• Photos before and after plastic surgery of Russian, foreign, Hollywood, show business, pop stars. Successful and unsuccessful operations. Plastic surgery of stars: photos before and after The most notable plastic surgery


    A selection of photos of stars who made unsuccessful facial plastic surgery.

    In pursuit of beauty and youth, some are ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery in our time will not surprise anyone. Many women, not only stars and celebrities, resort to various procedures to rejuvenate their appearance.

    Important: Many have benefited from plastic surgery. However, among the stars there are many who have become victims of plastic surgeons. Below is a selection of photos that will make you wonder if such beauty is worth such sacrifices.

    Valery Leontiev

    A popular artist in his almost 70 years old is active, cheerful and the same workaholic as in his youth. Valery Leontiev achieved success thanks to his talent and great diligence.

    The singer does not want to grow old, like most people, he does not intend to put up with an aging face in the mirror. He repeatedly resorted to blepharoplasty, injected Botox, and did a lift. Changes in the appearance of the singer are obvious.

    Valery Leontiev looks after his appearance

    The latest pictures of Valery Leontiev caused a storm of comments from fans and fans. Many noted that the singer became like a woman. His cheekbones acquired relief and sharp sharpness, his lips became much plumper, and his skin tightened. Probably, the singer removed Bish's lumps - fatty deposits in the cheeks. This procedure is now very popular among celebrities.

    Changes in the appearance of Valery Leontiev

    The artist also does not forget to take care of his teeth. When the artist smiles, even veneers can be seen.

    So Valery Leontiev looked in his youth. The only thing the singer does not want to part with is his luxurious hair. Thanks to which the singer can be recognized even now.

    Valery Leontiev in his youth

    Vera Alentova

    Important: The Soviet actress, who is known to many for her role in the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", also suffered from the hands of a plastic surgeon.

    Like most women, Vera Alentova did not want to grow old. But she did a facelift back in the distant 90s. The first manipulations with appearance were quite successful. The actress looked fresh and young.

    Vera Alentova in her youth

    But the last operation literally distorted the appearance of the legendary actress.

    Asymmetry of the face, distortion of facial expressions, scars - this is what the result of plastic surgery turned out to be. Vera Alentova was going to sue the clinic, but nothing is known about this case.

    Unsuccessful plastic surgery of Vera Alentova

    This is what Vera Alentova looks like now

    Masha Malinovskaya

    The Russian TV presenter is known to many as a lover to experiment with her appearance. Unfortunately, some experiments cannot be called successful.

    Important: Before plastic surgery, Masha Malinovskaya looked pretty pretty and attractive. The pursuit of fashion, children's complexes or the desire to become even more beautiful, it is not known what prompted the TV presenter to take such a step.

    Malinovskaya: before and after photos

    After cheiloplasty, surgery to excise the skin over upper lip, Masha Malinovskaya's lip took on the appearance of a "hare lip". After some time, the star made another operation, which corrected the error.

    Unsuccessful plastic Masha Malinovskaya

    It is also known that Masha Malinovskaya sued a plastic surgeon who made her breasts of different sizes.

    The girl's nose did not remain unchanged. The nose experiment went well.

    TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya


    The former member of the Star Factory at the time of participation in the show looked quite innocent and sweet. But the desire to follow fashion did not bypass this girl. Alexa has not performed on stage for a long time, but maintains her own microblog. The girl shared a photo with her subscribers, noting that the result of lip correction is cute and natural.

    Subscribers felt that such lips cannot be called cute and natural. On the contrary, Alexa's appearance became repulsive.

    Alexa now

    This is what Alexa looked like before her lip augmentation.

    Alexa before

    In pursuit of perfection, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    Sergey Zverev

    Important: Sergey Zverev is a shocking, bright personality. In addition, he has a good sense of humor. The star speaks openly about her positive attitude towards plastic surgery. He himself did the operation several times.

    However, it is visible to the naked eye. Before plastic surgery, Sergei Zverev looked courageous and ordinary. Comparing the results before and after, you will never say that this is the same person.

