• Remedies for California scale insects. Fighting Californian scale insects in the garden. External signs of damage


    The California scale insect is difficult to remove from the garden, as it is very polyphagous, affecting more than 150 crops. If measures are not taken in time, you may be left not only without a harvest, but also without the trees themselves.

    In general, there are more than 2,400 species of scale insects, but the most dangerous is the Californian one. Most often it is found on apple, pear and plum trees. But he doesn’t disdain cherries, apricots, cherries, acacias, peaches, willows, roses...

    It is best to hit the pest at the stray stage, that is, young larvae still without a shield. They move quickly and can spread throughout the garden. Interestingly, the mouthparts are twice as long as the body length. The scale insect then sticks to one place and acquires a shield, which has a camouflage color and looks like a small growth on a branch.

    By the way, the scale insect, despite its Californian origin, is very resistant to frost and freezes only in severe frosts, when the thermometer drops to -35° C.

    Due to the camouflage color and tiny size, it is very difficult to determine the presence of a pest in the garden. As soon as the trees in the garden wake up, scale insects also wake up. Having gained strength by May, they begin to mate. After which the females give birth to strays within two months. Such an extended period makes it very difficult to combat this pest. Vagrants can crawl up a tree for up to 76 days until they find a comfortable place.

    The fertility of each female is 120-400 individuals. The pest produces two generations per year. Red spots on fruits and scales on branches and shoots help identify the pest. Also signs of damage are loss of luster of the bark, drips of sap on branches and trunks... The yield is greatly reduced, and if urgent measures are not taken, the trees die.

    Having settled in numerous colonies, scale insects lead to depletion of plants, death of the bark, and deformation of shoots. The fight against this pest is a very labor-intensive process and must be carried out comprehensively, including: thinning branches, proper pruning, cleaning trunks of moss and dead bark, and clearing trees of root growth. All waste must be burned.

    To destroy pests, drugs based on fungi and pathogenic nematodes are successfully used: Avertin, Nemabakt, Aversectin. Of the chemical sprays, the best results are achieved when the scale insect is in the wandering stage. But treatments before bud break with DNOC or drug No. 30 are also effective. Treatments with Karbofos, Fufanon, Actellik, Sumition, Pirinesks are carried out in May and the treatment is repeated in June, when the second generation of strays appears.

    • Traditional methods are effective only with a small number of Californian scale insects: removing scale insects with a rag soaked in a soap or alcohol solution;
    • spraying with machine oil and soapy water diluted 1:10 (the treatment is carried out once every ten days);
    • spraying with pine extract...

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    Photo. California scale insect - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comst.)

    Systematic position.

    Class Insecta, order Homoptera, suborder Coccoidea, family Diaspididae, genus Diaspidiotus Berl. et Leon.

    Biological group.

    Pests of fruit crops.

    Morphology and biology.

    The body of an adult female is lemon yellow. It is hidden under a round, dark gray shield with 2 molt skins in the center. The diameter of the shield is 1.5-2 mm. The species is viviparous. During 2 months of life, the female gives birth to up to 150-200 yellowish stray larvae. The body of the hobo is clearly segmented, with a long proboscis, antennae, eyes and 3 pairs of legs. Body length 0.25-3 mm. In unfavorable weather conditions, the strays hide under the female's shield. Having settled, they stick to the plant, their body is covered with fluff, from which a shield is later formed. After 8-12 days, the first moult occurs, as a result of which legs, antennae and eyes are lost. After 2 moults, the larva turns into an adult female. The larval development of the male, in addition to 2 larval instars, also includes the pronymph and nymph stages. Male larvae differ from female larvae in the elongated oval shape of the scutum. The adult male is light orange in color with 2 wings. Its lifespan is only a few hours. Larvae of the 1st instar overwinter. They are distinguished by a larger black shield.


    Homeland - Far East of Russia, Northeast China and the north of the Korean Peninsula. Introduced with plants to many countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and Hawaii. B b. The USSR is found in Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea, the Caucasus, the Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, southern Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.


