• Alternantera multi-colored for the home. Alternantera: tips for growing in a home aquarium. Alternantera betzikiana green


    There are more than 200 species of plants that differ in the size of the shrubs and the color of the leaves. The flowers are small and look inconspicuous against the backdrop of lush foliage. The leaves, depending on the type of bush, are from light green to purple. Gardeners appreciate plants with red tints for their decorative effect.

    Red Alternantera is most often found in an aquarium.

    Bushes grow up to 25 cm in height. They are sprawling, and after shearing, they spread like a carpet on the ground. There are grassy plants.

    A feature of the alternanther is that it changes color depending on the brightness of the light. Grow this tropical plant for the garden and aquarium. Popular types:

    1. Among aquarium plants, Reineka mini is distinguished. The shrub is fragile and brittle. It develops under water only if you pinch the top. Leaves up to 4 cm long green-red color.
    2. Among garden plants, Alternantera brazilian is distinguished. Its leaves are green-red with an orange tint. Plants of the Betzik species grow up to 15 cm in height. The leaves are sharp red, yellow or green.

    There are large-leaved, narrow-leaved, triangular-leaved and curly-leaved varieties.

    Growing a herbaceous plant alternantera for open ground

    Propagating a shrub is not easy. It may take about a year for the plant to start growing. Propagate in the following ways:

    • seeds;
    • dividing the bush;
    • cuttings.

    The first method is rarely used, mostly resorting to the last method. Cuttings are cut in the fall and immediately planted in greenhouse soil. The soil is prepared nutritious with a high content of lime, neutral acidity. The temperature in the greenhouse is maintained up to 25 ˚С. Cuttings take root in 3-10 days. The soil is kept very moist. After a week of hardening in the spring, the plant is planted in open ground.

    The division of the bush is propagated in May. 1-2 parts of the mother bush are planted in a separate hole.

    Despite the fact that the plant is a perennial, it is grown as an annual. It does not tolerate frosts below 0 ˚С. If the air temperature drops below 10 ˚С, the plant sheds its leaves. It is advisable to transplant the uterine bushes for the winter into a greenhouse.

    So that the plant does not lose its decorative effect, it is planted in a sunny area. With sufficient light, the color of the leaves is saturated.


    South America (Brazil); Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua); North America(Florida, Mexico)

    Development cycle:

    Development cycle:

    annual plant

    The soil:


    mechanical composition of the soil:

    light soils, loams

    Planting and breeding:

    breeding methods:

    seeds, cuttings

    features of seed reproduction:

    • seeds germinate at a temperature of + 12 + 18 degrees;
    • seedlings may vary in color

    vegetative reproduction:

    • cuttings are rooted in a warm greenhouse in April;
    • rooting occurs quickly, sometimes on the 3rd day;
    • cuttings are planted in pots with a diameter of 7 cm, one at a time;
    • with the end of frost, the plants are planted in open ground after a week of hardening

    spacing between plants:

    Cold resistance:

    does not tolerate frost

    Decorative properties:

    plant form, leaves


    Color spectrum:


    petals green or straw-yellow, lanceolate, 3-4 mm, pointed at apex, with villi, with 5 stamens and reed pseudostaminodes fringed along the edge between them


    white, capitate, spherical, 0.7-1 cm in diameter

    Leaf shape and color:

    leaves sessile, ovate to lanceolate, 1-7 × 0.7-1 cm, pubescent

    Fruit color and size:

    brown ellipsoid, 2 mm, pointed at the apex, with ovate-oblong seeds 1.4 mm long

    Decorative forms and varieties:

    in decorative floriculture, forms with purple leaves are used


    for carpet beds from annuals

    perennial herb or subshrub used as an annual

    In order for the leaves of the alternantera to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant must be planted in the sunniest part of the garden. Alternantera needs warmth, it does not tolerate frost. Soil prefers calcareous, nutritious, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.

    To decorate the site, the alternantera is most often used as an annual ornamental leafy plant, without bothering to transplant it into a greenhouse for the winter.

    Alternantera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its short stature, excellent tolerance for haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors make it possible to use this plant for carpet beds. curbs. alpine hills. flower drawings, curly compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanter an ovoid, spherical, comb-shaped shape.

    Sedentary Alternantera is used to decorate small ponds. In summer, it is planted to the bottom in shallow places or along marshy shores.

    Alternantera is very thermophilic, therefore, in winter, mother plants are transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants wintering outdoors in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternantera is transplanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

    Alternantera year-round needs moderate regular watering. It is not allowed to water with cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

    The main care event that the alternant requires is a regular, literally weekly haircut. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and fully acquires decorative effect.

