• Methodology for conducting classes in educational institutions of primary and secondary professional legal education. Modern theory and methods of teaching law as a science Methods of teaching law textbook named after Kutafin


    Among the many sciences that exist in our society, pedagogical sciences play a special role, defining the humane mission of mankind - to pass on to their descendants all the baggage of knowledge that will allow them to create, change the world around them, live in peace and harmony. While educating and teaching those who own the future, our ancestors tried to find numerous patterns of how to do it better. Alas, it was not immediately possible to understand: what should be taught to our children? Why study at all? How to teach them? The methodology tried to give answers to all the complexities of the questions posed. The main task of which, according to experts, was to find, describe and evaluate teaching methods that would be very successful and achieve good results. The subject of any methodology has always been the pedagogical process of learning, which, as we know, includes both the activities of the teacher and the work of students in mastering new knowledge.

    The formation over the years of certain concepts in the field of legal education and upbringing of the younger generation, as well as a system of methodological techniques with the help of which certain goals of legal education were achieved, made it possible to state the fact of the birth of a relatively young field of knowledge - methods of teaching law. So called the pedagogical science of the tasks, methods of teaching law. It is well known that the system of sciences can be conditionally divided into natural, social and technical sciences. Since jurisprudence belongs specifically to the category of social sciences, the knowledge of how to better study the legal reality and pass on to their descendants the skills of legal regulation of social relations in order to achieve a happy and organized society can be classified as such sciences.

    The methodology of teaching law has as its subject a set of methodological techniques, means of teaching law, the formation of skills and behavior in the legal sphere. This is a scientific discipline that selects legal material for the school subject "Law" and develops, on the basis of general didactic theory, methodological tools for the formation of a legal culture in society. The method of teaching law allows you to improve educational process. Using its achievements, a professional teacher can prepare really literate, well-mannered people who will take their rightful place in public life. It is no secret that today it is legal knowledge that allows you to successfully conduct business, actively participate in political life country or just have a good income.

    The main tasks of the above science are:

    • 1) selection of educational legal material and the formation of special legal courses for the education system,
    • 2) creation of special legal training programs, textbooks and teaching aids,
    • 3) selection of teaching aids, determination of a system of methodological techniques and organizational forms of teaching law, as well as teaching a legal course,
    • 4) continuous improvement of methods of teaching law, taking into account the effectiveness of the application of existing Pevtsova E.A. Theory and methods of teaching law: Proc. for stud. higher textbook establishments. M., 2003. S. 11 ..

    The methodology of teaching law is a very dynamic science, which is due not only to the fact that legislation is changing, which needs to be considered differently, new norms of law and models of people's behavior appear, but also to the fact that the approaches of scientists to the organization of legal education, which provides for the formation of legal culture of society.

    Let us designate the main functions of such a science:

    • 1. Practical and organizational. It allows you to give specific recommendations to teachers on building a competent system of legal education and upbringing in the state. For this purpose, the experience of legal education abroad and in our country is generalized and systematized, certain patterns are identified that have proved to be very effective in education and the formation of human legal literacy.
    • 2. Worldview. This function ensures the formation of certain stable views of students on the issues of legal reality, understanding the value of law and its settings, and, consequently, the need to respect and comply with the laws of the state, the rights of the individual.
    • 3. Heuristic. It allows you to identify some gaps in the study of legal issues and, if necessary, fill them with new ideas for the transfer and understanding of legal life.
    • 4. Prognostic. As part of solving the problems of legal education, the formation of the legal culture of the individual, this function allows you to foresee the possible result of the learning process in the form of learning models and adjust the ways to achieve them.

    As part of the methodology of teaching law, the issues of organizing specific training sessions in law, diagnosing the knowledge and skills of students, as well as the scientific organization of the work of a teacher and a student are considered. Any professional in this field should learn how to create their own method of legal education (even if it will not be of an author's nature and will be formed on the basis of existing approaches to teaching law, with special differences, in relation to a specific audience of students). It is well known that nothing unique can be repeated, which means that there is no point in blindly borrowing someone else's experience accumulated over the years and generalized by science. In this regard, a law teacher should learn to creatively comprehend the proposed options for legal education Kropaneva E.M. Theory and methods of teaching law: Proc. allowance. Yekaterinburg, 2010, p. 9.

    Any training directly depends on goal-setting, i.e., the definition of goals, which, as a rule, come from the state (or are fixed by its power) and are shaped by the needs of social development. A goal is a mental representation of the end result pedagogical activity, so it defines necessary actions teachers to achieve it. The teacher, who organizes the cognitive activity of students, forms a specific goal in the unity of its three components:

    • 1. learning (we are talking about the assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities);
    • 2. education (formation of personal qualities, worldview);
    • 3. development (improvement of abilities, mental strength, etc.). Allocate general goals and specific (operational). The latter are connected with the organization of individual events, lessons. In 2001-02 work was carried out to clarify the general goals of legal education in our country. In the new state regulations (Concepts of civil science, social science and legal education, basic curriculum, instructive letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation), the importance of educating a person with a high level of legal culture, who knows his rights, duties and respects the rights of other people, is tolerant in communication, democratically and humanely minded in resolving legal conflicts, is determined. The goals of legal education can also include:
      • - raising the level of the legal culture of society;
      • - education of a citizen who is able to uphold and protect his own and others' legitimate interests, the formation of his active citizenship;
      • - formation of skills of lawful behavior, respect for the laws of the country and international law;
      • - formation of intolerance to violence, wars, crimes;
      • - the study of national and democratic traditions and values, on the basis of which the law is improved or its new attitudes are formed, and so on.

    The methodology of teaching law studies the methods of activity in the field of legal education - methods that can be very diverse, but all of them allow you to understand how to teach a modern student the law, how to develop his abilities, form general educational skills and abilities.

    Specialists identify forms of teaching law: group, individual, and so on. The methodology of teaching law has also created its own approaches to understanding the types of lessons (for example, introductory or repetitive - generalizing), teaching aids (workbooks, anthologies, videos, etc. - that is, what helps learning process and provides it).

