish variety Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
    Beluga 18 4 0,1
    Pink salmon 21 7 0
    Flounder 17,5 2 0
    carp 17,7 2 0
    Carp 16 4 0
    Pike 19 0,7 0
    Hake 17 2,2 0
    Smelt 15,4 4,5 0
    ice fish 15,6 1,4 0
    Bream 17,1 4,1 0
    Lamprey 14,8 12 0
    Pollock 16 0,7 0
    Blue whiting 16,4 0,9 0
    capelin 14,5 11,5 0
    Navaga 16,3 1 0
    Notothenia 15,8 11,7 0
    Tuna 22,8 0,7 0
    Cod 16 0,6 0
    sea ​​bass 17,5 5,2 0
    river perch 19,4 0,9 0
    Lobster 14,9 1,9 0
    Sturgeon 16,5 11 0
    Zander 19 0,8 0
    Sterlet 17,1 6 0
    Horse mackerel 18,5 5 0
    Mackerel 18 9 0
    saury 18,7 20,9 0
    Herring 16,7 18,6 0
    Halibut 19 3 0
    Salmon 20,9 15,2 0
    Saber 20,5 2,9 0

    Vitamins and minerals

    Consider the vitamin and mineral composition of fish on the example of low-calorie saffron cod.

    Element name Quantity in 100 g % of daily requirement
    A (RE) 0.015 mg 1,7
    PP (niacin) 1.5 mg 24
    B1 (thiamine) 0.23 mg 15,3
    B2 (riboflavin) 0.09 mg 5
    B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg 5
    B9 (folic acid) 15 mcg 3,8
    E (TE) 0.6 mg 4
    C (ascorbic acid) 1 mg 1,1
    Calcium 40 mg 4
    Magnesium 40 mg 10
    Sodium 70 mg 5,4
    Phosphorus 240 mg 30
    Sulfur 190 mg 19
    Potassium 335 mg 13,4
    Chlorine 165 mg 7,2
    Iodine 150 mcg 100
    Iron 0.7 mg 3,9
    Zinc 0.9 mg 7,5
    Copper 130 mcg 13
    Cobalt 20 mcg 200
    Fluorine 700 mcg 17,5
    Manganese 0.1 mg 5
    Molybdenum 4 mcg 5,7
    Chromium 55 mcg 110

    Fresh fish, with such a rich composition, cannot harm. Cook right and provide your family with a portion of health.

    Fish - useful properties

    In recent times, mainly due to the media, the popularity of various seafood has increased dramatically, in particular, the most different types fish. The extraordinary beneficial properties of fish have been noted by people before, but now fish products are recognized as beneficial to an even greater extent.

    Inhabitants of areas that are located near rivers, lakes, seas and oceans eat a large amount of fish dishes, and this is partly why these people live longer than those who are not lucky enough to eat a sufficient amount of fish.

    Chemical composition

    It should be noted that fish of any breed is useful in one way or another. Moreover, its main benefit lies in the content of fish oil in it, a natural medicine necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, which we need for the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus. In addition, thanks to the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish oil, cholesterol is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels. For this reason, fish is an indispensable product for everyone whose age has gone to the fifth decade. If we compare the beneficial properties of river and sea fish, then we will get more arguments in favor of sea fish, and not river fish. As for taste, the attitude to fish meat in this matter is individual.

    Useful properties of fish

    Let's describe some of the most famous types of fish.


    In the most famous and beloved by all herring, however, just like in any other fish, all the main useful qualities of fish meat are concentrated. However, herring has another indisputable advantage - it is inexpensive. Herring meat contains a large amount of iodine compounds, and fish oil in it is almost a third of the mass. There is a pattern - the farther north the herring is caught, the fatter it is. In addition, this fish is useful for containing a large number of trace elements. If you take up their enumeration, you will have to name the lion's share of those that make up Mendeleev's periodic table. The calorie content of 100 grams of herring is 250 kcal. There is no need to even talk about taste. Herring is salted, marinated, fried - absolutely all culinary methods are suitable.