    Alternantera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spread and carry it away for the winter in time. Winters in a cool room.

    Alternantera is propagated by division of old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. Planted plants should be in a bright and warm place for the first time. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternantera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the package can be removed.

    Diseases and pests

    Alternantera is characterized by resistance to diseases and pests. Potentially affected by gray mold, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies.

    Varieties and forms of Bettzik's alternantera

      ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’) - a plant with yellowish large leaves. ‘Juvel’ (‘Juvel’) is a large-leaved tall alternantera with carmine-red leaves. ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’) is a plant with densely spaced yellow leaves, dull green at the base. ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Gragged’) is a low-growing alternantera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

    Varieties and forms of alternantera toothed

      ‘Purple Knight’ (‘Purple Knight’) - high (up to 50 cm) alternantera with dark purple leaves. ‘Royal Tapestry’ (‘Royal Tapestry’) - an alternanther with leaves of red, copper-red, purple and burgundy.

    Varieties and forms of alternantera charming

      ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’) is a plant with olive green leaves with red spots. ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’) - undersized alternantera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint. ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’) is a plant with pink-violet-green leaves. ‘Metallica’ (‘Metallica’) is a tall large-leaved alternantera with dark brown leaves with a purple tinge.
      ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’) - Alternantera with golden yellow leaves. ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’) - a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.

    florets.ru ,

    Alternantera (Alternanthera) - ornamental perennial semi-shrub or herbaceous deciduous plant belonging to the Amaranth family. There are about one hundred and seventy species of this plant. The homeland of the Alternantera is considered Asia, Africa, America and Australia.

    Alternantera grows from five to twenty cm in height, forming a kind of leafy carpet. Alternantera blooms with small and inconspicuous inflorescences. It is very difficult to achieve flowering of this plant in room conditions. Alternantera got its decorative effect due to its unusual foliage. Foliage is located on an upright fragile stem, on short petioles.

    The leaves are lanceolate, opposite, have a red and green painted hue. Alternantera is a short, spreading bush. Grow Alternantera in the garden, and some species in home aquariums and ponds.

    Alternantera - leaving:


    In order for the leaves of Alternantera to acquire a bright color, it is necessary to place it in a well-lit place. With a lack of light, the leaves will quickly lose their decorative effect, and the stems will stretch and fade.


    The temperature regime for Alternantera should vary from eighteen to twenty-eight degrees. Temperatures below zero can be detrimental to the plant. Therefore, it is recommended in winter to ensure the air temperature is not lower than fourteen degrees. In the summer, you can take the plant outside for ventilation.


    Alternantera should be watered moderately during the active growing season. Do not allow the soil under the bushes to dry out. However, with high humidity, the plant may begin to hurt.


    Air humidity for Alternantera requires moderate. Additional spraying of the plant is not necessary. Only in winter, the plant needs higher air humidity, with minimal watering of the soil.

    Top dressing:

    Alternantera is fed during the period of active growth, which lasts from spring to the end of summer. For top dressing, complex mineral fertilizers with a minimum nitrogen content and organic fertilizers are used.


    Alternantera transplantation will be required at intervals of two years. A young plant does not need a transplant throughout the year at all. The transplant process is best done in autumn or spring. It is necessary to plant from two to three bushes in one flower pot, this will give the plant a beautiful splendor. The soil mixture for the Alternantera should contain soddy soil, humus, leafy soil and sand. You can also use a ready-made greenhouse soil mixture containing humus. A heavy and clay substrate will be detrimental to the plant.


    Throughout the season, you can divide the bushes into parts or take newly formed cuttings from them. The cuttings are cut off with a sharp knife, the lower leaves are torn off and deepened into the ground to the next remaining leaves. The soil around the bush must be well crushed. In order for the plant to take root well, it must be covered with a film or a jar and create a warm air temperature. After new leaves appear, the greenhouse can be removed. The process of dividing the bush will also not cause you any difficulties. At the same time, the long roots of Alternantera can be safely cut, they are very quickly restored and rooted.

    Some features:

    If the stems of the Alternantrera are cut regularly, the plant will branch very strongly and quickly weave into a carpet of charming foliage. This procedure is usually carried out in spring period before the start of active growth of the plant.

    Alternantera - diseases and pests:

    At proper care the plant is not harmed by insects and diseases.

    Latin name: Alternanthera.