    The methodology of teaching law is based on the cognitive abilities of children, the characteristics of their age, physiological characteristics of the body. In this regard, law education primary school will be markedly different from the same process in high school.

    The effectiveness of legal education is also judged by the achieved level of knowledge and skills of students, and therefore in the field of teaching methods, law, a whole mechanism for diagnosing the quality of education has been developed.

    The methodology of teaching law as a science is constantly being improved. There are new approaches of scientists to the learning process, things that are not effective in the practice of work are becoming a thing of the past.

    At the heart of any science, as a rule, there is a whole system of principles - initial principles, on which depends how this science will develop further, what it can give us today.

    The modern method of teaching law is based on the following principles:

    • - variability and alternativeness of models of legal education - this means that there are many different approaches in the field of teaching law and they really exist in practice (this is due to the lack of a single, strictly mandatory system of legal education: different regions have developed their own traditions and characteristics of legal education, which, of course, are based on the requirements of the State Standard of Knowledge);
    • - a student-centered approach that ensures the individualization and differentiation of teaching law (work with each student, based on his level of abilities, the ability to perceive legal material, which allows for the development, training of everyone who is included in the educational process);
    • - maximum activation system cognitive activity students based on their social experience (schoolchildren must learn to acquire knowledge on their own, actively participate in educational activities, and not be passive contemplators of what is happening, forcibly following the “instructions” of adults and teachers. In order for legal concepts to be better remembered and clear, it is recommended to diversify theoretical provisions of science with examples of real life in which the student is a participant - this is how his social experience is taken into account);
    • - education based on positive emotional experiences of the subjects of the learning process in the mode of dialogue cooperation "teacher-student" (legal training can be successful only at the level of mutually agreed, kind, respectful attitude of the teacher and students to each other);
    • - building a professionally competent and proven vertical of legal education, which is multi-stage in nature (teaching law in kindergarten, school, university). This means that legal education should be phased: starting in early childhood, it continues to the senior level at school, naturally, not limited to this;
    • - the introduction of a research component into the system of mutually agreed actions of a teacher and a student (in the process of teaching law, a teacher, together with his pupil, learns law, “discovering” new mechanisms of its action, systematizing, generalizing legal phenomena);
    • - use modern methods legal education, including telecommunication technologies, distance legal education and work on the Internet. New electronic law textbooks, multimedia programs require a different teaching methodology. Increasing importance independent work students. The traditional principles of education are taken into account: accessibility and feasibility; scientific character and taking into account the age, individual capabilities of students; systematic and consistent; strength; links between theory and practice; education in teaching Pevtsova E.A. Theory and methods of teaching law: Proc. for stud. higher textbook establishments. M., 2003. S. 12-13.

    It is worth agreeing that the methodology of teaching law is not only a science, but also a whole art, since no theoretical research or practical recommendations will ever replace the variety of methodological techniques that are born spontaneously and empirically among teachers. However, it has been proven that the most productive experience is created precisely on the basis of scientific knowledge, and not contrary to it.

    The general concept of teaching methods. Types, forms and methods of teaching jurisprudence. Advantages and disadvantages of traditional and innovative forms of teaching. Advantages and prospects of an integrative form of teaching jurisprudence.

    Topic 4. The specifics of jurisprudence as an applied discipline.

    Practical focus legal education. The use of official acts in the study of law. The ratio of dogmatic (theoretical) and practical (visual) material in the process of teaching jurisprudence.

    Topic 5. Methods of preparing and conducting lectures and seminars.

    The lecture is the main link of the didactic learning cycle. Functions of lectures. Classification of lectures according to goals and forms. Advantages of lecture-dialogue. Seminars and practical classes. Types of seminars. The structure of practical classes. Criteria for evaluating lectures and seminars.

    Topic 6. Game forms of teaching legal disciplines

    The role of examples of legal practice and business games (solving incidents (tasks), legal dispute, litigation, registration, paperwork, etc.) in the process of studying law. Methodology for compiling tests in jurisprudence and holding Olympiads in law.

    4. Independent work of students on the special course "Methods of teaching law"

    Independent work of students includes the study of all sections of the course. Independent work of students involves the development of the theoretical foundations of teaching and, above all, the implementation of practical tasks related to the direct formation of teaching skills.

    Topics of seminars and practical classes

    Topic 1. The originality of jurisprudence as a subject of teaching.

    1. Jurisprudence in the system of liberal education.

    2. The ratio of legal science and other humanities.

    3. Complexity in the study of general theoretical and branch legal disciplines.

    4. The value of inter- and intrasubject communications.

    Topic 2. The concept and types of forms of teaching jurisprudence.

    1. The general concept of teaching methods.

    2. Types, forms and methods of teaching law.

    3. Advantages and disadvantages of traditional and innovative forms of teaching.

    4. Advantages and prospects of an integrative form of teaching jurisprudence.

    Topic 3. Methods of preparing and conducting lectures and seminars.

    1. The concept and history of the development of lectures as a form of teaching.

    2. Classification of lectures according to goals and forms.

    3. Concepts and advantages of lecture-dialogue.

    4. The concept of seminary and practical classes. Types of seminars.

    5. The structure of practical classes.

    6. Criteria for evaluating lectures and seminars.

    Topic 4. Game and other forms of teaching legal disciplines

    1. The concept and types of game forms of teaching.

    Methods of teaching law is a pedagogical science about the tasks, content, methods of teaching law.

    Subject Methods of Teaching Law is a set of methodological techniques, means of teaching law, the formation of skills and behavior in the legal sphere. This is a scientific discipline that selects legal material for the school subject "Law" and develops, on the basis of general didactic theory, methodological tools for the formation of a legal culture in society.

    The main tasks of science are:

    1. Selection of educational legal material and the formation of special legal courses for the education system,

    2. Creation of special legal training programs, textbooks and teaching aids,

    3. Selection of teaching aids, determination of a system of methodological techniques and organizational forms of teaching law, as well as teaching a legal course,

    4. Continuous improvement of methods of teaching law, taking into account the effectiveness of the application of existing ones.