    River carp meat is extremely beneficial for the brain. It contains antioxidants, vitamin B12, which improves DNA synthesis and takes part in metabolism. When eating carp meat, the condition of the skin and the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, reaches the optimal level of sugar in the bloodstream. Here, the useful properties of this fish lies in the fact that phosphorus, which contains a record amount in carp meat, normalizes the chemical processes occurring in the cell. In addition, the substances contained in carp meat smooth out problems with the thyroid gland, reduce the likelihood of prostate diseases.


    Cod is considered extremely useful. In addition to the fact that cod meat is very tasty, no matter which cooking method you choose, it contains all the set of vitamins and minerals. Cod fish is especially useful for the brain, and not cod meat, but its liver, which is called “food for the brain” in consumer slang. In addition, cod liver contains substances that prevent the destruction of joints, reduce blood pressure, and increase the elasticity of blood cell membranes. The use of cod liver is an effective prevention of cardiovascular abnormalities.


    Remarkable in terms of usefulness for our body is salmon. It is clear that the meat of this fish is not sold at such affordable prices as herring, carp and cod, but its value is much greater than that of the listed representatives of the class of fish. One feature convinces of the unusual beneficial properties of salmon - the meat of this fish does not retain harmful substances. It's like it's self-cleansing. Therefore, salmon is considered absolutely harmless. Salmon meat is an omega-3 fatty acid that has recently become famous all over the world, as if by magic making a person young.


    We consider it necessary to mention the beneficial properties of mackerel, quite fatty and very delicious fish. This fish is useful in that the protein of its meat is absorbed three times faster than the protein of beef meat. There is also a high content of unsaturated fatty acids - powerful antioxidants.

    The versatility of the benefits of fish meat can be described endlessly. Incorporate fish into your diet and you will enjoy these endless benefits.

    Which fish is healthier (video)

    Today we invite you to talk about one of the most beloved products of the people of our entire planet. Haven't guessed yet what it's about? About fish. Sea, river, red, white ... Yes, yes, a person consumes fish in any form - boiled, fried, canned. And it pleases us with its unique taste, as well as its rich content of vitamins. It is noteworthy that even vegetarians sometimes allow themselves to indulge in fish. However, if fish is so healthy and so tasty, then why do the latest scientific studies undermine the “fish authority” a little and cast doubt on the fact that fish is a healthy and safe product for human health?

    We invite you to work with us today to find out what is more in fish - good or harm, and answer the question - what kind of fish can be eaten, and which one is better to refuse

    What is in the fish

    Surely, each of us at least once, but heard that the composition of the fish is rich in nutrients. These are vitamins A, E, D, such macro and microelements as calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium. Also, in the composition of fish, as in chicken meat, you can find high-quality protein - easily digestible by the human body. And, this protein contains almost all the amino acids necessary for the human body. All this is the approximate composition of the fish. It is quite clear that depending on the type of fish, it may vary slightly and there may be more of some components, and less of others ...

    Based on the above components that are part of the fish, we can draw our conclusions regarding the fish benefits.

    This is the saturation of the human body with the same high-quality protein, and the normalization of blood coagulation functions, as well as the reduction of harmful cholesterol in the blood. In addition, scientists say that regular consumption of fish and fish products contributes to the normalization of the thyroid gland and is an excellent prevention of hormonal disorders. And, those who regularly eat fish have no problems with vision, sleep and memory, these people do not suffer from malfunctions of the nervous system, live longer, and the condition of their teeth, nails, bones and hair causes envy and admiration.

    In addition, the benefits of fish also lie in the fact that it normalizes metabolic processes in the human body, contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, is the prevention of obesity, and with the help of fish dishes in your menu, you can even lose weight (this applies to boiled or baked fish ).

    Well, as you can see, this product really has a lot of useful properties ...

    Harm to fish

    But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple and unambiguous - fish can also be a harmful product. When and why this happens - read below ...

    • Fish can be harmful when, in addition to useful substances and vitamins, it also contains toxic and harmful substances. Also, for example, such types of fish as butterfish, brown pufferfish, pufferfish, moonfish, Crimean barbel, madder, sea pike are not recommended to be eaten. At best, you will get off with a severe eating disorder (this is at best!), But at worst, you just don’t want to think about it ...

    So every year in America, 325 thousand people die from infected seafood ...