    Family: amaranth (Amaranthaceae).

    Homeland: tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Asia, Australia.

    The form: perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plant.


    Alternantera is a perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plant. Plant height up to 25 cm. Alternantera stems are fragile, strongly branched, forming a sprawling bush. Leaves opposite, small, lanceolate. The color of the leaves is very diverse and is the main decorative value of the plant. In the light, the color of the leaves becomes brighter and more intense. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in capitate or spicate inflorescences.

    About 200 species of alternantera are known, and there is still a lot of confusion among the species names. Some species grow exclusively in water and are of interest only to aquarists. The main types of alternanters used in landscape design, have numerous varieties and forms.

    Alternantera Bettzika (A. betzickiana). Homeland - Brazil. Height up to 15 cm (sometimes up to 20 cm). Stems grow vertically, pubescent at the base. The leaves are spatulate, pointed at the ends. The color of the leaves is bilateral: olive-green above, yellow-red spotted below.

    Alternantera serrated (A. denticulata). Homeland - South America. Height up to 35 cm. Stems straight branched. The leaves are linear narrow, 3 cm long. The color of the leaves depends on the variety.

    Alternantera lovely, oralternantera dear (A. amoena). Homeland - Brazil. Height 10-20 cm. Stems strongly branched from the base, pubescent below, furrowed. The leaves are oblong lanceolate, pubescent below, with bright red petioles. The color is green-red-orange.

    Alternantera multicolored (A. versicolor). Homeland - Brazil. According to some opinions, it is a kind of Bettzik's alternantera. Height up to 15 cm. Strongly branched stems form sprawling bushes. Young shoots are pubescent. The leaves are broad, oblong, spatulate, tapering towards the petiole, wrinkled, obtuse, shiny. The color is variegated green-red-pink.

    Alternantera sessile (A. sessilis) is of tropical origin, growing along the banks of water bodies. The length of the stems is 20-50 cm. It spreads by rhizomes, takes root by stems. Thus, a decorative rug is formed along the shore and the surface of the reservoir. The leaves are opposite narrow, coloring from bright green to beet, depending on the lighting conditions.

    Growing conditions

    In order for the leaves of the alternantera to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant must be planted in the sunniest part of the garden. Alternantera needs warmth, it does not tolerate frost. Soil prefers calcareous, nutritious, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.


    To decorate the plot, the alternantera is most often used as an annual ornamental leafy plant, without bothering with the hassle of transplanting it into a greenhouse for the winter.

    Alternantera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its short stature, excellent tolerance for haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors make it possible to use this plant for carpets. flower beds, curbs, alpine slides, flower drawings, curly compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanter an ovoid, spherical, comb-shaped shape.

    Alternantera sessile is used to decorate small reservoirs. In summer, it is planted to the bottom in shallow places or along marshy shores.


    Alternantera is very thermophilic, therefore, in winter, mother plants are transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants wintering outdoors in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternantera is transplanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

    Alternantera year-round needs moderate regular watering. It is not allowed to water with cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

    The main care event that the alternant requires is a regular, literally weekly haircut. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and fully acquires decorative effect.

    Alternantera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spread and carry it away for the winter in time. Winters in a cool room.


    Alternantera is propagated by division of old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. Planted plants should be in a bright and warm place for the first time. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternantera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the package can be removed.

    Diseases and pests

    Alternantera is resistant to diseases and pests. Potentially affected by gray mold, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies.

    Popular varieties

    Varieties and forms of Bettzik's alternantera

      ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- a plant with yellowish large leaves.

      ‘Juvel’ (‘Juvel’)- large-leaved tall alternantera with carmine-red leaves.

      ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’)- a plant with densely arranged yellow leaves, dull green at the base.

      ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Garbnailed’)- undersized alternantera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

    Varieties and forms of alternantera toothed

      ‘Purple Knight’ (‘Purple Knight’)- high (up to 50 cm) alternantera with dark purple leaves.

      ‘Royal Tapestry’ (‘Royal Tapestry’)- Alternantera with leaves of red, copper-red, purple and burgundy.

    Varieties and forms of alternantera charming

      ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’)- a plant with olive-green leaves with red spots.

      ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’)- undersized alternantera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint.

      ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’)- a plant with leaves of pink-violet-green color.

      ‘Metallica (‘Metallica’)- tall large-leaved alternantera with dark brown leaves with a purple tint.

    Varieties and forms of multi-colored alternantera

      ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- Alternantera with golden yellow leaves.

      ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’)- a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.