    The main functions of science:

    1. Practical and organizational- allows you to give specific recommendations to teachers on building a competent system of legal education and upbringing in the state.

    2. Worldview - ensures the formation of certain stable views of students on the issues of legal reality, understanding the value of law and its settings, and therefore the need to respect and comply with the laws of the state, the rights of the individual.

    3. Heuristic - allows you to identify some gaps in the study of legal issues and, if necessary, fill them with new ideas for the transfer and understanding of legal life.

    4. Prognostic - allows you to anticipate in advance the possible result of the learning process in the form of learning models and adjust the ways to achieve them.

    Education directly depends on goal-setting, i.e., the definition of goals, which, as a rule, come from the state (or are fixed by its force) and are formed by the needs of social development. Target - this is a mental representation of the final result of pedagogical activity, and therefore it determines the necessary actions of the teacher to achieve it. The teacher, who organizes the cognitive activity of students, forms a specific goal in the unity of its three components: learning (acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills); education (formation of personal qualities, worldview); development (improvement of abilities, mental strength, etc.).

    In science, general goals and specific ones are distinguished. So, the general goals are determined public policy in state regulations (Concepts of civics, social sciences and legal education, basic curriculum, instructive letters of the Ministry) the importance of educating a person with a high level of legal culture, who knows his rights, duties and respects the rights of other people, is tolerant in communication , democratically and humanely minded in resolving legal conflicts.

    The goals of legal education can also include:

    Increasing the level of legal culture of society;

    Education of a citizen who is able to uphold and protect his own and others' legitimate interests, the formation of his active citizenship;

    Formation of skills of lawful behavior, respect for the laws of the country and international law;

    Formation of intolerance to violence, wars, crimes;

    The study of national and democratic traditions and values, on the basis of which the law is improved or the formation of its new attitudes, etc.

    Specific goals they are connected with the organization of individual events, lessons.

    The content of teaching law at school is determined by the State Standard in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge of the educational area "Social Studies" (this document indicates that it is imperative that someone who studies law at school or otherwise receives secondary education must know how to check, diagnose the learning process in order to prepare schoolchildren was carried out qualitatively), and also expressed in programs, textbooks.

    The methodology of teaching law is based on the following principles:

    1. Variability and alternativeness of models of legal education - this means that there are many different approaches in the field of teaching law and they really exist in practice (this is due to the lack of a unified, strictly compulsory system of legal education: in various regions have developed their own traditions and features of legal education, which, of course, are based on the requirements of the State Standard of Knowledge);

    2. A student-centered approach that ensures the individualization and differentiation of teaching law (work with each student, based on his level of abilities, the ability to perceive legal material, which allows for the development and training of everyone who is included in the educational process) ;

    3. The maximum system for activating the cognitive activity of students based on their social experience (schoolchildren must learn to acquire knowledge on their own, actively participate in educational activities, and not be passive contemplators of what is happening, forcibly following the "instructions" of adults and teachers.);

    4. Education based on positive emotional experiences of the subjects of the learning process in the mode of dialogue cooperation “teacher-student” (legal education can be successful only at the level of mutually agreed, kind, respectful attitude of the teacher and students to each other);

    5. Building a professionally competent and proven vertical of legal education, which is multi-stage in nature (teaching law in children's sap, school, university). This means that legal education should be phased: starting in early childhood, it continues to the senior level at school, naturally, not limited to this;

    6. The introduction of a research component into the system of mutually coordinated actions of a teacher and a student (in the process of teaching law, a teacher, together with his pupil, learns law, “discovering” new mechanisms of its action, systematizing, generalizing legal phenomena);

    7. Using modern legal teaching methods, including telecommunication technologies, distance legal education and work in the Internet system. New electronic law textbooks, multimedia programs require a different teaching methodology.

    The role and significance of the methodology of teaching law lies in the fact that the methodology of teaching law is designed to equip the teacher with a whole arsenal of professional tools, techniques, methods of teaching law. It allows you to clearly formulate the objectives of training, provides the educational process with modern teaching methods, is associated with social science, law and history, within which the content of training is developed. The methodology of law is associated with psychology, pedagogy, individual legal branches and applied sciences.

    The domestic methodology for teaching law developed thanks to professional activity many specialists who have devoted their works to various aspects of this science. The intensification of scientific research in this area begins only from the middle of the 20th century. In the works of S.S. Alekseeva, B.C. Afanasiev, G.P. Davydova, A.V., Druzhkova, L.K. Ermolaeva, V.V. Lazareva, Ya.S. Shchatilo and many other authors raised questions of improving cognitive activity in the process of legal education.

    test questions

    1) What is the theory and methodology of teaching law as a pedagogical science?

    2) Describe the subject, goals, objectives and principles of teaching law.

    3) What are the main features of the course?

    4) What is the role of the methodology of teaching law in the system of social sciences and humanities?

    5) What is the relevance of studying legal disciplines in a modern school?


    Law education form - it is a stable completed organization of the pedagogical process in the unity of all its components. In legal pedagogy, the forms of education according to the degree of complexity are divided into: simple; composite; complex. Simple forms of education are built on a minimum number of methods and means, usually devoted to one topic (content). These include: conversation; excursion; quiz; offset; exam; lecture; consultation; dispute; "battle of erudite etc.

    Composite forms of education are built on the development of simple forms of education or on their various combinations, these are: a lesson; competition of professional skills; conference. For example, the lesson may contain a conversation, a quiz, briefing, a survey, reports And etc.

    Complex forms of education are created as a targeted selection (complex) of simple and compound forms, these include: days open doors; days dedicated to the chosen profession; weeks of civil, criminal law etc.

    There are many organizational forms of training, but, speaking of them, the following groups are distinguished: forms of organization of the entire education system(they are also called learning systems); forms of organization of training are: lesson, lecture, seminar, test, consultation, practice, etc.; forms of educational activity of the student (types); forms of organization of the current educational work of the class, group. Each of these groups is, in fact, an independent and distinct phenomenon. However, pedagogy has not yet found separate names for them and has not determined their exact composition.