    Sergei Zverev before he became a star

    Sergey Zverev made the first operation as a result of a car accident. Then he decided to perform a series of operations to improve his appearance.

    It is not difficult to guess what kind of plastic surgery Sergei Zverev resorted to:

    • Cheiloplasty
    • Cheekbone correction
    • Rhinoplasty
    • Chin change

    Sergey Zverev

    The appearance of Sergei Zverev made his image in show business unforgettable, brought him success and fame. Without an unusual appearance, it is difficult to imagine a star. However, it should not be denied that the stylist became a victim of plastic surgery. Although he himself does not think so and advises everyone to change their appearance if something does not suit them.

    This is how the appearance of Sergei Zverev changed

    Lyubov Uspenskaya

    Important: The "Queen of Chanson" looks younger and younger every year.

    This is how Lyubov Uspenskaya looked in her childhood and youth.

    Lyubov Uspenskaya in childhood and youth

    Age, of course, makes its own adjustments to any appearance. For a while, Lyubov Uspenskaya looked like this.

    Lyubov Uspenskaya

    In her microblog, the singer published her photo, for which fans criticized her. Fans called the singer unnaturally young, "a woman without age." Some even find the singer's appearance similar to that of Michael Jackson.

    Lyubov Uspenskaya does not respond to malicious comments, but considers herself kind and sexy. The singer noted that evil people grow old early and advised to take an example from myself.

    Lyubov Uspenskaya looks 25 years old

    Sasha Project

    In the early 2000s, Sasha Project was bathed in fame. The singer was popular and beautiful. However, then Sasha disappeared from sight.

    Sasha Project before and after plastic surgery

    It turned out that the girl was in a very unpleasant situation. For many years she fought for her own health and tried to restore her appearance, disfigured by a plastic surgeon.

    Important: Sasha spoke publicly about the unsuccessful plastic surgery. Later, many more operations were needed to correct the errors. The singer sued the plastic surgeon and won. The court ruled in favor of Sasha Project, the surgeon was obliged to pay her 2 million rubles.

    But money is not the main thing in this story. After all, Sasha's life hung in the balance from the tragedy.

    Horrible experiment Sasha Project

    Initially, the singer went to the clinic to correct the nasal septum. However, the girl was offered a series of manipulations that were supposed to make the girl look like Angelina Jolie.

    The singer warns girls against such experiments with appearance.

    Sasha Project regrets plastic

    Olga Spirkina

    Important: Actress Olga Spirkina, in pursuit of beauty and youth, regretted her decision. The actress resorted to the “golden threads” procedure. Thanks to this procedure, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and toned.

    However, after the procedure, the face of the actress acquired a constantly smiling look. The cheekbones crept up, and with them the corners of the mouth. It seemed that the actress either wants to sneeze or constantly smiles.

    Spirkina before and after plastic surgery

    As a result, there was another operation that was supposed to remove the "golden threads". But a bad result is harder to fix.

    The actress sued and sued 150 thousand rubles. This amount is much less than the one that the star spent on restoring her appearance.

    The actress no longer decides on facial plastic surgery and does not advise others to do so.

    Olga Spirkina

    Julia Volkova

    The famous duo "Tatu" broke up a long time ago. Many remember the members of the group as they were at the time of the group's popularity.

    However, time and plastic surgery change the stars beyond recognition.

    In the photo you can see how much Julia Volkova has changed. Short hair, sweet face, natural features used to be in this girl.

    Yulia Volkova before and after plastic surgery

    Now you can see that the singer's lips have taken the form of a "duck", the singer has also increased her breasts. The singer also changed the shape of her eyebrows, which many did not like.

    Yulia Volkova changed the shape of her eyebrows

    Fans note that Julia's appearance has changed a lot for the worse. The singer did not do operations that would change her appearance dramatically. However, those procedures that were, it was enough to add a dozen years to the appearance of the singer.

    Against the background of her colleague, the second member of the ex-group Tatu looks fresh and young.