    Economic importance.

    Internal quarantine facility. Pest of apple, pear, plum, peach, sloe, currant and, to a lesser extent, cherry and quince. Apple harvest losses up to 15-100%. If the infection is severe, cracks appear on the trunk and branches, and the plants do not tolerate frost well. Seedlings usually die 3 years after infection. Affected apple and pear fruits with characteristic numerous red spots. To combat the Californian scale insect, quarantine control and disinfection of planting material are of great importance. Prospaltella perniciosi Town is used in biological control. Pheromone traps are used for monitoring.

    © Davidyan G.E.

    Latin name:

    Quadraspidiotus perniciosus


    Pest scale insect, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, Aspidiotus California, California scale, Chinese scale, Pernicious scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus, Comstockaspis perniciosus, Aonidiella perniciosus, Comstockiella perniciosus, Black pine-leaf scale


    Arthropods › Insects › Hemiptera (Homoptera)› Scale insects

    Literary sources:

    1. Batiashvili I.D. Pests of continental and subtropical fruit crops. Tbilisi: Publishing House Cargo. Agricultural Institute, 1959. 455 p.
    2. Borkhsenius N.S. Suborder Coccoidea. Scale insects and scale insects. / Harmful animals of Central Asia (Directory). Ed. E.N. Pavlovsky, A.A. Stackelberg. M.-L.: Publishing house. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1949. pp. 231-245.
    3. Borkhsenius N.S. Catalog of scale insects (Diaspidoidea) of the world fauna. M.-L.: Nauka, 1966. 449 p.
    4. Borkhsenius N.S. Practical identification of coccids (Coccoidea) of cultivated plants and forest species of the USSR. L.: Nauka, 1973. 311 p.
    5. Vasiliev V.P. Garden pests. Kyiv: Publishing house. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1955. 265 p.
    6. Pests of agricultural crops and forests. T. 1. Harmful nematodes, mollusks, arthropods. Ed. V.P. Vasiliev. Kyiv: Harvest, 1973. 496 p.
    7. Danzig E.M. Suborder mealybugs, or coccids - Coccinea. / Identifier of harmful and beneficial insects and mites of fruit and berry crops in the USSR. Comp. L.M. Kopaneva. L.: Kolos, 1984. 288 p.
    8. Californian scale insect in the USSR. Ed. A.N. Kirichenko. M.-L.: Selkhozgiz, 1937. 272 ​​p.
    9. Insects and mites are pests of agricultural crops. Insects with incomplete metamorphosis. Ed. O.L. Kryzhanovsky, E.M. Danzig. T. 1. L.: Nauka, 1972. 323 p.
    10. Pilipyuk V.I. Californian scale insect on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Plant protection. N 7. 1971. S. 43-44.
    11. Ryabtseva N.I., Shutova N.N. Californian scale insect in the Tajik SSR and measures to combat it. Stalinabad: Tajikgosizdat, 1954. 38 p.
    12. Savkovsky P.P. Atlas of pests of fruit and berry crops. Kyiv: Harvest, 1976. 207 p.
    13. Smolyannikov V.V. California scale insect - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comst.) in the USSR. / Proceedings of the Central Research Laboratory for Plant Quarantine. Vol. 1: California scale insect - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comst.). M., 1973. S. 1-19.
    14. Talitsky V.I. Scale insects and false scale insects are pests of fruit crops in Moldova. Chisinau: Gosizdat, 1954. 46 p.
    15. Shutova N.N. Ecological conditions for the existence of the Californian scale insect Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comst.) in the USSR. / Proceedings of the Central Research Laboratory for Plant Quarantine. Vol. 1: California scale insect - Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comst.). M., 1973. S. 20-27.

    Unfortunately, the life of a gardener is sometimes greatly overshadowed by the appearance of pests on plants. They can be quite insidious: some are difficult to notice and recognize in time, while others are very difficult to fight. Such a pest is the scale insect. To immediately help your green friends, you should get to know this enemy better. The photo will show you in close-up what scale insects are like.