    Now that we know all the secrets of fish, and we know that fish can be useful, but there are situations when it is better to refuse to eat it - let's talk about how best to cook fish in order to preserve the maximum of its nutrients, but nevertheless protect yourself from fish harm.

    Experts recommend the only true and safest way - boiling fish. So, it is in boiled fish that all its benefits are preserved. Alternatively, you can steam the fish, or bake it in the oven (not the microwave!). Ah, here is smoked, pickled, salted, dried, fried fish, canned fish- can be useful (and, then, with a big question mark), if they are fresh, and properly prepared ...

    Video recipe on how to cook baked fish with vegetables:

    How to choose the right fish

    If you are a fan of fish dishes on your table, then you definitely need to know about how to choose fresh fish.

    Well, you still found fresh fish, brought it home, but your plans for tonight do not include cooking it at all. How to properly store fish so that it does not deteriorate, because, as you know, fish is a perishable product. You can store it in the refrigerator for several days, but in freezer- fish can be stored for up to several months, the main thing is that it is not subjected to periodic defrosting and not re-frozen ...

    Peanuts nuts benefits and harms

    The benefits and harms of fish in human nutrition are the topic of our discussion today. Folk wisdom says: “The smart one is treated with food from nature, the stupid one is treated by doctors and healers, the insane one is treated by surgeons.”

    In order not to fall into the number of the latter, many people have finally realized the benefits of natural nutrition as an indispensable medicine for health. So it's time to pay close attention to fish as a valuable natural product. But what useful properties does she possess? Does it cure diseases? Is it harmful to health? We will consider these issues.

    The benefits and harms of fish in nutrition, treatment of diseases

    Since ancient times, mankind has been eating fish and considers it the most valuable natural product. It, unlike meat and chicken, is digested by the body better and faster: meat remains in the stomach for 4 hours, and fish for 2.

    Nutritional and health benefits of fish

    The benefits of fish for human nutrition and health are invaluable!

    1. It contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, E and D.
    2. It contains substances that normalize metabolism, regulate blood pressure and reduce the level of fats in the blood, relieve headaches and prevent the worst diseases of the century - diabetes, coronary disease and atherosclerosis, heal joints and improve brain function, is used to prevent osteoporosis, etc.
    3. People who often eat fish (especially sea fish) are 3 times less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases, look younger and feel great. For example, Eskimos who eat the meat of marine animals and fish do not suffer from heart and vascular diseases at all (this also applies to the Japanese): Omega-3 fatty acids thin the blood and prevent blood clots. And how many long-livers these peoples have, who have crossed the centennial milestone!
    4. Japanese scientists note that the more fish in the diet, the less likely the occurrence of breast or rectal cancer.
    5. In European countries, where food products are poor in iodine, eating sea fish three times a week helps to avoid thyroid diseases and the appearance of goiter.

    The benefits and harms of fish with a story and advice from doctors are well covered in a useful video. Be sure to check it out - you will be surprised.

    Recipes for fish treatment

    Fish oil is the most useful fish component. Remember how in childhood, caring mothers stuffed us with nasty-tasting fish oil?

    Now this valuable health product is packaged in capsules with the addition of vitamins, medicinal plants and seafood. It is very easy to use, which I advise you to do to rejuvenate the body, beautiful skin, hair and nails. At least 2 grams per day: break into portions for 2-3 doses, drink warm water, take 2-3 months.

    Along the way, you will notice that your joints hurt less and click, as this remedy restores cartilage tissue. But there are also contraindications, which you can read about in the instructions for packaging.

    Herring from overwork. If you are very tired, overworked, suffering from a breakdown and vital energy- eat a few pieces of ordinary herring, you will immediately feel better.

    Dried and powdered pike head in folk medicine is used to treat urinary incontinence. In this case, the powder from one pike head is brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk hot in one go. And cook delicious ones according to the recipes of royal feasts.

    Often people suffer from foot pain and heel spurs. Healers offer this recipe to help. You take any fresh or thawed fish, remove the bones, knead it with your hands into minced meat, put half in plastic bags, put your legs in them, and put on socks on top and sleep like that at night. In the morning, wash your feet with cool water and repeat the procedure with a new portion of fish for 9 days.