    Yulia Volkova: ex-member of the Tatu group

    Julia Nachalova

    Important: The singer Yulia Nachalova has a gorgeous appearance. But after the birth of a child, like most women, the singer's chest suffered a change for the worse. Then she decided on mammoplasty.

    The singer has increased her breasts to the fourth size. However, she realized that she did not like the result. She wanted her old breasts. The singer said that she felt psychological problems.

    But another operation to remove the implants was not so successful. Infection began in the body, an infection got. Doctors did everything possible to save the singer. And they succeeded.

    Yulia Nachalova blames herself for what happened and does not want to repeat such a bitter experience.

    Yulia Nachalova: photos before and after plastic surgery

    Jacqueline Stallone

    Mother famous actor Sylvester Stallone is rightfully considered a long-liver. The woman is approaching 100 years old, but she is still active and cheerful.

    Important: Jacqueline Stallone did not succeed in aging beautifully. This is due to the many plastic surgeries that simply disfigured the woman. Perhaps without them, the mother of the legendary actor would have looked much better.

    The woman in her youth was quite beautiful, this can be seen in the photo below.

    Jacqueline Stallone in his youth

    But she did not want to grow old and wrinkle. This brought her to the table of a plastic surgeon. Like many women, Jackie Stallone did not stop at one operation. Actually, the result surgical intervention on the face.

    The result of plastic surgery Jacqueline Stallone

    Jacqueline Stallone is called a walking victim of plastic surgery. The woman understands that she did not get the result she wanted. She once said of herself that she looked like a chipmunk with a mouth full of nuts.

    However, the woman is strong in spirit, goes in for sports and is not going to stop there.

    Jacqueline Stallone before and after

    Natalia Andreichenko

    Important: The Soviet actress Natalya Andreichenko had a special charm in her youth. Her face was sweet, romantic, tender. The image of the nanny from the movie "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" perfect for this actress.

    Natalia Andreichenko in her youth

    The actress considered it necessary to get rid of the first signs of aging. Contouring lips and nasolabial folds changed the tender face beyond recognition. It cannot be said that the actress has retained her former charm after plastic surgery.

    On a puffy face, too voluminous lips attract attention. The face of the actress is toned, but it cannot be said that it is very attractive.

    Natalya Andreichenko: photo before and field of plastic surgery

    Natalya Andreichenko follows her diet, leads a healthy lifestyle and strives to look young. She does not condemn women who resort to plastic surgery. The actress refers to the desire of a woman to always remain beautiful philosophically.

    Actress Natalya Andreichenko

    Priscilla Presley

    Important: Elvis Presley's beloved and only wife looked like a doll in her youth. The woman resorted to injections and various procedures when she realized that youth was leaving.

    Priscilla Presley in her youth

    Until a certain time, the procedures on the face of Priscilla Presley were not so clearly visible. Just a woman seemed well-groomed and beautiful. However, the moment came when the plastic turned out to be fatal. At the hands of the surgeon who operated on Priscilla, many stars suffered. Even his name is known and the fact that the surgeon is prohibited from operating in the United States.

    The appearance of Priscilla Presley is often discussed. Her face looks unnatural. It seems that a woman cannot even smile, the skin is so stretched. In one of the interviews, the woman admitted that she had to make a lot of efforts to correct the mistakes of an unsuccessful facial plastic surgery.

    However, a bad experience did not stop Priscilla Presley. She regularly resorts to cosmetic services and injections.

    Priscilla Presley after plastic surgery

    Elena Korikova

    Important: "Poor Nastya" - the actress Elena Korikova is associated with this way. The role in this series forever strengthened the image of an innocent, sweet girl in the actress.

    Elena Korikova has always been credited with various manipulations with her own body. However, the actress did not comment on this topic. According to her, a healthy sleep helped her to keep her youth.

    It was rumored that Korikova enlarged her breasts, one of the first in the domestic show business resorted to liposuction, did lip plastic surgery.