    To date, the main forms of pedagogical communication in the "teacher-student" continuum are: monologue; dialog; discussion; polylogue. So, a monologue is a form of utterance without focusing on the interlocutor. The amount of information loss in a monologue message can reach 50%, and in some cases even 80% of the volume of the original information. Monologue in communication brings up people with a sedentary psyche, low creative potential. Research shows that the most effective form of communication is dialogue.

    Dialogue implies fluency in speech, sensitivity to non-verbal signals, the ability to distinguish sincere answers from evasive ones. At the heart of the dialogue is the ability to ask questions to yourself and others. Instead of giving peremptory monologues, it is much more effective to turn your ideas into questions, test them in conversation with colleagues, and see if they are supported or not. The very fact of the question demonstrates the desire to participate in communication, ensures its further flow and deepening. In dialogic relations, there are two forms of dialogue: internal and external.

    For the emergence of internal and external forms of dialogue, it is necessary for the teacher to create special conditions. When creating conditions for internal dialogue, you can design situational tasks following character to which include choosing a solution from alternatives; resolution of problem situations; search for judgments regarding a certain fact or phenomenon; solving problems of an indefinite nature (having no unambiguous solution); putting forward hypotheses and assumptions.

    To create the conditions for an external dialogue, the following are designed: an interrogative image of communication; exchange of opinions, ideas, positions; discussions; collective generation of ideas; opposing ideas, suggestions, evidence; polyfunctional analysis of ideas and hypotheses; creative workshops. To stimulate an external dialogue, it is assumed in advance for each of the participants: inconsistency; the possibility of evaluation; questioning; opportunity to express your point of view. The design of dialogic communication involves setting the openness of the positions of its participants. If the teacher does not take an open position, the dialogue is broken and is artificial, there is a discrepancy between the form and the internal content of communication.

    discussion ( lat. discusso - research, consideration, analysis) is such a public dispute, the purpose of which is to clarify and compare different points of view, search, identify the true opinion, find the right solution to the controversial issue. The discussion is considered effective way beliefs, as its participants themselves come to a particular conclusion.

    A discussion in the pedagogical process is an exchange of views on issues in accordance with more or less certain rules of conduct and with the participation of all or only some of those present at the lesson. In a mass discussion, all members, with the exception of the teacher, are in an equal position. No special speakers are singled out here, and everyone is present not only as listeners. A special issue is discussed in a certain order, usually in accordance with a strict or somewhat modified lesson schedule, which is determined by the teacher.

    A group discussion consists in discussing issues with a dedicated group in front of an audience. Like any form of discussion in front of an audience, it presents a dispute. The purpose of the group discussion is present a possible solution to a problem or discuss opposing points of view on controversial issues. But usually it does not resolve the dispute and does not persuade the audience to any uniformity of action. In a group discussion, from 3 to 8 members take part, not counting the chairman. Its version - dialogue - includes only two participants. Participants must be well prepared, have notes with them with statistical and other necessary data. They should discuss issues in a casual, lively manner, asking questions and making brief remarks.

    A polylogue is an exchange of views on a particular topic, where each participant expresses his point of view. Participants in the conversation ask each other questions to find out the point of view of the interlocutor or to clarify incomprehensible points in the discussion. This form of communication is especially effective if there is a need to clarify any issue, highlight the problem.

    In the practice of the work of educational institutions, relatively isolated, differing in a number of characteristics types of education have developed. Type of training - this is a generalized characteristic of learning systems that establishes the features of teaching and learning activities; the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students in the learning process; functions of the means, methods and forms of teaching used.

    The types of training are: explanatory and illustrative, dogmatic, problematic, programmed, developing, heuristic, personality-oriented, computer, modular, remote, interdisciplinary, etc.

    1. Explanatory-illustrative (traditional, informing, ordinary) learning is a type of learning in which the teacher, as a rule, conveys information to ready-made through verbal explanation with the involvement of visibility; learners perceive and reproduce it.

    2. Dogmatic education - a type of education built on the acceptance of information without evidence on faith.

    3. Problem-based learning is a type of learning in which, under the guidance of the teacher, an independent search activity of students is organized according to the decision educational problems during which they form new knowledge, skills and abilities, develop abilities, activity, curiosity, erudition, creative thinking and other personally significant qualities.

    4. Developing education - a type of education that ensures the optimal development of students. The leading role belongs to theoretical knowledge, learning is built at a fast pace and at a high level, the learning process proceeds consciously, purposefully and systematically, learning success is achieved by all students.

    5. Heuristic learning is a type of learning based on the basic principles of problem-based and developmental learning and assuming the success of a student's development through the construction and self-realization of a personal educational trajectory in a given educational space.

    6. Student-centered learning is a type of learning in which educational programs and the learning process are aimed at each student with their inherent cognitive characteristics. Computer training is a type of training based on the programming of teaching and learning activities, embodied in a control and training program for a computer, which makes it possible to ensure the strengthening of individualization, personification of the process, learning through optimal feedback on the quality of assimilation of the content of education .

    7. Modular education - a type of education that gives multifunctionality to the minimum didactic unit of educational information - a module that provides a holistic assimilation of the content of education.

    8. Distance learning - a type of learning that allows you to achieve the goals of learning with minimal time spent on mastering the content of education and the maximum amount of individual, independent work in the conditions of informatization of the educational process.

    9. Interdisciplinary learning is a type of learning based on the study of integrated academic subjects built on the implementation of interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections in related fields of knowledge.

    test questions

    1) What is the difference between complex forms of education and compound ones?

    2) What is the essence of the form of education?

    3) Name the types of training.

    4) What is the purpose of the group discussion?