    Scale insects or shield aphids (Diaspididae) are sucking pests of the homoptera family, suborder Coccidae. Depending on the species, an adult insect has a size from 0.5 to 5 mm, its body is covered with a kind of waxy shield (hence the name), which serves as reliable protection.

    Individuals of different sexes are very different from each other (sexual dimorphism). Females have neither legs nor wings, sometimes they even lack eyes. Their shell is more convex and rounded. Males are slightly smaller in size, have a pair of wings, normal limbs, a flat, slightly elongated carapace and reduced (simplified, underdeveloped) mouthparts. After mating, the males die. Females are less common than males and are completely motionless.

    Scale insect or shield aphid

    In most species of scale insects, females lay eggs, but viviparous specimens are also found (for example, the Californian scale insect). Larvae emerge from the eggs, and at first they move very actively. Having chosen a suitable place and attached to the plant, the larvae become motionless. Gradually molting, they become covered with a shield of shed skins and waxy secretions. The scutes are round or more oblong, brown, brown or white.

    Scale insects are very similar to false scale insects. The difference is that pseudoscale insects do not have a waxy shell, and the role of the shield is played by the skin of the female, which dies off during molting. When dry, it rises above the body, creating protection for the insect and laid eggs. Therefore, the shield of pseudoscale insects is more convex (similar to half a pea) and slightly larger in size (up to 7 mm).

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    Types of scale insects

    There are many types of scale insects (more than 2400), so the list of indoor, greenhouse and open ground plants they affect is also varied. Let us note only a few species of these insects that harm plants in open ground.

    Garden trees are harmed by such scale insects as violet scale (Pariatoria oleae Colvee), yellow pear scale (Quadraspidiotus pyri Licht), red pear scale (Epidiaspis leperii Sign), point scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi L.) and others, and bushes suffer from rose scale (Aulacaspis rosae Bouche) roses and blackberries.

    Purple scale insect
    Red pear scale

    Comma scale insect
    Rosen scale insect

    Ornamental trees and shrubs are affected by willow scale (Chionaspis salicis), poplar scale (Quadraspidiotus gigas Thiem et Gem), euonymus scale (Unaspis evonymi Comst) and others.

    Willow scale
    Euonymus scale insect

    Coniferous plants are susceptible to attack by fir scale insects (Syngenaspis pariatoriae Sulc), pine scale insects (Leucaspis pusilla Loew), spruce scale insects (Nuculaspis abietis Schr) and others.

    But the most common and dangerous are the Californian and mulberry scales, which are classified as quarantine insect pests.

    California scale insect(Quadraspidiotus perniciosus) - distributed everywhere and can be safely called omnivorous, as it damages about 200 plant species. The scutes of females of this species are round, colored to match the color of the bark (dark gray, sometimes with a brownish tint), up to 2 mm in size. The body is flat and lemon-colored. In males, the scutes are oval, up to 1 mm in size, gray in color (from light to almost black) with a yellowish tint. The body of an adult male is light orange, with one pair of wings, antennae and limbs, and is about 0.85 mm long. Young larvae ("strays") are light yellow, while mature larvae are similar to females.

    California scale insect

    The warmer the climate, the more generations of California scale insects develop in one year (from 1 to 4). The larvae overwinter on trunks and branches under the shields, withstand frosts down to -30 degrees, and some even down to -40. Some young females can also spend the winter in mild climates.

    Along with the spring awakening of plants, the larvae come out of hibernation and begin to feed intensively, and by the beginning of May there are only adult females on the trees. By this time, the males begin their years and mating occurs. The California scale insect is a viviparous insect. In the first half of June they give birth to larvae (about 100), then the female dies. The larvae crawl to choose a place to feed. Most often they stick near the kidneys, in cracks in the bark and begin to develop. In July, young mature insects appear. The full development cycle of this scale insect is approximately 30 days.