    Harm to fish

    Is fish harmful? Alas, of course. And the harm from fish to health can be huge!

    First. What you need to remember: when eating raw fish (or poorly thermally processed), especially river fish, you will definitely become infected with more than one type of worms. Few types of worms live in the gastrointestinal tract and are killed by antihelminthics. Eggs are carried by blood throughout the body.

    Second. Think also about the use of newfangled now sushi and dishes in sushi bars. If you do not live by the sea, then you will eat raw, not the first freshness (most likely rotten, treated with chemical additives from the stench) fish and seafood cooked by the dirty hands of not very neat cooks. This is especially true for holidays in exotic countries.

    Conclusion: fry and boil well, thermally process fish products, and do not blindly follow fashion. Health is more expensive.

    Third. Fish can be poisoned by the presence of ciguatera poison in it. This happens in cases where she manages to eat poisonous plankton. Fortunately, this rarely happens. But when buying fish, choose medium-sized and not old, then you will not be poisoned by radioactive substances, heavy metals, oil, mercury, which have already poisoned the seas and oceans, and fish absorb a lot of them over a long life ...

    Nutritionists are wary of smoked fish:

    The most dangerous nutritionists consider thin-skinned hot-smoked fish cooked on a fire. Less dangerous - industrial preparation. The safest, in their opinion, is thick-skinned cold-smoked fish. Take note of this.

    Fish is considered one of the most valuable food products. It is recommended to eat it weekly, at least twice. It is best to steam or boil. However, recently there has been a lot of information about the dangers of fish. Even deaths have been recorded after its use. So what is more in aquatic life: health benefits or life hazards?


    There are a lot of useful substances in the composition of fish. There are also vitamins A, E, and minerals. In particular, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron. Depending on the type, some elements are more, others are less.

    Fish meat contains easily digestible protein, amino acids, Omega. After analyzing the composition, we can say about the benefits of fish:

    • Fish meat contains high quality protein. It is well absorbed and saturates the body with essential amino acids.
    • With regular use of fish, blood clotting normalizes, the level of bad cholesterol decreases. The product reduces the risk of vascular liming, blockage of capillaries.
    • In the course of research, it was found that fish dishes normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, favorably affect the overall hormonal background.
    • Fish is famous for its high content of phosphorus, which is necessary for muscles, tissues and bones. Vascular walls remain strong and elastic for a long time.
    • Some varieties are very beneficial for the brain. Salmon, salmon activate mental abilities, increase efficiency.
    • There are types of fish that prevent myopia, relieve eye fatigue. For example, pollock.
    • Regular consumption of meat from marine life helps to strengthen the nervous system, normalize sleep.
    • Those who prefer fish are not obese. It normalizes fat metabolism. Many of its types contain a minimum amount of calories.
    • Who often has a fish on the table, he can boast of strong nails, chic hair and elastic skin.

    Thus, the benefits of fish are multifaceted. Its importance is also great for the health of the cardiovascular system, and for bone strength, visual acuity, and for immunity, and for the brain, and for beauty. The product contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which are necessary for the full functioning of the body. The beneficial effects of fish meat are felt by almost all systems of our body.


    Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. Only those fish that have grown in natural reservoirs that are not polluted by industrial waste are useful. Moreover, its growth was not stimulated by the omnipresent hands of man.

    Fish can be harmful and even life-threatening because they absorb all the poisons in the water!

    • In the meat of the same tuna or salmon salts of heavy metals were often found. In particular, lead, cadmium, arsenic and even strontium. These substances are hazardous to human health.
    • The older the fish, the more poisonous elements it contains. And on the packaging in the store, the age of the seafood is not written.
    • Rare fish farms can boast of the quality of their products. Biochemical additives are used to build mass. Often, sick individuals are also sold.

    What can result in eating sick fish?

    • Heavy metal salts harm the kidneys, adrenal glands and ovaries.
    • Heavily infected individuals can provoke oncology and infertility in men.
    • Old fish often spoil the composition of the blood, disrupt metabolism and hormonal levels.
    • Irritation of the stomach, dysbacteriosis and diarrhea are the “lightest” consequences of a spoiled fish dish.