    For a long time, the actress does not act in films, she is rarely seen on the screen. However, the pictures now and then get into the network. On the recent photos actresses are seen strong changes in appearance.

    Elena Korikova

    The face of the actress became more puffy, bags appeared under the eyes, the shape of the lips changed.

    The sweet face of the actress has become like a lot of faces redrawn with plastic.

    Elena Korikova: before and after plastic surgery

    Oksana Pushkina

    The famous Russian TV presenter also decided on rejuvenation. However, instead of getting rid of wrinkles, the face began to look much worse. An unscrupulous cosmetologist injected the wrong drug under the skin of a TV presenter, as a result, her face became covered with bumps.

    Important: The TV presenter did not remain silent and openly spoke about how she suffered at the hands of an unscrupulous cosmetologist. who was prosecuted.

    So the TV presenter looked before plastic surgery.

    Oksana Pushkina before plastic surgery

    And then it started looking like this.

    Oksana Pushkina after plastic surgery

    Oksana Samoilova

    Important: The wife of a famous rapper, business woman and mother of three children constantly stirs up the interest of subscribers with her new photos. Many subscribers reproach Oksana Samoilova for the fact that the girl goes too far with procedures to preserve youth and beauty.

    In this case, we are not even talking about preserving the outgoing youth, but about the fact that the girl completely changed her appearance. If you look at the photos of Oksana in her youth and compare them with the current photos, it is clear that there is almost no commonality left. The photo looks like 2 different people.

    How Oksana Samoilova's appearance changed

    The rapper's wife does not pretend and frankly tells her subscribers that she sees nothing wrong with creating herself the way she likes. The girl not only changes her face, she is actively involved in sports. After three births, she quickly got into shape and has a model appearance.

    Oksana Samoilova

    Mickey Rourke

    Boxer Mickey Rourke in his youth was distinguished by his attractive appearance and was handsome. The boxer did his first operations to restore his appearance due to the fact that as a result of boxing, his face lost its former attractiveness. In addition, the actor and boxer understood that aging is forbidden in Hollywood.

    Mickey Rourke before

    If he knew what the result would be in the end, who knows if he would have done these plastic surgeries. With each new operation, Mickey Rourke's face acquired more and more ugly features. The boxer hoped to correct previous mistakes and each time went under the knife anew.

    Unsuccessful plastic Mickey Rourke

    However, the plastic did not benefit the star, and he was included in the list of victims of plastic surgery.

    Mickey Rourke: before and after plastic surgery

    Melanie Griffith

    At one time, Melanie Griffith was considered the sex symbol of Hollywood. But, unfortunately, recently she has been included in the lists of victims of plastic surgery. This is due to numerous unsuccessful experiments to preserve beauty.

    Melanie Griffith in her youth

    The lips of the actress look unnatural, however, there are many of them now. Correction of the nose, lips, facelift - how many procedures were on the face of Melanie Griffith, probably, she herself will not say.

    Her ex-husband Antonio Banderas spoke categorically about his wife's addiction to plastic surgery. The couple could not save the marriage.

    Important: Melanie Griffith does not stop there, she still does plastic surgery. But, unfortunately, he looks older than his age.

    Melanie Griffith: before and after plastic surgery

    Donatella Versace

    Important: Donatella Versace is a vivid example of how you can become a victim of plastic surgery even with a lot of money.

    Once upon a time, Donatella Versace had an ordinary appearance. Not to say that she was beautiful, but her appearance was not repulsive.

    Donatella Versace before plastic surgery

    In 1997, after the death of her brother, Donatella headed the Versace fashion house. And then began her experiments with appearance. Like many celebrities, the fashion designer could not stop at one operation. The result was what happened.

    This is how the appearance of the famous designer changed

    Donatella Versace realizes that she has become a victim of plastic surgery. In one of the interviews, she admitted that only with age did she realize that true beauty inside, not outside. The fashion designer said she was first and foremost a woman and a mother, not a Barbie doll.