    Mulberry scale(Pseudaulacaspis pentagona) - has a wide distribution area. It is polyphagous (polyphagous), its “menu” includes many fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, it can even damage some vegetable crops - eggplants, pumpkins, fodder beets, carrots.

    The female's scutum is on average about 2 mm, white, sometimes gray-white, and round in shape. The body is yellow or light orange. The male's scutum is oblong, white, with a pair of longitudinal grooves. An adult male has a body of about 1 mm, bright yellow, always with a pair of wings, legs and antennae.

    The eggs are white (can have a cream or yellowish tint) and yellow (with a pink or orange tint). White eggs produce males, and yellow eggs produce females. Accordingly, the larvae of males are also white, and those of females are orange.

    Fertilized females overwinter near the mulberry scale. In the spring, when the air temperature reaches about 10 degrees, they lay eggs, which develop under the female's shield. In early May, mobile larvae appear. Having chosen a suitable place, they attach themselves, gradually form a shield and begin to develop. By the end of June, a new generation of adult females is ready. In August, oviposition of the third generation of scale insects occurs, from which adult individuals are already produced in October. Mating occurs and the females leave for the winter.

    What does the affected plant look like?

    The first sign that your plant is infested with scale insects will be the presence of a sticky, syrup-like coating on the leaves. This secretion is called honeydew or honeydew. They are formed as a result of the vital activity of sucking insect pests. In these secretions, sooty fungus actively develops, which causes serious damage to plants.

    Having examined your “green friend”, you will also notice gray-brown or off-white plaques on the trunk, branches, and lower parts of the leaves. These are females and adult larvae that suck the sap from the plant.

    Honeydew or honeydew

    For example, the Californian scale insect (like many other types of scale insects) in the first year after infection leads to the growth of new tissue in damaged areas. Therefore, tuberosity and unevenness of the bark is formed. The affected leaves first turn red, then become deformed and fall off. In the second year of infection, large colonies of scale insects are already formed, the growth and development of the plant slows down, and some branches die. In the third year, massive drying out of branches and leaves begins, and the bark cracks.

    And the mulberry scale, sucking out the juice, weakens the plant, the fruits become smaller, the yield decreases, they lose their presentation, and spots appear.

    Sometimes the clusters of scale insects are so large that they can be mistaken for growths on the bark. Young plants suffer the most, since they have little strength to fight the pest, and they often die.

    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to immediately notice scale insect plaques, and when the infestation becomes noticeable, it is already quite difficult to fight.

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    Causes of infection and prevention

    Most often, scale insects enter the garden with infected planting or grafting material. The larvae can be carried by birds, and the mulberry scale can even be carried by the wind.

    Therefore, when buying young seedlings or cuttings for grafting, carefully examine them. And in the future, carry out a systematic inspection of the garden, pay attention to changes in the appearance of plants. For example, if there are red dots on the fruit, then it needs to be examined urgently; Californian scale insects may be detected.

    The main preventive measures are:

    • crown thinning:
    • timely removal of dried and damaged branches, dead trees, and root shoots;
    • cleaning of damaged and lagging bark on trunks and skeletal branches;
    • proper watering and application of the necessary fertilizers, since a strong plant is more resistant to attack by pests.

    Pest control measures

    It is difficult to fight scale insects, since they multiply quite quickly, and the shell-like shield protects it from the effects of pesticides. All used control methods can be divided into groups.

    1. Mechanical. At an early stage of infection or if the plant is small, the affected branches or branches should be removed (followed by burning them). You can try to wipe insects off the leaves with a soapy sponge or a swab soaked in alcohol.
    2. Folk. In the fight against scale insects, folk remedies do not give good results. You can try spraying with a mixture of machine oil and soapy water (1:10); carry out the procedure at least three times every 10 days. Various herbal infusions are also used: onion, garlic, pepper, fern, tobacco, celandine, walnut. A mixture of 1% pine concentrate with a 0.5% solution of laundry soap and a 0.2% salt solution is effective against young larvae (vagrants).
    3. Biological. Entomophages (for example, blastotrix and others) can be used against scale insects. Mulberry scale and false scale insects are especially sensitive to biological agents. Biological methods also include fungicides based on fungi (avertin, aversectin) and pathogenic nematodes (nemabact). These drugs can be successfully used in the fight against Californian scale insects.
    4. Chemical. Unfortunately, such an insidious pest as scale insects cannot be dealt with without pesticides. But even when using potent insecticides, it is necessary to take into account the development cycle of these insects. Since the shell is quite good protection, the most vulnerable are young wandering larvae.