    8.6. Fundamentals of teaching methods of legal disciplines

    Methodology for conducting classes in educational institutions primary and secondary professional legal education

    Legal science (jurisprudence, jurisprudence) is a social science that studies law as a special system of social norms, legal forms of organization and activities of the state, political systems of society as a whole 123 . Legal disciplines that study jurisprudence, jurisprudence and law enforcement are among the humanities. This means that it is legitimate to consider the methodology of their teaching from the standpoint of teaching humanitarian subjects in the system of professional education of lawyers, taking into account the status of an educational institution that provides primary, secondary or higher legal education, and the specific features of the training of certain categories of specialists. In educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, the main form of education in the pedagogical process is lesson, varieties and methods of which are presented in table. 8.9.

    Table 8.9 Varieties of the lesson and methods for conducting it

    For teachers of training centers (lyceums) and secondary vocational educational institutions, the following are of interest: lecture lessons, lessons for solving “key problems”, consulting lessons and test lessons.

    For teachers of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, it may be acceptable system of modular construction of lessons on the topic, lessons-explanations of new material; lessons-seminars with in-depth study of educational material in the process of independent work of students; lessons of laboratory and practical classes (workshops); lessons in performing exercises (problem solving); lessons-tests on the topic; lessons for the defense of creative tasks prepared individually and collectively 124 .

    Technology of preparing a teacher for a lesson subdivided into preliminary and immediate. Preliminary preparation includes: analysis of the requirements for the qualification characteristics of a specialist - a graduate of an educational institution - general and subject, which determines the requirements for the discipline being taught; detailed study of the content of the curriculum of their subject and related disciplines; study of special, pedagogical, psychological and methodical literature; studying the advanced pedagogical experience of other teachers; methodological work on the preparation of various organizational and methodological documents and the necessary teaching materials for the teacher and students; development of reference notes, various visual aids and other didactic materials; mastering the technique of using technical means in the classroom. At direct preparation teacher to the lesson: teaching materials on the topic of the lesson are being studied ( methodological developments and etc.); the literature recommended to students is studied in detail; handouts for the lesson, visual aids, technical means and didactic materials for them are being prepared or selected from the funds of the cycle; film and video films are ordered in special units; the lesson plan and methodological recommendations for teachers prepared by colleagues in the cycle are studied, or their own version of the work plan is drawn up.

    Lesson methodology may have variations, but the most common frontal (group) technique- Organization of group work. Much attention is now being paid to the methodology of individualized learning. It is widely used in the lessons of consolidation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, lessons of programmed learning, etc. Individual form of educational work in the lesson provides for a high level of independence of students to master the educational material. The main teaching methods in this case are individual exercises in special classes, laboratories, simulators and training grounds, as well as independent work of students, cadets and trainees under the guidance of a teacher. In such classes, the teacher acts as a leader, partner and assistant to the students.

    The success of such classes largely depends on the quality of teaching materials prepared by teachers for students, as well as on the availability of required amount literature, regulations, various didactic manuals, and of course - from the methodological skills of teachers.

    With all forms of organizing the educational work of students, cadets and listeners in the classroom, it is important character is relativecommunication between teacher and students, as well as between the students themselves. It is good if these relationships are based on the ideas of collaborative pedagogy. A healthy socio-psychological climate in study groups and psychological compatibility between students in microgroups stimulate their cognitive activity and contribute to the achievement of the didactic goals of the lesson. The considered methodology for preparing and conducting lessons does not pretend to be complete. It can and should be improved in the daily work of teachers of educational institutions of primary and secondary professional legal education.

    Methodology for conducting classes in higher legal educational institutions

    To teach legal disciplines in educational institutions of higher professional education, teachers use a wider arsenal of forms and teaching methods.

    Lecture. This is the leading form of classes, as it lays the foundation for modern, scientific, theoretical, interconnected, fundamental knowledge that has educational value for students. It forms worldview views among students, cadets and listeners, instills love for the profession. A lecture in higher education plays the role of a "trunk of a tree", and all other forms of classes are its "branches".

    The functions of the lecture are: cognitive (teaching), developing, educational and organizing. Cognitive the function of the lecture is expressed in equipping students with knowledge of the fundamentals of science and determining scientifically based ways to solve practical problems and problems. Educational function consists primarily in the development of intelligence, professional thinking, the lecture should teach to think, think scientifically, systematically, in a modern way.

    Educational The function of a lecture is realized if its content is permeated with such material that affects not only the intellect of the students, but also their feelings and will. It ensures the education of a proper attitude to various phenomena of life and work. Lectures on legal and special disciplines should also be oriented towards professional education. The lecture has an educational effect if the authority of the teacher is high enough, and the attitude of the audience towards him, towards the discipline he teaches is respectful. Organizing The function primarily provides for managing the work of students both during the lecture and during self-study hours. These functions and some other features of the lecture develop diligence in students in their studies, and all taken together contributes to raising the level of education, training, upbringing and development of students, cadets and listeners.

    Modern didactics considers the lecture as a developing form of education with its varieties (Table 8.10).

    Table 8.10

    Types of lecture

    Lecture preparation includes: understanding the objectives of the lesson based on the requirements of the state educational standard and qualification characteristics; selection of the required amount of educational material; detailed study of the structure of the lecture; writing the text of the lassie; working out the text of the lecture and making it visual (the main thing - to highlight in one color, the binder, the background - in others); preparation of didactic materials for the lecture and the choice of technical means for their implementation; solution of other organizational issues; psychological mood of the teacher for lecturing.

    The lecture in its structure contains: introduction, main part and conclusion, each of which has its own organizational and methodological features.

    Seminar. This is a classic group form of training. It is used to discuss the most complex theoretical issues of the curriculum and ways to implement the acquired knowledge to solve applied problems. Therefore, the main didactic requirement for the seminar is that the educational questions (problems) submitted for discussion proceed from the needs of the scientific substantiation of practice and be reoriented from a system of knowledge to a system of actions. This allows you to activate students, develop their professional thinking and thereby implement the principle of linking learning with life, theory with practice.

    The seminar is outwardly a simple form of education, but in essence one of the most difficult, since it obliges the teacher to organize this lesson in such a way as to include students in an active thought process, interest them in the problem under discussion and involve them in the discussion. This requires the teacher to be able to conduct a study group, create live communication in it, provide an opportunity for everyone to speak out and exchange opinions. The questions discussed at the seminar do not repeat the lectures, but develop them and direct them to the practical plane.