    Looking at the photo of the fashion designer in her youth, it's hard to believe that she could have been so transformed.

    Donatella Versace now

    Jocelyn Wildenstein

    Important: "Catwoman", "Bride of Frankenstein" - as soon as they do not call the American socialite.

    Of course, Jocelyn Wildenstein wasn't always like this. In the photo below you can see a woman before and after.

    Jocelyn Wildenstein - a victim of plastic surgery

    By the way, a woman is satisfied with her appearance. In some interviews, she claimed that she did not resort to plastic surgery at all. According to another version, Jocelyn Wildenstein decided to please ex-husband who loved lions. She decided to make a cat eye cut, but something went wrong.

    Jocelyn Wildenstein

    The woman is addicted to plastic surgery, like a drug. According to rumors, she lowered over $ 4 million on this. However, her appearance is not a hindrance to personal happiness. Jocelyn has been in a relationship with designer Lloyd Klein for a long time, who is 27 years younger than her.

    Jocelyn Wildenstein with her lover

    Instead of a beautiful and young face, a slender body and appetizing forms, you can get the opposite effect. Unfortunately, not always the mistakes of a plastic surgeon can be corrected, and the cost of a mistake can be too high.

    Video: Victims of plastic surgery

    It is especially important for public people to look their best. In an effort to achieve the perfect appearance, many people do cosmetic surgery. But, like ordinary people, interventions in natural beauty do not always end successfully.

    Celebrities only look worse after specialized medical surgery, and large sums of money invested and the work of plastic surgeons leads to terrible results. Whom did such procedures go only to harm?

    World stars with unsuccessful plastic surgery

    Fame in many countries at once cannot guarantee protection against unsuccessful experiments with appearance. There are some particularly striking examples of unsuccessful star plastics:

    Star victims of unsuccessful plastic surgery

    Failed Operations

    Among famous people, there are those whose appearance was spoiled by just one intervention of a surgeon. Nevertheless, it is for this reason that their names are widely known.

    Operations on the lips

    Sensual lips give the face youth and prettiness. This was the main reason for their increase in most stars:

    Failed lip surgeries


    Rhinoplasty can ruin a person's appearance even more than poorly executed breasts that can be hidden under clothes or lips that can be shaped with lipstick. There are examples of this:

    Operations on the face

    If only one part of the body looks bad, then this is not so serious. It is much worse when the whole face changes and does not acquire attractive outlines at all.

    Vera Alentova after the next lift, she developed asymmetry of the eyelids, curvature of the lip line, stretched nasolabial folds near the cheeks. As a result, her face began to look like a real mask.

    . She really wanted to be like a lioness, since her husband really liked such an animal. Ultimately, the woman's face became disfigured and completely unnatural.

    Priscilla Presley. The widow of the king of rock and roll has performed several facelift procedures, lip correction and rhinoplasty, as well as many other interventions on her face. As a result, she received a strong asymmetry throughout her face and a "Joker smile". A woman's facial expressions are very difficult.

    Igor Bogdanov. The Russian-born French TV presenter is known for performing a large number of surgeries. After them, he became like a real mannequin. Igor's protruding cheekbones have atrophied, his lips have swollen excessively, and his chin has grown.

    Ludmila Gurchenko. The actress underwent a large number of anti-aging procedures, due to which her eyes were difficult to close, facial expressions almost did not appear on her face due to highly constricted skin, and plump lips made her face look like it did not belong to the celebrity herself.