    The first stage of the fight should be carried out in early spring (before the buds open). This will help get rid of overwintering larvae. During this period, the plants are sprayed with nitrophen, karbofos, preparation No. 30, oleocuprite, and dnok.

    When sprayed with oily emulsions, a film is formed that deprives the scale insect of access to air, and also, flowing under the shield, poisons the insect.

    In case of severe infection, the plant should be sprayed again immediately after flowering with karbofos, actellik, rovikurt or rogor. The preparation Aktar gives good results; it can be used to spray the plant itself and the soil underneath it. In June, the treatment should be repeated, since at this time the Californian scale insect produces second-generation larvae. And if infected with mulberry scale insects, treatment must be carried out in September.

    The dosage of pesticides is always indicated on the packaging and must be followed. And since they are all quite toxic, do not forget about caution and personal protective equipment.

    The scale insect is a very insidious enemy, the fight against it is always long and difficult. But now you know how to get rid of scale insects in the garden. By treating the plants correctly and in a timely manner, you can cope with 90% of these pests. Then be patient, arm yourself with our advice and don’t give up. You will definitely be a winner!

    The California scale insect is an insect that causes major damage to fruit crops, as well as more than 200 species of forest and ornamental plants.

    What does it look like

    The female Californian scale insect has a scute with a diameter of 2 mm, color: gray-brown; In the center of the shield there are a pair of yellow plates. The female is under the shield, her body length is 1.3 mm, color: lemon yellow; the insect has no antennae, eyes or limbs.

    The size of male Californian scale insects is significantly less than 0.8 - 0.9 mm, its scutellum is oblong-oval (length up to 1 mm); the body is light orange in color with a transverse flat chest; there are antennae and well-developed wings.

    Young larvae (vagrants) – color: light yellow, oval body, 0.25 mm long.

    The larva of the second period reaches a size of up to 0.43 mm, is similar in body shape and color to the female, and is also covered with a shield.

    Development cycle

    The larvae of the first and second periods spend the winter hidden under the scutes of trees in cracks in the bark of trunks and on branches. They begin to wake up and actively feed in the spring, which coincides with the flow of sap in plants. After three weeks (April-May), during which the larvae will undergo two molts, they will turn into adult females.

    During this same period, male years begin. Their numbers are small, only 2 to 9% of the entire population.

    The location of scale insects on the plant is characteristic: males prefer leaves on the underside, and females are located on the petioles.

    After mating, larvae appear three months later. The California scale insect is a fairly prolific insect; the female, depending on the habitat and climate, lays from 90 to 550 pieces.

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    Larvae of the first period (vagrants) - so called because they are able to move around the plant. Coming out from under the female’s shield, they crawl along the branches of the plant in search of a place to attach.

    The California scale insect at the larval stage can live without food for up to a week. However, under favorable circumstances, it finds a convenient place, attaches itself and begins to feed. After this, a specific liquid is secreted - wax threads, they intertwine and form the larval shield, which darkens in a few days. A week after the formation of the scute, the larva moults for the first time, and over the next two weeks the second stage larva develops into an adult female.

    Before the first molt begins, the development of the male occurs in a similar way. Further development goes through all stages of complete transformation.

    The male, emerging from under the shield, practically does not feed, his life expectancy is quite short, and after the mating process the male dies.

    At the end of August, the second generation of strays will appear and will remain for the winter.