    This approach to the seminar gives it, along with the functions inherent in the lecture, additionally search and control functions. The first allows students, cadets and listeners to develop not formal, but creative skills to search for ways and find reserves for improving practice on a scientific basis, and the second - to identify the level of assimilation of educational material. A methodically correctly conducted seminar teaches students, cadets and listeners to think creatively, reason, discuss, find truths, relying on scientific arguments, and publicly defend their point of view.

    The varieties of the seminary form of education are: a seminar-conversation (pro-seminar), a seminar - a detailed heuristic conversation, a thematic seminar, an abstract seminar, a seminar with a report, a workshop, an interdisciplinary seminar. Each type of seminar has its own organizational and methodological features.

    Conference - one of the forms of collective scientific and practical training in law schools. Organizationally, it is planned and carried out, as a rule, with teams of faculties, courses, and less often in study groups. Depending on the direction of the problems under consideration, conferences can have the following varieties: scientific (theoretical), scientific-practical, scientific-methodical.

    The main objectives of any conference are:

    Broad disclosure of the problem under discussion in theoretical, practical or methodological terms;

    Deepening knowledge and replenishing it with new scientific information or practical data;

    Defining Paths practical application knowledge, ensuring the connection of theory with practice;

    Familiarization of the conference participants with the results of research and experiments in the field of theory, methodology and practice;

    Solving the problems of vocational guidance and instilling in students a love for their future profession;

    Generalization and "; dissemination of advanced pedagogical and professional experience of the work of teachers and graduates of the university.

    All speakers at the conference - students, cadets and listeners - speak both on fixed topics (distributed among the students during its preparation) and in free discussion. Good results are obtained by inviting individual practitioners or scientists from other organizations to conferences. It justifies holding inter-departmental conferences if the problem under discussion is of a complex nature.

    The methodology for preparing the conference is similar to that inherent in seminars, only the scale is wider and it takes longer - 15-30 days.

    Workshops. Their goals are related to the formation of students' professional skills, abilities, habits, qualities and development of abilities.

    Currently, the following types of practical exercises are used:

    Classroom practical exercises;

    Practical classes in special classes, classrooms, laboratories;

    Practical exercises on simulators;

    Practical training at training grounds, in parks;

    Field practical exercises;

    Practical training in law enforcement agencies and other organizations;

    Professional training for the development of functional actions.

    During the practical exercises are actively used and methods of professional practical training:

    Analysis of law enforcement (or management) situations (APS, AUS);

    Solving office problems: speculatively, with the help of video tutorials, on personal computers;

    Work with documents and business papers (analysis of incoming and preparation of outgoing documents, working out certificates, reports, studying and conducting criminal cases, etc.);

    Practicum (group and individual) in law enforcement agencies and other organizations;

    Game method (working out by students of role-playing actions in simulated professional situations);

    The method of brain attack ("psychic assault") - a non-standard search for solutions in the event of atypical (stressful) situations;

    Algorithmic method (working out practical actions according to the algorithm - the scheme of the indicative basis of actions - OOD).

    The preparation of such classes is also divided into preliminary and immediate, and the structure of the conduction into introductory, main and final parts with features arising from the specifics and methodology of their conduct.

    A game. It differs from other forms of practical training in that it best reproduces the real professional environment and the activities of specialists in a complex of conditions and features (the nature of the activity is modeled).

    In the pedagogical process, the game is a specially organized interdependent activity of the teacher and students, in which operational theoretical knowledge is translated into a practical context. This is achieved by imitation in the educational process of various dynamic service, production and other professional (management) situations.

    All types of games that are used for the professional training of specialists in educational institutions are called educational and belong to the class simulation games. Even at the development stage, they lay down the combination of two models: simulation and game. The first one provides for the imitation of the subject content of the profession, and the second one for modeling the role (official) actions of specialists in the process of their professional work. According to the content, all educational games used in law schools are divided into:

    functional - provide imitation of the roles of employees;

    special(subject) - reveal the substantive aspects of the activities of specialists;

    complex(interdisciplinary) - in them both the imitation of roles and the study of the subject content of the case are equally important.

    Any game contributes not only practical training, but also the development of its participants, especially intelligence, professional thinking, its creative principles, resourcefulness, confidence in their abilities, quick orientation in the situation and its changes, etc. The game determines a specific professional type of communication of its participants, which is close to real, and develops professional sociability.

    Among educational simulation games, their varieties can be used: business, role-playing, operational, organizational and activity, innovative, pedagogical (training, educating and developing), etc. 125

    All professionally oriented games, regardless of their variety, are held game method with a demonstration of the actions of the parties playing. Here it acts as a complex method in which, in fact, three methods are integrated: analytical, expert (experimental) And staging method.

    Teachings. This is the largest and most complex form of practical professional training for cadets and students in departmental legal educational institutions. It is often viewed as a large professionally oriented game in which several departments (cycles) participate. It is usually applied at the final stage. vocational training specialists for:

    Consolidation of knowledge of various academic disciplines and their complex application in solving large-scale practical problems;

    Formation of students' complex skills and abilities in assessing a dynamically changing operational environment and making optimal decisions in non-standard situations;

    Development of cadets and students of professional and business qualities and their psychological preparation for skillful and active actions in extreme conditions.

    The exercises conducted in educational institutions of law enforcement agencies have the following varieties: integrated operational exercises (COU), command-staff and command exercises (KShUiKU), tactical exercises (TU), special tactical exercises (TSU). All types of exercises are conducted by the game method as bilateral.

    Technology for the development of educational and methodological materials for conducting cathedral games and inter-cathedral exercises focuses on the following requirements:

    Problems (tasks) must be significant for all participants in the game (exercises);

    We need to create two combined reality simulation models:

    but) imitation- provides for the creation of a situation related to the performance of some professional action and the solution of a problem;

    b) modeling of role (official) actions participants in the implementation of the planned action and problem solving.