    Breast plastic surgery

    A badly operated bust is a real problem for women, so don't be surprised that there are celebrities on the list:

    1. Pamela Anderson. Her breasts are oversized but continue to grow through surgeries. This does not decorate Pamela at all, since she is not very tall. Over time, her own tissues in the décolleté area become thinner, and the implants protrude too much through the skin.
    2. Victoria Beckham. Her chest also looks too big against her small stature and thin figure. After the first operation, the implants were placed too low. And now they are moved so that they stick out like balloons.
    3. Yulia Nachalova. The singer herself stated that after the breast augmentation procedure, she was dissatisfied with the received big size. That is why she went again to the surgeon to remove the implants. They were eliminated, but during the second operation Yulia got a serious infection and almost died.
    4. Ivanka Trump. The daughter of the President of the United States could become a real example of correct plastic surgery, if not for the size of her breasts. She was given too large endoprostheses, and the upper body area became even larger. In addition, one breast of the girl is slightly larger than the second.
    5. Tara Reid. The actress, who played one of the roles in the movie "American Pie", did mammoplasty to eliminate severe asymmetry and ptosis. Ultimately, the areola in the chest became oval, the mammary glands acquired an unaesthetic appearance. The breast skin is uneven, and the edges of the implants protrude strongly.

    Defects in the appearance of Russian celebrities

    Among Russian stars problems with the appearance of individuals from different areas were noticed:

    Victims from Hollywood

    Difficulties after plastic surgery on the face and body have a bad effect on foreign stars:

    The opportunity to use the achievements of modern plastic surgery has not brought good results to all celebrities. Some of them lost their sense of proportion, the rest did not find a good and qualified specialist. But many stars, despite everything, continue to be the favorites of the public and are not upset because of unsuccessful changes.

    People resort to plastic surgery for various reasons. Some people are forced to resort to them because of injuries or birth defects - in this case, surgical intervention is justified. But many go under the knife for other purposes - in the hope of prolonging their youth, changing some parts of their body or face, eliminating imaginary flaws, creating a certain image, or simply becoming a different person. These reasons are unreasonable, and the result of such interference is deplorable. Let us consider in more detail examples of what people who did plastic surgery for these reasons came to.

    1. Plastic surgery as an attempt to escape old age.

    IN modern world full of aging beauties and handsome men seeking to prolong their youth by artificial means. Among them are both media personalities and ordinary people. It would seem that there is a natural and correct way to prolong youth - not to grow old in soul, lead a healthy lifestyle, constantly develop and do what you love. But here's the problem - this path is quite difficult, while there is an easier way to rejuvenate in a matter of days - plastic surgery of the face and body. Only this is a rather expensive method, and the result looks very unnatural, and therefore unattractive, not to mention unsuccessful cases of operations. So, here are illustrative examples of how people "transformed" after plastic surgery. Compare the before and after photos and decide for yourself if it's worth it.

    2. Plastic surgery to create a certain image.

    Plastic surgery is resorted to not only by those who dream of preserving youth, but also by those who simply want to change the appearance given to them by nature as they see fit. For some reason, they perceive their face and body as a field for experiments, or as a blank slate on which you can draw whatever you want, or like plasticine from which you can mold whatever you want. They find some strange self-expression in it. But the problem is that the face and body are not the kind of material from which you can endlessly fashion something. If a person does not succeed in drawing, he can erase it, paint over it, or simply throw it away by taking another sheet of paper. But this will not work with the body - it is one for a person for life. And any manipulations with him do not pass without a trace. Those who do not understand this are fools and will be severely punished by life for their stupidity.

    3. Changing individual parts of the face and body with the help of plastics and injections.

    Have you heard the expressions “More is not better” and “Perfect is the enemy of good”? Some didn't hear. When people with a fairly good appearance by nature begin to “improve” it, then, as a rule, nothing good comes of it. Especially if you do not see the measures in your zeal. The fashion for big breasts or big lips pushes women and girls to make various changes that they make to their bodies in order to meet the standards. However, more does not mean better. Doesn't mean at all. See for yourself:

    Based on the examples listed - and this is only a small part of such cases - we can conclude that people set themselves the wrong goals and achieve them in the wrong ways. They completely lack at least some understanding of the consequences of their actions and they create their own problems for themselves. They are catastrophically unintelligent.

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    Plastic surgery can be aesthetic or reconstructive. The former are done to improve the body or face and thus increase self-esteem. The latter are aimed at eliminating congenital or acquired defects in appearance. Operations for medical reasons are carried out with early age. For example, a cleft lip is corrected after 3 months.