    Harm caused

    The Californian scale insect attaches itself to the trunk, branches, leaves and fruits of the plant and feeds on cell sap. Such a neighborhood has a very bad effect on plants: the bark cracks, the leaves become deformed and fall off, the shoots become bent, and the fruits in places of damage become covered with brown spots. With significant damage, trees weaken and die over time. The Californian scale insect is very adapted to climate change, withstands temperatures from -35° C to +43° C.

    Fighting methods

    • Strict compliance with the rules of the quarantine regime, the purpose of which is to prevent the spread of the pest;
    • Timely cleaning of trunks and branches from dry bark, removal of dead wood and damaged branches, root shoots, followed by burning.
    • Carrying out fumigation of planting material with purple methyl.
    • During the period when the “vagrant” larvae appear, treatment with insecticides is carried out.

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    - a very harmful insect. After all, it parasitizes one and a half hundred varieties of cultivated plants. In our conditions, the scale insect causes the most damage to fruit trees. Insects can be found on apple trees, cherries, pears, etc. Moreover, this pest affects leaves, branches, and even tree trunks. Naturally, not a single gardener will put up with the destruction of their green spaces. But before discussing how to deal with this pest, it’s worth getting to know it better.


    Female individuals lack legs, antennae or wings and have a round shield. The size of the insect is extremely small, usually about 2 millimeters. The shell takes on the color of the plant on which the pest feeds. A characteristic feature is the white border in the center of the shield.


    Males are slightly smaller (up to a millimeter), their scutum is oblong. They have a dark crossbar on their shell, and they also have developed wings, antennae and legs, and purple eyes.


    There are several forms of larvae:

    • a vagrant, recently hatched from an egg, up to 0.3 millimeters long. Has eyes, mouth, legs;
    • nymph, a transitional stage during the formation of the chitinous shell. The body is oval, the color is black.

    Damage caused by insects

    Since the Californian scale insect has no natural enemies, the insect reproduces at an impressive rate. It forms large populations on trees that actively suck out plant juices. The consequence of this is cracking and subsequent death of the tree bark.

    In most cases, the affected plant either stops bearing fruit at all, or produces fruits of minimal size that are unsuitable for food. Often, even in mild frosts, affected trees die.

    Signs of infection

    The main sign of the appearance of scale insects in the garden is the formation of round, brown scales on the leaves, which are difficult to separate from the surface. Another sure sign is the loss of tree bark of its natural shine, as well as the appearance of sap drips and gluing of individual leaves.

    Preparatory activities

    Before using chemicals to disinfest plantings, you should remove fragments of dead bark, dry branches, damaged and dried leaves, root shoots and thin out the crown. All removed parts of plants are collected and necessarily burned.

    What actions need to be taken?

    The fight against the Californian scale insect is quite difficult, but necessary. All control methods used today should be carried out in the first days of March, until the buds set on the trees. Tying to exactly this time is important, since the larvae overwintering on the bark wake up during this period and begin to feed.

    If we list the most effective measures to combat the Californian pest, then the first and main thing should be spraying trees with pyrethroids, neonictionides and other compounds including organophosphorus compounds.

    This procedure can even be called not spraying, but washing, since the plants are completely covered with the solution used. This is the only way to guarantee the complete destruction of the larvae and prevent further reproduction of adults. Specific effective remedies include: Aliot, Iskra-M, Inta-VIR, Kinmiks, Fufanon.

    In addition to the names of the drugs mentioned above, you should also remember about mineral oils. When they are used to treat trees, an airtight film of micron thickness is formed over their entire surface, preventing the larvae from breathing and contributing to their rapid death. These compounds are safe for people. The good thing about this method is that it can be used even if there are already ripe fruits on the treated plants.

    To ensure success, treatment can be repeated at intervals of 5 to 10 days. But you shouldn’t use insecticidal chemicals too often; in this case, you can damage the plants themselves.

    To help plants affected by scale insects recover faster, the usual measures are enough - fertilizing, abundant watering, etc.

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