    Taking into account these requirements, for each cathedral (inter-cathedral) game and exercise, a methodical development, in

    which should reflect three stages: preparatory, game and final, as well as the name of the topic, goals, intention, plan (scenario - see Table 8.11), initial information materials about the situation in the area (where the game is played, teaching), tasks, instructions for players and experts (intermediaries), the procedure and methodology for analysis and evaluation.

    Table 8.11

    8.7. Professional and pedagogical training of students in legal educational institutions 126

    Goals and objectives of professional and pedagogical training of lawyers

    The intensification of the pedagogical process in the system of legal educational institutions involves improving the quality and efficiency of training qualified specialists in primary, secondary and higher professional education. In the total set of professional education of students, cadets and listeners, a certain place is occupied by their professional and pedagogical training, the foundations of which are laid in the study of the academic discipline "Pedagogy" ("Legal Pedagogy"). It, being part of the general professional training of lawyers, aims to provide students with the arsenal of pedagogical knowledge that they should be able to use in their professional activities. The tasks of professional and pedagogical training of future lawyers are:

    Mastering the basics of pedagogical knowledge in the field of education and self-education, learning and learning, upbringing and self-education, development and self-development;

    Formation of students, cadets and trainees skills to identify pedagogical phenomena that are typical for their future law enforcement activities, to analyze, understand and evaluate them professionally;

    Formation of skills to solve pedagogical problems, take into account the pedagogical aspect of professional problems and use pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical actions and pedagogical techniques to solve them;

    Mastering pedagogical techniques and methods for studying the pedagogical characteristics of persons with whom lawyers will have to deal in solving their professional problems; pedagogical technique of communication, behavior and providing the interlocutors with the necessary pedagogical influence (legal, informational, educational, legal education) in communication and legal correction of their behavior;

    Increasing the general professional culture, personal need for continuous self-improvement, mastering the forms and methods of self-education, self-education, self-education and self-development.

    Improving the professional and pedagogical readiness of graduates of all legal educational institutions is capable of:

    To positively influence the practice of law enforcement personnel to strengthen law and order, as well as their authority among the population;

    Pedagogize the public environment, make a significant contribution to legal education and education of the population, form people's positive attitude towards law enforcement agencies and the need to assist them;

    To improve the quality of recruitment to law enforcement agencies through pedagogical selection, a correct assessment of the actual education, training, good manners and development of applicants;

    Pedagogically competently conduct work with the public, involve it in the protection of public order and increase the level of legal awareness and education of citizens;

    Skillfully organize interaction with state and non-state organizations, with the media, promote their legal culture in the work and education of the population;

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  • Among the many sciences that exist in our society, pedagogical sciences play a special role, defining the humane mission of mankind - to pass on to their descendants all the baggage of knowledge that will allow them to create, change the world around them, live in peace and harmony.

    While educating and teaching those who own the future, our ancestors tried to find numerous patterns of how to do it better.

    Alas, it was not immediately possible to understand: what should be taught to our children? Why study at all? and how to teach them? The Methods tried to give answers to all the difficulties of the questions posed, the main task of which, according to experts, was to find, describe and evaluate teaching methods that would be very successful and achieve good results. The subject of any methodology has always been the pedagogical process of learning, which, as we know, includes both the activities of the teacher and the work of students in mastering new knowledge.

    The word “methodology” has deep historical roots and literally means “method of cognition”, answering the question: “How will I cognize this or that area of ​​life, society, people’s relations with each other?”

    We are interested in the methodology of teaching law - one of the most mysterious and enigmatic areas of human life. Law, as a result of the mental activity of people, being associated with their consciousness, nevertheless still remains a very difficult substance for knowledge. In science, there is not even a single definition of this concept.

    The formation over the years of certain concepts in the field of legal education and upbringing of the younger generation, as well as a system of methodological techniques with which certain goals of legal education were achieved, made it possible to state the fact of the birth of a relatively young field of knowledge - Methods of teaching law. So called the pedagogical science of tasks, content. methods of teaching law. It is well known that the system of sciences can be conditionally divided into natural, social and technical sciences. Since jurisprudence belongs specifically to the category of social sciences, the knowledge of how to better study the legal reality and pass on to their descendants the skills of legal regulation of social relations in order to achieve a happy and organized society can be classified as such sciences.

    The methodology of teaching law has as its subject a set of methodological techniques, means of teaching law, the formation of skills and behavior in the legal sphere. This is a scientific discipline that selects legal material for the school subject "Law" and develops, on the basis of general didactic theory, methodological tools for the formation of a legal culture in society. The methodology of teaching law allows you to improve the educational process. Using its achievements, a professional teacher can avoid mistakes, prepare truly literate, educated people who will take their rightful place in public life. It is no secret that today it is legal knowledge that allows you to successfully conduct business, actively participate in the political life of the country, or simply have a good income. The main tasks of the science mentioned above are: - selection of educational legal material and the formation of special legal courses for the education system, -

    creation of special legal training programs, textbooks and methodological aids, -

    selection of teaching aids, determination of a system of methodological techniques and organizational forms of teaching law, as well as teaching a law course, -

    continuous improvement of methods of teaching law, taking into account the effectiveness of the application of existing ones.

    The methodology of teaching law is a very dynamic science, which

    is due not only to the fact that the legislation is changing, which must be considered differently, new norms of law and models of people's behavior appear, but also to the fact that the approaches of scientists to the organization of legal education, which provides for the formation of a legal culture of society, are changing. Let us designate the main functions of such a science: 1.

    Practical and organizational. It allows you to give specific recommendations to teachers on building a competent system of legal education and upbringing in the state. For this purpose, the experience of legal education abroad and in our country is generalized and systematized, certain patterns are identified that have proved to be very effective in education and the formation of human legal literacy. 2.

    Worldview. This function ensures the formation of certain stable views of students on the issues of legal reality, understanding the value of law and its settings, and, consequently, the need to respect and comply with the laws of the state, the rights of the individual. 3.

    heuristic. It allows you to identify some gaps in the study of legal issues and, if necessary, fill them with new ideas for the transfer and understanding of legal life. 4.