    Until the child is 18 years old, each medical intervention is agreed with the parents (or guardians) and is supported by their signatures. If the child himself signs the documents, they are considered invalid.

    2. Recovery after surgery can take several months

    The recovery period depends on the specific operation and the health of the patient. After procedures that do not require strong intervention in the body (such as injections), a few days are enough. Rehabilitation after a facelift takes up to 30 days.

    After breast reduction surgery (it is done for men with disproportionately large breasts), recovery will take at least 1-2 weeks. Breast augmentation will take about 6 weeks to heal. At this time, you need to follow a special regimen (do not lift weights, do not drink alcohol, and so on), visit a doctor and do dressings, take painkillers and, at the end, remove the stitches.

    3. When choosing a specialist, the experience of a doctor, his portfolio, and not only are important

    A plastic surgeon must be a member of professional organizations and have the appropriate education and certification. An additional advantage is professional involvement. If a doctor participates in conferences or teaches, he is aware of the latest trends in his field. Experience in conducting a particular type of operation is important, as there is specialization here.

    Before agreeing on the operation, you need to ask the doctor to show the results of his work. Many clients do not want their photos to be published on the clinic's website or in printed publications, but it would be better if the doctor, respecting confidentiality, still shows the before and after photos. Pay attention to whether the doctor has photographs of patients taken after a year or more after the operation. Testimonials from other patients can help too.

    4. Plastic is covered with dozens of myths

    Many people believe that cosmetic surgery can be done in one go. In fact, many operations involve several sessions (eg mammoplasty, liposuction), as well as post-operative care, with the restriction of some daily activities. Visits to the doctor will also need to be done later.

    Another common misconception is that after liposuction, fat will no longer accumulate. Alas, it can return, only it will be deposited in other places. Some people think that sun exposure after surgery is harmful, but most operations do not require such restrictions, although sun exposure can be reduced in the first few days - this will allow the scars to heal faster.

    5. The surgeon can refuse the patient

    Yes, there may be several reasons for this: age under 18, the presence of diseases that may adversely affect the operation (for example, blood or heart disease). Many surgeons refuse patients if they have obviously high expectations: the doctor cannot “make” any desired part of the body from a photograph - he works with what nature has endowed you with. Therefore, let's say, it will not be possible to radically change the shape of the lips. The same applies to clients who are obsessed with the idea of ​​​​copying the appearance of a star.

    6. Sometimes after the operation you need to change your passport

    It depends on how serious changes have occurred with the person's appearance. There are cases when people were not able to go through passport control at the airport, because the officer did not recognize them in the photo in the passport. If the previous photo only remotely resembles your face, the document will have to be changed. If the appearance has not undergone major changes, the passport can be left.

    7. Plastic surgery will not get rid of excess weight quickly.

    The procedure, taking into account postoperative recovery, will require a long time. For the first 2-3 weeks, patients will experience pain, and bruising will remain on the body. Work, physical activities, childcare and household chores will need to be postponed for 4-6 weeks. Fully rehabilitation will end only after six months or a year.

    Then it will be possible to see the final result: until this time, the abdomen will swell, and the patient may experience numbness and stiffness in this part of the body. The scar at the level of the pubic bones will remain for life, although it will become less noticeable over time.

    8. The operation is fraught with complications

    Complications after surgery can vary. Hematomas occur in 1% of patients after operations on the chest and face. Seroma (accumulation of tissue fluid under the skin) occurs more frequently, especially in those who have had abdominal surgery. The liquid is quite easily removed by decanting through the syringe needle. Other common complications are infections and blood loss.

    During liposuction, the surgeon may touch the internal organs, which may require a separate operation to restore. Thromboembolism (or blockage of veins by a thrombus) occurs only in 0.09% of cases, and patients who choose tummy tuck are slightly more susceptible to it. The risk of blood clots is higher in those who have already undergone more than one operation. In addition to the actions of the doctor, the cause of complications may be improperly selected anesthesia.