    Varieties and forms of sedentary alternantera

      ‘Rubra’ (‘Purple’)- Alternantera purpurea has pink-red leaves.

    • Name: from Latin "altemans" - volatile, which is explained by the polymorphism of many species.

      Description: genus has about 200 species distributed in the tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plants used as annual ornamental and deciduous plants. The flowers are small, inconspicuous and have no decorative value. Used to decorate ponds Alternanter sitting (Alternanthera sessilis). Other species are considered to be the main crop among carpet plants for their decorative significance. They differ in considerable diversity in color, pattern and shape of the leaves. Grow in the form of low, sprawling bushes up to 25 cm tall. After shearing, they are very bushy. There is a great deal of confusion among species names that has not yet been resolved.

      Alternantera dear- Alternanthera amoena Voss

      Homeland - Brazil.

      Perennial undersized plant 10-20 cm tall. Stems are furrowed, branching from the base, pubescent below. The leaves are oblong-oval or narrowly elliptical, pubescent below. Their coloration consists of combinations of green, red and orange. The flowers are small, membranous, in small decorative dense, sessile inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

      According to Bailey, this species may include alternanthers found under the names: "amabilis", "spectabilis", "sessilis", "rosea", "rheinhardii", "metalica". Some authors f. amabilis is considered a separate species, pleasant alternantera- A. amabilis Lem. All of them differ in the shape and color of the leaves, mostly pink-red or bright orange.

      Photo of Mikhail Polotnov

      Alternaitera Betzika- Alternanthera bettzickiana Voss

      Homeland - Brazil.

      Perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plants up to 15 cm tall, growing vertically, pubescent at the base. The leaves are spatulate with pointed ends, variegated, olive-green with yellowish-white, reddish and white spots. The flower heads are located at the ends of the stems or in the axils of the leaves. This species has many varieties or forms with green, yellow and red leaves,

      The most common: f. aurea- with yellow leaves; f. paronychioides- with olive-red leaves; var. spathulata- with dark red leaves and stems; forms ( nana, compacta, magnifica, versicolor), as well as a typical form - var. typica Regel(more often called barbed alternantera - A. paronychioides short.) Compact bush up to 15 cm tall with rounded-lobed or oval leaves, slightly wavy along the edge and differently colored. On the same plant, there are green, light yellow, red, pink or variegated. According to Bailey, this may include: "picta", "tricolor", "aurea", "paranichyoides", "Juvel", etc.

      For practical purposes, all types and forms of alternant are combined into four groups:

      Large-leaved tall. For example, "Juvel" is the most beautiful among large-leaved forms. Part of the leaves, especially the upper ones, have a carmine-red color; "atropurpurea" (f. metalica) - leaves are almost dark brown.

      Narrow-leaved undersized. For example, A. amoena f. rosea is a short carmine-red leafed alternantera, one of the best in this group.

      Narrow-leaved and curly-leaved. For example, A. paranychioi-des papa compacta - the leaves are mostly brown with a red tint, up to 10 cm high; A. r. aurea major ("chroma-tclla") - bronze-yellow leaves; A. r. aurea papa - canary-yellow leaves with an admixture of green.

      Broad-leaved and triangular-leaved. For example, A. versicolor has glossy dark purple leaves with pink-red and white spots. This species has strong growth and is sensitive to cold weather.

      Location: sunny

      The soil: Prefer neutral, moderately moist soils.

      Reproduction: all of them perfectly and quickly reproduce by cuttings in a breeding greenhouse at a sufficiently high temperature. Rooting sometimes occurs already on the third day, usually on 8-10, the cuttings need a shade. After rooting, the cuttings are planted in 7 cm pots 1 each and taken out to warm greenhouses, where they are kept throughout April. 5-10 days before the release of seedlings, plants are hardened by ventilating greenhouses and removing frames. At this time, the plants acquire a characteristic leaf color.

      Care: All alternators cannot stand temperatures below 0°C. Landing in place is carried out after the end of spring frosts at a distance of 6-8 cm. Care consists in maintaining a certain height by trimming, watering and weeding weeds, while an even, colorful carpet is formed within a short period. The color of the leaves under the influence of the sun becomes more intense and spectacular. Easily tolerate a haircut. The mother liquors overwinter in bright greenhouses, near windows, at a temperature of 10-12°C. During the winter period, almost no leaves are shed, their color only noticeably pales.

      Usage: thanks to painted leaves and low growth, they are indispensable plants for arranging carpet beds and figured compositions.

    plants - Water alternanthers

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