    Prognostic. As part of solving the problems of legal education, the formation of a legal culture of the individual, this function allows foreseeing in advance the possible result of the learning process in the form of learning models and adjusting the ways to achieve them.

    As part of the methodology of teaching law, the issues of organizing specific training sessions in law, diagnosing the knowledge and skills of students, as well as the scientific organization of the work of a teacher and a student are considered. Any professional in this field should learn how to create their own method of legal education (even if it will not be of an author's nature and will be formed on the basis of existing approaches to teaching law, with special differences, in relation to a specific audience of students). It is well known that nothing unique can be repeated, which means that there is no point in blindly borrowing someone else's experience accumulated over the years and generalized by science. In this regard, a law teacher must learn to creatively comprehend the proposed options for legal education.

    Any training directly depends on goal-setting, i.e., the definition of goals, which, as a rule, come from the state (or are fixed by its power) and are shaped by the needs of social development. The goal is a mental representation of the final result of pedagogical activity, and therefore it determines the necessary actions of the teacher to achieve it. The teacher, who organizes the cognitive activity of students, forms a specific goal in the unity of its three components: -

    learning (we are talking about the assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities); -

    education (formation of personal qualities, worldview); -

    development (improvement of abilities, mental strength, etc.).

    Allocate general goals and specific (operational). The latter are connected with the organization of individual events, lessons. In 2001-02 work was carried out to clarify the general goals of legal education in our country. The new state regulations (Concepts of civics, social sciences and legal education, the basic curriculum, instructive letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation) determine the importance of educating a person with a high level of legal culture, who is well aware of his rights, duties and respects the rights of other people, tolerant in communication, democratically and humanely minded in resolving legal conflicts. The goals of legal education can also include: -

    raising the level of the legal culture of society; -

    education of a citizen who is able to defend and protect his own and others' legitimate interests, the formation of his active citizenship; -

    formation of skills of lawful behavior, respect for the laws of the country and international law; -

    formation of intolerance to violence, wars, crimes; -

    the study of national and democratic traditions and values, on the basis of which the law is improved or its new attitudes are formed, and so on. Modern integration of Russia into the world community

    allowed to pay special attention to the rules of international law and those democratic gains that people managed to defend in the fight against lawlessness, evil and violence.

    The content of teaching law at school is presented in the form of a module (part) of the State Standard of Knowledge in the educational field "Social Science" (this document states that it is imperative that someone who studies law at school or otherwise receives secondary education must know how to check, diagnose the learning process so that the preparation of schoolchildren is carried out qualitatively), and is also expressed in programs, textbooks.1

    The methodology of teaching law studies the methods of activity in the field of legal education - methods that can be very diverse, but all of them allow you to understand how to teach a modern student the law, how to develop his abilities, form general educational skills and abilities. Specialists identify forms of teaching law: group, individual, and so on. The methodology of teaching law has also created its own approaches to understanding the types of lessons (for example, introductory or repetitive - summarizing), the means of educational work (workbooks, readers, videos, etc. - that is, what helps the learning process and provides it).

    The methodology of teaching law is based on the cognitive abilities of children, the characteristics of their age, physiological characteristics of the body. In this regard, teaching law in elementary school will differ markedly from the same process in high school.

    The effectiveness of legal education is also judged by the achieved level of knowledge and skills of students, and therefore in the field of teaching methods, law, a whole mechanism for diagnosing the quality of education has been developed.

    The methodology of teaching law as a science is constantly being improved. There are new approaches of scientists to the learning process, things that are not effective in the practice of work are becoming a thing of the past.

    At the heart of any science, as a rule, there is a whole system of principles - initial principles, on which depends how this science will develop further, what it can give us today.

    The modern method of teaching law is based on the following principles: -

    variability and alternativeness of models of legal education - this means that there are many different approaches in the field of teaching law and they really exist in practice (this is due to the lack of a single, strictly mandatory system of legal education: different regions have developed their own traditions and features of legal education, which , of course, are based on the requirements of the state standard of knowledge); -

    a student-centered approach that ensures the individualization and differentiation of teaching law (work with each student, based on his level of abilities, the ability to perceive legal material, which allows for the development and training of everyone who is included in the educational process); -

    the maximum system for activating the cognitive activity of students based on their social experience (schoolchildren must learn to acquire knowledge on their own, actively participate in educational activities, and not be passive contemplators of what is happening, forcibly following the “instructions” of adults and teachers. In order for legal concepts to be better remembered and were clear, it is recommended to diversify the theoretical provisions of science with examples of real life in which the student is a participant - this is how his social experience is taken into account); -

    education based on positive emotional experiences of the subjects of the learning process in the mode of dialogue cooperation "teacher-student" (legal training can be successful only at the level of mutually agreed, kind, respectful attitude of the teacher and students to each other); -

    building a professionally competent and proven vertical of legal education, which is multi-stage in nature (training in law in kindergarten, school, university). This means that legal education should be phased: starting in early childhood, it continues to the senior level at school, naturally, not limited to this; -

    the introduction of a research component into the system of mutually agreed actions of a teacher and a student (in the process of teaching law, a teacher, together with his pupil, learns law, “discovering” new mechanisms of its action, systematizing, generalizing legal phenomena); -

    use of modern methods of legal education, including telecommunication technologies, distance legal education and work on the Internet. New electronic law textbooks, multimedia programs require a different teaching methodology. The importance of students' independent work is growing.2 The traditional principles of teaching are taken into account: accessibility and feasibility; scientific character and taking into account the age, individual capabilities of students; systematic and consistent; strength; links between theory and practice; education in education.

    It is worth agreeing that the methodology of teaching law is not only a science, but also a whole art, since no theoretical research or practical recommendations will ever replace the variety of methodological techniques that are born spontaneously and empirically among teachers. Nevertheless, it has been proven that the most productive experience is created precisely on the basis of scientific knowledge, and not contrary to it.

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