    9. Cosmetic surgery is harmless, but there is always a risk.

    Surgery is always a risk. To protect yourself, you need to carefully choose a specialist who will perform the operation. But in addition to the qualifications of the doctor, what matters is how carefully and consistently the patient will carry out preliminary preparations and subsequent prescriptions.

    10. The operation requires a long preparation

    Any operation begins with a preliminary consultation, during which the doctor assesses the patient's state of health and sends him for tests. In addition, the surgeon adjusts the diet and lifestyle: before the operation, it is better to refrain from alcohol and smoking and limit the intake of certain drugs (in particular, aspirin and hormonal drugs). During the operation, it is better to abuse salty and spicy food, as it provokes swelling.

    11. Smoking and plastic surgery don't go together.

    Doctors recommend that patients stop using nicotine 2 weeks before the proposed operation: this applies not only to cigarettes, but also to nicotine patches, chewing gum and other products. The fact is that nicotine increases the risk of postoperative complications and slows down the healing process of wounds.

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    Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with the correction of appearance, plastic surgery has gone to the masses, and we have all heard about rhinoplasty (nose job), mammoplasty (breast job) and liposuction (removal of fat in a certain area of ​​the body).

    But plastic surgeons are always ready to offer their patients new types of appearance changes that correspond to all the latest fashion trends.

    website I learned what operations are gaining popularity and what else people are ready to go for to create the perfect image. At the end of the article you will find bonus, which will tell you what can be changed and what seemed impossible to change.

    1. Hair transplant

    Hair transplantation can be done not only on the face, but also on the whole body. For example, you can increase the hair growth on the chest and lower abdomen to create a more masculine look. And of course, surgeons have come to the rescue of those who cannot grow a fashionable beard.

    2. Implantation of muscles

    If you do not want to spend time in the gym, but the desire to look spectacular does not leave, then there is a surgical method. Of course, this will not add strength, but the look “as from the cover” is guaranteed.

    3. Move your own fat

    Surgeons have learned how to move a person's own fat through his body, and now silicone implants have faded into the background. This procedure allows you to move the pumped fat from unnecessary places to the right ones. In slender people, fat is taken on the inside of the knees, where almost everyone has small fat deposits.

    4. Creating dimples on the cheeks

    Now the dream of cute dimples can become a reality. But you need to understand that there is no way back - it is impossible to remove the dimples after they have formed. Therefore, as before any other intervention, you need to think very carefully.

    5. Changing the lines of fate

    For those who have everything according to Feng Shui and who meticulously examine the lines on their hands in an attempt to discern significant moments in their own lives, surgeons offer to stop hoping for fate and draw what you want. With the help of the surgical method, you can draw a new line of life, and all other lines that you want.

    6. Calf enlargement

    The fashion for sports calves has led to a new service in plastic surgery clinics. Silicone tabs will help to make your legs smoother and give the impression that you have never parted with sports.

    7. Navel

    If a woman has ceased to find visible (for herself) flaws in her own appearance, then just like that, she still will not stop. Surgeons know this and are happy to offer a procedure such as reshaping the navel to be perfect in every detail.

    8. Chest for a day

    The most insidious surgical intervention imaginable. A saline solution is injected into the chest, which increases it to 2 sizes, in about a day everything will return to normal.

    9. Toe shortening

    Women make any sacrifices for the sake of beauty and do not even want to hear about protruding bones, varicose veins and other horrors that can become a reality from spectacular heels. The surgeons decided to ease the suffering a little and offer to get comfortable insoles that will always be with you. To do this, injections of one's own fat are injected into the feet, or Botox can be injected into the soles to reduce sensitivity in order to walk for hours in heels and not get tired. And to make shoes with an open toe look perfect, you can shorten your fingers.

    10. Eye color change

    Lenses are no longer the only way to change eye color. The surgeon implants a silicone prosthesis in the color of your choice through a small incision in the cornea into the iris of the eye. The procedure can be repeated by replacing the implant with a new, different color.

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