    Worst of all, it is almost impossible to recognize a sick fish in a frozen product. But you can try.

    • Always look at expiration dates.
    • Pay attention to the abdomen: it should be light. Yellow indicates "antiquity".
    • It is better to buy a cleaned fish. Most of the harmful substances accumulate in the intestines. And in the process of storage, poisons pass into meat.


    Different types of fish have different calories. Consider the most popular.

    Type of fish Kcal per hundred grams of the product
    Beluga 131
    Pink salmon 147
    Flounder 88
    carp 87
    Carp 96
    Pike 82
    Hake 86
    Smelt 91
    ice fish 75
    Bream 105
    Lamprey 166
    Pollock 72
    Blue whiting 82
    capelin 157
    Navaga 73
    Notothenia 156
    Tuna 97
    Cod 75
    sea ​​bass 103
    river perch 82
    Lobster 98
    Sturgeon 164
    Zander 84
    Sterlet 88
    Horse mackerel 114
    Mackerel 191
    saury 205
    Herring 248
    Halibut 103
    Salmon 219
    Saber 110


    It is contraindicated for all people to eat sick and old fish. It is advisable to give up fish dishes during pregnancy. Poisoned individuals can cause physical and mental impairment in the unborn child. To treat yourself to a safe fish, send your husband fishing in ecologically clean areas.

    Children cannot be completely deprived of fish. It is necessary for strengthening immunity, bone strength and mental development. The first fish feeding - from 8-9 months. Suitable low-fat varieties with delicate white pulp. Best of all, young ones who have not had time to grow to an impressive size. Naturally, only fresh. You can opt for ice fish, young cod, notothenia, hake, sea bass, blue whiting.

    It is necessary to introduce fish into the diet of children a little bit: an allergy may appear.

    The nutritional value

    Fish variety Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
    Beluga 18 4 0,1
    Pink salmon 21 7 0
    Flounder 17,5 2 0
    carp 17,7 2 0
    Carp 16 4 0
    Pike 19 0,7 0
    Hake 17 2,2 0
    Smelt 15,4 4,5 0
    ice fish 15,6 1,4 0
    Bream 17,1 4,1 0
    Lamprey 14,8 12 0
    Pollock 16 0,7 0
    Blue whiting 16,4 0,9 0
    capelin 14,5 11,5 0
    Navaga 16,3 1 0
    Notothenia 15,8 11,7 0
    Tuna 22,8 0,7 0
    Cod 16 0,6 0
    sea ​​bass 17,5 5,2 0
    river perch 19,4 0,9 0
    Lobster 14,9 1,9 0
    Sturgeon 16,5 11 0
    Zander 19 0,8 0
    Sterlet 17,1 6 0
    Horse mackerel 18,5 5 0
    Mackerel 18 9 0
    saury 18,7 20,9 0
    Herring 16,7 18,6 0
    Halibut 19 3 0
    Salmon 20,9 15,2 0
    Saber 20,5 2,9 0

    Vitamins and minerals

    Consider the vitamin and mineral composition of fish on the example of low-calorie saffron cod.

    Element name Quantity in 100 g % of daily requirement
    A (RE) 0.015 mg 1,7
    PP (niacin) 1.5 mg 24
    B1 (thiamine) 0.23 mg 15,3
    B2 (riboflavin) 0.09 mg 5
    B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg 5
    B9 (folic acid) 15 mcg 3,8
    E (TE) 0.6 mg 4
    C (ascorbic acid) 1 mg 1,1
    Calcium 40 mg 4
    Magnesium 40 mg 10
    Sodium 70 mg 5,4
    Phosphorus 240 mg 30
    Sulfur 190 mg 19
    Potassium 335 mg 13,4
    Chlorine 165 mg 7,2
    Iodine 150 mcg 100
    Iron 0.7 mg 3,9
    Zinc 0.9 mg 7,5
    Copper 130 mcg 13
    Cobalt 20 mcg 200
    Fluorine 700 mcg 17,5
    Manganese 0.1 mg 5
    Molybdenum 4 mcg 5,7
    Chromium 55 mcg 110

    Fresh fish, with such a rich composition, cannot harm. Cook right and provide your family with a portion of health.

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